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Dafadilia Wayfarer

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Posts posted by Dafadilia Wayfarer

  1. It's a typical morning at home in Bellisseria after getting the girls some breakfast and running a quick errand, Wednesday is having fun in her bouncer while Feli has started her school lessons. Our kittycats Andy and Joy are just being their normal kittycat selves napping and staring down anything in their path. We hope everyone has a pleasant Thursday ahead!

    Daffy Photo_006.png


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  2. I'm so excited. The heads are beautiful. I tried the demos and they are gorgeous!

    Finding the Catwa heads were the reason I finally went to to full mesh years ago (on my oldest account). It made the transition fun and easy. Less stressful. I've been a loyal customer ever since and it has certainly been worth it. All of the little extras through group gifts and what you get in the actual head package makes one's linden well spent. These heads are beautiful!

  3. The thing is, many don't read rules or covenants so really are ignorant of something they should be aware isn't allowed. Of course that doesn't make it right, but it also means that malicious intent wasn't behind every muck up. I message the person before I AR them. Some with orb issues don't know how to set up an orb properly so I offer my help, point out the LL orb (which is the most awesome thing ever because of how low LI, effective and easy it is to use) and gently suggest they read the Convenant in Belli. If this doesn't work, I AR the issue. 

    Sometimes someone just needs some help and the problem gets fixed by offering the help. However we deal with issues we come across, having patience is beneficial. 


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  4. Bellisseria is such a constant joy for our entire family. We love the beauty surrounding us anywhere we go. We love the many places to explore and the endless things we can all do as a family. We love the open waters and peaceful waves. We love being part of beautiful neighborhoods and so proud to be part of an incredible community. Mostly, my favorite part of Bellisseria is the peace I've found in our two family homes. I feel safe and relaxed. I'm simply happier because I get moments like below where I'm reminded every moment of everyday why I love being a wife and mummy! ❤️

    That is priceless for me!

    Daffy Photo_009.png

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