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Sakura Sands

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Posts posted by Sakura Sands

  1. 57 minutes ago, Abnor Mole said:

    I've ridden, driven, piloted and sailed many vehicles over the years and I have to say for cruising around Bellisseria my personal choice is the GEMC Platypus. A couple of moles have them and we enjoy them very much. The level of realism and detail put into it is impressive and is the best of any vehicle in SL I have ever seen, right down to having to stop and "repair" it if you beat on it too much. It's probably my favorite vehicle of all. If you have the time and the skills you can even download the psd and apply your own custom paint job. 

    Sold. Off to buy one ❤️

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  2. 2 hours ago, Hendrix Portal said:

    Now that the houseboats are off the page for the most part, someone may have a good shot at this. A friend is releasing a super nice HB location in Pegleg Channel, square parcel, next to lighthouse at 10:05 AM SLT. 

    ETA: in maintenance


    Hendrix, do you know which windlight setting this is? Gah, so pretty!!!😍😍😍

  3. 3 hours ago, PrudenceAnton said:

    NOTE: This is for Firestorm viewers (not sure if SL viewer has this command line)

    I saw this discussed in the 'Those crazy neighbors' topic and thought I'd make a new thread so its easier to reference.  Many were talking about rezzing a prim on the ground, sending it up over the 2000 meter limit then flying up, or you can click on the map and type in your height where you sent the prim to, to arrive faster.  BUT there is a MUCH easier way to set up a platform to rez your skybox on.

    1.  Go to the center of your parcel.  Fly up to the height you want over 2000 meters to set your platform up on. A quick way to get up to the height you want is to type in local:  gth 2000  (type in any height you want) and you'll automatically be teleported to that height.  You might want to be in fly mode first 😁

    2.  Now, type in local chat:  rezplat

    3.  This will automatically rez a platform to the default size of 30x30.  You can go into your Preferences > Chat > CmdLine and change the size to be rezzed on the scale bar from 0 - 100 I believe.  

    Easypeasy, no more hassle to get a platform rezzed up in the sky. Your chairs can stay on the floor where they belong. 😉


    Oh wow, I had no idea about this gth 2000 business.  Awesome!  Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, roseelvira said:

    Rl hubbie and I have enjoyed   the release of the homes/  If his guess was close to the time and region of the release of the homes  i then  made  his choice of dinner  or lunch . If i was close in my guess then he makes the coffee in the morning . Silly to some but precious to us. 

    Really cute, Rose 😍😍.

    I still really enjoy seeing what is being released by people.  Sometimes the home is of interest to me and if I can I might have a try for it but even if it’s not, I enjoy seeing what is being put out there.

    • Like 8
  5. 13 minutes ago, Abnor Mole said:

    you can also restrict your sounds to your parcel and achieve the same effect of not hearing their sounds. It the blocking effect works both ways, not just from your parcel but into your parcel as well. 

    I did not realise this! Awesome tip! Thank you ❤️

  6. 2 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

    Lights are scripted (by me) to come on when the region-sun is down, and an avatar is on the parcel.
    - I might share this script in time, once I clean it up more

    EDIT: In the first image there is a radio on the counter. It was made by me, the script was written by me. It is set to copy/mod and anyone can drop by and click on it to take a copy for themselves. It changes the station on a schedule - and you can edit the script and adjust the schedule and what stations to make the perfect system for yourself.

    Oh that lighting script sounds amazing! I’d love to hear about it if you share it 😍😍😍.

    Also thank you for the scripted radio! You’re so clever!

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  7. 27 minutes ago, Mitch Merricks said:

    New Year, New Land Not on the Map yet!  Viewer at max Draw.

    New Land 0.JPG

    Omgz I love the SSP thread.  So exciting to see the new regions <3<3

    • Like 3
  8. If we go to MiniMap and right click. Then select Show and then select Temp Rez items it shows any temp rezzers on the map in orange, right?  I’ve been checking my objects are okay that way...hope that’s right!

    i actually only learnt that this week, thanks to a helpful friend ❤️

    • Like 2
  9. What are your favourite Windlight settings for your Bellisserian home?

    For the sky, I usually use Sunset:


    Or if I want to feel like it is during the middle of the day I use Nam's Optimal Skin and Prim:


    I pretty much always leave the water set to [TOR] Meridian verde.

    I'd be keen to see what your favourite Windlight settings are for your Bellisserian home.

    • Like 4
  10. 7 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

    I made two posts with MY favorites. That's the only one I know about.  Good luck. Plenty of time to pick up everything. Tons of folks did I am sure. 

    Awesome! Found your blog! Very helpful... thank you ❤️❤️❤️

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