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Posts posted by BraveHot

  1. On 11/6/2019 at 2:39 PM, clone00345 said:

    I am just wondering.... those people who hate to be asked "how are you?" are not Americans? I live in usa, so I am not surprised or irritated when someone asks me how are you. I know this very common greeting is drilled into their heads almost since the day they are born. And since there are a lot of americans in SL then why are people so annoyed by this phrase?

    The  first time an American asked me how I was (RL) I must admit I was a little baffled. Felt like a very direct question. I think I just said hi other something like that. But I was very young then, and I am not from the U.S. 

    I thought a lot of the world had moved beyond that by now, however, and would just reply with a "nice to meet you" or something. I most certainly have, long ago.

    But seems like it stil persists. Folks, there is no fakery involved. Most of the time it's just polite conversation. But I guess Americans need to wrap their minds around that it can still be perceived as rather weird too.

  2. Valid enough questions. Hi or /me waves (as in gesture) is just fine with me. How else are you supposed to approach someone? Just don't stop talking if I answer. Silence is a major turnoff. Have something more to say. Compliments are old school, but still work.

    If you have an RL pic or RL info in your profile I'll politetly respond to you and move on. No matter how you look or your age etc. It's not about that. RL stuff sometimes happens in SL, and can be very nice. It's even happened to me. But it takes time of time, a lot of time. It's supposed to, the way I see it.

    Live your SL for a while first. It's SL, not a dating service. :)


  3. I alwyays log out if I leave the (RL) appartment. I mean, almost everything is turned off then anyway. I was out of town 10 hrs for work today...

    Log off while sleeping 99.99 % of the time. Don't put my avi to bed if I am alone - just usually make sure I at least have some clothes on in case of a restart. I usually just TP home and log off. Sometimes (rarely) I don't even TP home, but mostly. 

    But I have a special someone where we like to go to sleep together sometimes. And if we both have the next day off, wake up together. It is really something to experience. For me, at least.

    But sure, forgotten to log out a few times too. In my own home or worst case that of a good friend. But that's unintentional, though :)

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  4. Some of my fondest memories are pre-mesh, even though I'm pretty young in SL terms. Having said that, I'd never go back to system feet. Or hands, for that matter.

    I started out with mesh with Slink feet and a system body. Then Slink hands, still with a system body. Had that for a while. Now I'm full Slink Hourglass, but with a system head. Comfortable like that, and still haven't found a mesh head I like better. And I've demoed a bunch.

    It was a gradual process for me. So I didn't find the learning curve very steep at all. It's still continuing, of course, but I'm comfortable where I am right now. So just take your time. Don't delete anything, you'll probably regret it.

    Edit: Oh, and auto hide with  the newest updates and clothing is just fantastic. So those just starting out now might actually have it easier than ever before.

  5. Number one for me is shops that don't update their LMs on the MP. Or that don't even update their MP if they don't have an in-world store anymore. For individual listings, if there are many, it's understandable, but not for "In-world store".

    You shouldn't have to check your map and "about" every time you first TP to a store to see if you are landing in a private residence or a weird place instead. :)

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