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Everything posted by friskywhisky

  1. Yeah, it was really weird though because I was getting somewhere in the range of 130-150 with online games and with sites used to test ping, and I'm in the US where I know SL servers are, and it stayed at exactly 1000 ping without a ms of fluctuation. Which made me think some kind of connection was being blocked or failing somewhere - Somehow, it was fixed by turning on a VPN. now I'm getting about 130 in SL just like with everything else!
  2. By the way, sorry for bumping this thread after some months with a technical question in General Discussion, but I just had been getting frustrated and saw the topic about satellite here and figured it might be related to my issue. However, I've found a fix for anybody else who winds up here. Just turned on a VPN and suddenly everything is working fine, lol. JK, called in a favor to my buddy ol' Musky (I have 40 billion dogecoins)
  3. Thanks, so does that mean it's the sort of thing where I'd probably have to call someone to physically check up on equipment and stuff? Nothing else I could do to pinpoint it or try to fix it just on my computer by myself? Made exceptions for the viewer in my Windows Defender firewall and that didn't seem to do it either.
  4. I've been staying at an extended stay hotel that I'm pretty sure has Starlink, as in I see the box labeled Starlink outside with antennae. Connected via the ethernet port in the wall here to my PC. Seems to be fast most ways I can test it, get like 140 ping with many games but with SL it always says 1000ms ping sim (never like 987, never like 1020, never fluctuates, always EXACTLY 1000??? But no packet loss). So avatars will begin loading but I can't move and I get logged out after about 30 secs to a minute. Have tried SL viewer and Firestorm, multiple different sims. Have called the front desk to have them reset the router, didn't seem to do anything. I'm wondering if this is because it's satellite, even though it's pretty fast satellite, or if it's because it's overloaded since there's other people on the network being a hotel, or if there's something I can do to make it work, maybe opening some ports or something. My computer considers it a public network and I've kept it designated that way to be safe. What's making me scratch my head about this is that you would think, if it's just because of delay from it being satellite or other people being on the network, that I would get different results sometimes, perhaps at different times of day/night, that that ping would fluctuate, that sometimes I might be able to move a little with a delay, or log in for a few minutes rather than 30 seconds, right? Like if it was slow, it would be variable. But no, it's always EXACTLY the same. Always logs me in, starts to load, EXACTLY 1000 ping, and then drops me after the same amount of time. It makes me think that there's some kind of connection being blocked and perhaps something I could do to fix it.
  5. Yeah, they said they reset the router, then I unplugged the ethernet cable, restarted my computer, and plugged it back in and it still is behaving exactly the same. I also noticed today that there's a box near the entrance of the building that says Starlink, since LL says they can't guarantee it to work with satellite, I'll assume this is the problem, or perhaps that there's too many devices on the network since it's a hotel, or perhaps some combination thereof. Oh well, if anybody has any other suggestions to try I'll keep checking updates on this thread and anything else is appreciated, but for now, I'll just assume it can't be done on this connection.
  6. Yeah, it seems to have something to do with the consistency of the connection, I guess. Oddly enough, when I found somewhere to test that - ping.canbeuseful.com it looks plenty consistent and fast, never going above 176 with no lost packets. But I guess maybe the difference is what server that's checking vs the LL ones, or the fact that that's only sending something enough to test it, not a lot of stuff like all the textures and info necessary for SL? I found out I'm having the same problem in VR chat, which I've never tried before but my friend suggested trying, and yeah, that requires a very consistent connection too and behaved similarly, logged in then timed out after about 30-60 seconds. When pressing CTRL-SHIFT-1 to bring up more info in Firestorm, I found out that while it says I have 0% lost packets, it said I have 1000 ms ping. Meanwhile all the sites I have used to test my ping give me somewhere between 140-150, including one of the online games that I did get to work. So, it seems like the connection isn't consistent enough - but every way that I've found to check it, it SEEMS consistent... except for opening SL or VR chat. just weird. Oh well. Kind of sad - I'll be here for a couple months, extended stay, settled in almost like an apartment, and it's the first time I've HAD internet for my PC in a while, so I was looking forward to being able to play on SL and other stuff! Thank you anyway Rolig, I'll try asking the front desk to reset the router, but otherwise I'll just chill and take a break and play something offline, haha.
  7. It's connected via ethernet cable, not Wifi, but is still using the hotel's provided connection. My PC doesn't even have a wifi card, so it's definitely using the ethernet. speedtest.net is showing an average of 43 mbps download and 37 upload. I have no trouble accessing websites, youtube videos, etc, but have had some trouble with online games, and now Second Life which will not connect at all. I figure it has to do with some strange security thing, because of it being a public network, since the strength seems to be great but it just refuses to do some games and SL. This last time when I first start SL I got 966 kbps then 1915, but then it quickly dropped to 0 and told me I had been disconnected again, before I could move.
  8. I can't seem to connect properly, have tried both Firestorm and the Second Life viewer at the current version. Most times when I try to log in the bar gets to the end, saying "Loading world..." and hangs there infinitely. A couple times I got it to go past that, but the connection then shows 0kbps, my avatar can't move, and it soon boots me out. I am connected via ethernet to hotel internet (extended stay hotel where I have my pc set up), so it's marked a "Public Network" and it seems to connect fine with great speed for most things, but refuses to connect for SL. PC is Windows 10 with just basic Windows Defender/Windows Firewall and I already tried allowing both viewers through firewall on public network, and also making rules to allow all the ports listed on the "Using SL with a Firewall" guide. I don't think the specs of the PC are relevant because it should be more than enough and this seems to be a connection issue but let me know any additional information someone might need to help. Thank you
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