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Posts posted by Tamanni

  1. I get spam every single day from a gaming region that I have never visited. I've never heard of the place until I started receiving it, I never signed up for it, and I can't find a way to make it stop. It's in the form of a text message in local chat which appears to be from an object. I can't select it in chat to block it, I can't identify the owner, and when I try to visit the place where it comes from (as listed in my email), to find a subscriber machine that I can unsubscribe from, I do not have access. I have never used any gaming region and I have no desire to do so.

    I have tried IMing the land owner but without success. 

    Is there anything I can do or am I just stuck with it?

  2. Despite being a furry most of the time, yes I do; there are some aspects of me-now (short and fairly plump with greyish/light-brown hair) and of me when I was in my early 20s (punk/goth clothing style, hair often dyed red or partly-red). My avatar has the amount of tattoos I want in RL, not the amount I actually have. I'd have more in RL if they weren't so darned expensive. Personality-wise, I'm closer in SL to my 22-year-old self than my 50-something-year-old self. But I'm still "me", beneath the fur.



  3. Went exploring "Breath of Nature" at Serena Falls, and this flower meadow looked so inviting I just wanted to lie there in the sun and doze away the afternoon.



    Two things here picked up from today's Fifty-Linden-Friday sale; the hair from Exile and the top from Cynful.  

    • Like 28
  4. While I was making the shape for mine, I noticed some sliders that help to reduce that "dragged down" effect.

    Increased eye opening *

    Increased eye bags *

    Increased nose bridge width

    * I compensated for these by also increasing the upper eyelid fold a bit. However it did mean needing to switch out the rigged eyes for another pair of unrigged ones, so I could adjust the position of them down slightly. I still needed the eye skin fix that Maitimo made though. My skin is made for LAQ heads, not Catwa. You can see that it's dragging my eye makeup down too.

    Overall though, I was very pleased with how it turned out. It's a pretty head (can't see how it would work for guys though, unless it's for teens/boys/androgynous people who want a feminine face with a male mesh body).



    • Thanks 2
  5. I'm usually a furry these days but I picked up the free Catwa head just to try it, and fell completely in love with it. No duck-lips here.



    Thank you @Maitimo for the eye fix, it works perfectly.

    Random question: does anyone know why, when I take a raw snapshot using Firestorm, there is always a line of black pixels along the top edge of the image?  Is there a fix for this, besides Photoshop?


    • Like 24
  6. Since switching to being furry, I've run up against a problem. I am over 50 in RL, but all the furry clubs I've found seem to be populated with people at least 10 years younger than my kids, which means that we have next to nothing in common with one another. All they seem to talk about is anime and video-games, neither of which I know anything about. Do mature furries exist at all? If so, where can I find them? At the very least, I'd like to find a furry club that plays music I can stand, instead of endless rave and house. Are there any older furry rockers/punks out there, or am I unique? 

    Failing that, any friendly general rock/punk clubs that welcome furries and are active in local chat?

  7. I settled early on a punk/rock style, favouring leather and tartan, and sometimes more gothic style. With my body shape I don't look good in pants so I stick mostly with dresses and skirts.For hair I like mohawks, and Harlequin-style bunches.

    Another firm feature of my style is my body shape; short and plump, as I am in RL. I like to be different, and beung short and chubby is definitely different.

    A few days ago, I decided that I didn't want to be human. Because SL is a place where we can be anything, and why not be something else when you have the chance? I didn't specifically plan to be a furry, it just kind of happened that way. So now I am a wolf.

    However, I am keeping my punk/rock style and my body shape the same. Ironically, I have discovered that there's a whole subgenre of plump furries with enormous breasts, some of whom make mine look petite, so over in the furry community I am maybe not so different after all...

    • Like 2
  8. 51 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I have to say that I really liked the look you had developed for yourself as a human, both in terms of your avatar and your style.

    However, your father and I have talked this through, and we both want you to know that we love you, and are completely supportive of you, whatever direction you might choose for yourself.

    Even if it means that our future grandchildren will need to be taken for walks and brushed regularly during molting season.

    Thanks Mum. 😊

    • Haha 6
  9. On 10/1/2019 at 4:27 PM, Rhonda Huntress said:

    If cost is an issue, LAQ heads are sold separate from the HUD.  One HUD is usable with all of their heads.  You can buy just a head for 1500L.  The HUD for full features is an additional 3000L.

    That's what I did. I bought a LAQ head on its own first, and got the hud a few weeks later. Although I did try other demos and based on the look I wanted, I narrowed it down to one from LAQ and one from Catwa. I chose LAQ because of this pricing strategy.

  10. I was reading a gaming subforum in Reddit and someone said "is Second Life even a thing anymore?" and everyone else said "LOL, no". I'd heard of it before, but this time I happened to have a spare few hours and decided to try it.

    I didn't plan to be anything but human, but I was rather ordinary to begin with:


    Then I discovered some freebie clothes and hair that were a bit punk, and I thought, yes, I've found my style here. I also decided to make my avatar a bit heavier, partly for realism and partly because when everyone is a skinny supermodel, skinny supermodels are boring. I get a lot of positive comments on my shape (unlike RL, lol).


    It took about 3 weeks to decide that I would stay, and bought enough L$ to buy a mesh body and head.

    For now, I am still human, though I've activated the "vampire teeth" on my head's hud, so maybe I'll be a vampire. But I have seen some amazing non-human avatars, so who knows. Maybe I won't stay human at all.

    • Like 1
  11. 46 minutes ago, Syn Anatine said:

    Preach it. I've been waiting for forever for a good looking male char to play for eye candy sake.

    Oh well, I'm happy with my army of gnome ladies.

    The blood elf guys are pretty enough, but I was mainly Alliance; on the rare occasion I played horde I usually went with a Tauren. 

  12. 1 hour ago, BelindaN said:

    I have a numpty question...…….

    Is this RL gender issue a big deal in other VR games, like World of Warcraft, or whatever else is out there????  Or is it just SL???

    It is, but in a different way. I played World of Warcraft for many years and found that as a female gamer I was often not taken as seriously as guys, for instance when discussing strategies for raids. Female gamers are also somewhat less likely to be offered senior positions in a guild. However with something like Warcraft, voice is not merely common, it's 99.99% essential if you are raiding, so everyone you raid with will know your RL gender anyway, regardless of what gender your toon is. That said, I nearly always chose a female toon anyway, because most of the male ones in WoW are just ugly.

    And female Night Elves get exactly the same "Hi, how r u?" IMs from guys as women in SL do, especially in the newbie zones. Except that in WoW, most of those guys are like, fourteen.

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  13. 9 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

    You are aware that Lelutka has 2 new heads especially for BoM now? https://lelutkasl.com/lelutka-evolution-line-erin-and-nova/

    I am sitting on the fence after trying a demo. I am so in love with my current Lelutka head. 

    The availability of skins is a factor for me. I almost never see anyone else than LAQ that sells skins for LAQ.

    I did try both of the new Lelutka heads but they didn't seem to give me the look I am trying to achieve.  

    Availability of skins won't matter as I'll be using my Belleza skin with BoM and it does look good with both LAQ and Catwa.


    8 hours ago, Laurent Bechir said:

    You also have Akeruka which has BOM mesh heads :


    Akeruka Marketplace

    Thanks for the recommendation, I hadn't heard of Akeruka. Will try those too.

    Marketplace seems to be down right now so I'll pick up that Genus relay another day.

  14. On 1/13/2020 at 8:09 PM, SamMoon777 said:

    Catwa have Bom button in all updated heads.so you just remove head alpha and click bom button,and it will work

    I cannot find the BoM button on the new Catwa huds, can someone show me where this is?

    I did find a free BoM relay in their store though (you have to join the Catwa Friends group - free - as it's a group gift).

  15. I am hunting for mesh heads and I've been trying loads of demos this week, and I've narrowed my choices down to two, both of which give me exactly the look I am after. One of them is Catwa, the other is LAQ.  Genus, I am still undecided on because I wasn't able to test it with Bakes on Mesh. is there somewhere I can obtain a Genus BoM relay? I couldn't find one in their store so I wasn't able to test their demos with my own skin, so even after trying them I still don't really know whether they would work or not. 

    Are there any factors I need to be aware of before making my choice? I'm going to be using exclusively Bakes on Mesh with it, so availability of appliers/skins won't be an issue. I am also aware of LAQ's strategy of selling one hud and separate cheaper heads, but as I am unlikely to buy more than one, this isn't a factor either.  Are there any other major pros or cons with either Genus, Catwa or LAQ that I need to know before making my choice?

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