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Everything posted by GManB

  1. Wulfie, Your answer touches another discussion I am having in here about asset UUIDs. Are scripts the same as textures, sounds, and notecards? I.e, all uses of them are by reference not copy? If I have a script in my inventory and in the Contents of an object and I edit the script in my inventory, save and compile it, does the script in the Contents change? I have tested this and it does NOT seem to be the case. The version of the script in the Contents of an object does not change if I change the version in my inventory. Thanks, G
  2. Phate, Thanks, that works, at least to say a string to local for now. But all I need to do is to send a message using llRegionSayTo so the main object can unregister the player. Should work fine. G
  3. I am using an external editor for editing my scripts. When I save a file in the external editor it updates the inworld script nicely (or pops it up in the inworld editor if there is a compile error). But, I am working with two object, call them Main Board (MD) and HUD. Each has one script and the MB has the HUD object in its Contents. If I make changes to both scripts here is what I have to do for a test iteration. Save both scripts in the external editor Detach the HUD Rez the HUD on the Ground and Edit it Delete script from HUD Drag new version of the HUD script to the HUD Take the HUD Delete old HUD object from my inventory (to keep me more or less sane) Edit MB Delete script from MB Contents Delete old HUD object from MB Contents Drag new version of the MB script to the MB Contents Drag the new version of the HUD object to the MB Contents When MB initializes do a test, which requires selecting a button on the MB waiting for the HUD to rez Touching the HUD Answering 'Yes' to the HUD asking for permission to attach waiting for the HUD to iniitialize Whew! Makes me tired just writing this process. Any ideas on some optimizations on the workflow? I am using Sublime Text. Thanks, G
  4. Ok, thanks. I think I ran into something similar trying to catch an event from the Pie menu. G
  5. I am creating a game HUD. I need to make some updates to the players data structure in the main script. Is there a way to either catch a detach event when the user selects 'Detach' from the Pie menu for the HUD, or to disable the Detach from the Pie menu for this HUD and provide an 'X' on the HUD to detach? I would greatly prefer the former. Thanks, G
  6. Wow, that's a lot of versions of notecards... I put the UUID of the notecard in the HUD and did not out the notecard in the Contents of the HUD and it works as you said it should. I think I would prefer to keep the master (with verison numbers) in my inventory.. Thanks, this has been helpful. G
  7. Phate, THANKS! I am on a Mac and using Sublime Text and I had a slightly different command in the External Editor settings. I was getting a new instance of the editor for each file for which I selected 'Edit' inworld. And things were getting confusing to say the least. I tried your suggestion, /usr/bin/open -a "Sublime Text" %s, and things are better. I get only one instance of Sublime Text but each file goes into a different window not just a new tab. I can move the tab of, say, the second file I open to the window of the first and the tab does move over and the second window closes. Not bad. I'd rather have the second and more files just create a new tab in the existing window. But, much better than the behavior I had before. THANKS!! G
  8. Thanks Rolig! Very clear now! I can see that such an architecture does reduce storage costs by keeping only a single copy of an asset. Cheers, G
  9. Qie, Thanks! The messages will be from a notecard and unique for each HUD and the ten for each HUD are different as well. The Experience KVP sounds really interesting, I will check it out. Also, the idea of passing the UUID of the notecard to each HUD and a unique list of lines (the nc has one message per line and will live in the Main Board contents) is very interesting. The initial message will be smaller and I don't have to do the dataserver event process to read the 10 lines but can have the HUD do that. Actually, now that I think about it, if my assumption below is correct, I could just hardcode the UUID of the nc in the HUD script and have the Main Board just pass the list of 10 unique lines... Will the UUID of the nc in my inventory be the same when that nc is in the contents of the Main Board? I.e., are notecard UUIDs, like texture and sound UUID's, global to all SL and persistent even if I at some point in the future delete the nc from my inventory? G
  10. It's certainly an interesting trade-off. My initial thought is that although a single, global copy of a texture or sound would be more storage-efficient than man, many copies the performance (networking and compute) and dollar cost of moving that one instance of a texture to client viewers around the world, in real-time, would dominate as SL grows. But, I see caching strategies and tactics might be well defined because of the nature of the use of textures at least. A deeper question: Consider an artifact that uses a lot of large textures. E.g., I built a teak bench swing that uses about 40-some 2k textures. Those textures came with the dae (exported from Maya) when I imported the swing. I see those textures in my inventory. The swing is on the MP so random ppl rez is all over SL. I had assumed the textures were part of the swing object. But, now, it seems not. So, when someone rezes the swing are the textures referenced by UUID and thus come from some central, permanent repository? That's a lot of network traffic... G
  11. Thanks all for the suggestions everyone!! A little more detail. I'm creating a game for an event. A .'Main Board' and up to 30 players, each with a game HUD. The 10 messages are sent to the HUD when the players register. When a new 'round' starts the messages from the Main Board to the player HUDs are smaller; 1 of the up-to-100-char string and a couple integers. During the registration process I can lock the Main Board until it and the new player HUD have completed the send and ack of the initialization message. When a new round is started the Main Board has to send up to 30 of the smaller messages. The Main Board and each HUD have a shared, unique to each player HUD, large negative number for a channel. This game is intended to be played during an event thus the sim might be pretty busy And I do want to make sure each HUD gets the new round info before the round starts. The starting and completion of a round are controlled by a human selecting options on the Main Board and I would expect a round interval to be about 10 minutes. So, the Main Board has lots of time to make sure things are correct. All other suggestions or ideas more than welcome! Thanks, G
  12. I need to send 10 strings, max size 100 characters but average size much less, to another object in the same region. I have been using llRegionSayTo successfully for a while now for small single strings. But, I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions for sending the 10 strings. I can see two obvious options: 1. Concatenate the 10 strings with a delimiter separating them and send the possibly 1K long string in a single message then parse out the strings in the receiver. 2. Do ten individual sends. Any preference for either of the above? Or another suggestion? Kind of a related question. What is the likelihood that these kinds of messages disappear without a trace? Would it be best to code these sends using some modification of the two-phase commit protocol? Thanks, G
  13. Rolig, This brings up a question that's been haunting me.. Are UUIDs *global* to SL? I.e., does every artifact in SL have a UUID and, most importantly, is that UUID reference-able from anywhere in SL? If this is true, what happens if the artifact referenced by the UUID in your script goes away? Inquiring minds want to know.. G
  14. Rolig, Oh, yes, much better!!! Thanks, G
  15. Thanks Rolig! Appreciate the pointer. I'm new and XyzzyText was the first mechanism I found to get text onto the face of an object. It is somewhat cumbersome. I am trying to create a game HUD that has hundreds of questions and answers and it would be time consuming to create individual textures for each. The idea is to read the Q and As from a notecard to populate the HUD. I will check out FURWARE but if you know of other ways to get text onto a face I would appreciate pointers. Thanks again, G
  16. I am trying to use XyzzyText http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/XyzzyText I have the 10-character version working fine so I believe I understand the code fairly well (obviously, though, not well enough) but cannot get the 16 MESH version working correctly. I am using the Usage script from the the above page to drive the 8 meshes I got from the MP as instructed. One difference I have noticed is that the prims for the 10-char version have a texture on each of the 5 faces of the prim but the 8 faces of the mesh do not have any texture. Any help of pointers greatly appreciated! G
  17. Sorry, meant to include the url http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/HTML_HUD_Demo instructions in the source code of the script for the demo at the top of the script. G
  18. I followed the instructions in the source for the HTML HUD Demo. I keep getting a white square which does not react to a Touch. I have tried a bunch of things. All result in an inert white square. Any ideas? G
  19. Sublime Text works great! Got it all set up to highlight and to edit from inworld and compile to inworld. Thanks, Rolig! G
  20. Does Sublime Text highlight lsl keywords and function? G
  21. A related question: Is there any way to import .lsl files into SL? So far all I have found on the forum is to cut-n-paste. Seems like a file upload would be available, what am I missing? G
  22. Joplin looks interesting. How would i configure it to highlight lsl code?
  23. Is there one or more external editors that are set up, of that I can set up, to write scripts? Any recommendations would be appreciated. I am most familiar with Emacs but open to others. Thanks, G
  24. Macrocosm, Thanks for the rambling! Good to hear someone wanting more graphics capabilities in SL. The difference between what the VFX folks can do and what we have here is striking. We'll never I think get real-time, online worlds close to that but some games now are closing the gap a bit with greater use of PBR. For now, I'm going to focus on other projects while considering what other techniques I might use. Here is an animated gif of the technique that looks the best. https://gyazo.com/44426a337de0a164ca1ad7a070000a22 I used a single-object mesh for the diamond. Normals outward. Black and High Shine for the texture. Created a normal map from a greyscale of tight, narrow, vertical-oriented shapes. But but stretched the map by setting the texture 'repeats per meter' to a tiny value. Around the diamond are 22 projectors. 11 with colored, tight, narrow, vertical-orineted shapes and 11 with just white light. Cheers, G
  25. Thanks Macrocosm! I did some experiments with smaller versions inside and playing with the transparency. Didn't achieve much. Even with 1% transparency the outer layer loses all reflectivity and doesn't see to help with depth. I did stop by C&C and there are some interesting crystals there. More toward translucent (which I am thinking about trying next as well). Any idea on when vulkan might be available? I checked around the web but didn't see any hints on timelines for viewers. Yes, I'll admit to liking shiny sparkly things.. Thanks again, G
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