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Strawberry Linden

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Everything posted by Strawberry Linden

  1. "WAARHEID is the sequel to STÖMOL, my feature-length sci-fi machinima, released in 2020. The cast includes Caitlin Tobias, Avajean Westland, Ylva, Strawberry Singh, Boudicca Amat and Mich Michabo. The full movie will be released later this year, in December." Read more on the blog.
  2. "Let's hang out and play the Hunt at FANTASY FAIRE event 2022 let's explore the sims and go shopping. As usual let's grab some frees on the way" Watch the video on YouTube.
  3. "THE CONTEST WILL RUN FOR 24 HOURS ONLY!!" Read more on the blog.
  4. "Candi Roro Jonggrang in Second Life is a calming and meditative place to visit. It is so worth visiting and trying to discover the history for this place. I know I will try to get a better understanding." Watch the video on YouTube.
  5. "Join Jas and I for a party on the DDC land!!! We want to celebrate the end of a fun project, 100 subscriber milestone on Jasland Second Life and 400 subscribers on The Kendra Project. We look forward to you joining us!!!" Watch the video on YouTube.
  6. "My husband and I have recently acquired a townhouse on the Upper East Side in Manhattan! I can't wait to show you our new home. Here is a sneak peek of our new block (landscape by me)." Style info on Flickr.
  7. Style and decor info on Flickr.
  8. Style info on the blog.
  9. “Like wildflowers; she allowed herself to grow in all the places people thought she never would.” More info on the blog.
  10. "It has been over a week since the UK last enjoyed a Public Holiday, so this one is overdue! Join us for the Spring Bank Holiday long weekend as we get ourselves ready for all the promise of the Summer ahead." Read more on the blog.
  11. "Starting at 6 pm SLT Grace Loudon will perform to be followed at 7 pm SLT by Wes West — and live music means lots of dancing and socializing! Why not invite that ‘special friend’ who never comes out on Friday nights? As always, the voting booths are out, so that you can wander around Focus Quadrangle trying to outguess the judges and their choices of First, Second, and Third winners." Read more on the blog.
  12. "I’ve been filming a lot of videos lately for the Seraphim YouTube channel and really got into how much fun it is to do. So, today when I set about building a scene to blog I decided to hit record on the software and do a speed edit video. It’s been a long while since I did one." Read more on the blog.
  13. "The Yelapa Cottage is one of my favorite Trompe Loeil houses. And, not long after I featured this Uber release from last month, a friend mentioned he was looking for someone to share he newly purchased mainland sim. I was happily ensconced in my homestead rental, but he was hoping to share the tier and new taxes load and I was out of current projects. Hence I moved. And three weeks in I am happy with that choice." Read more on the blog.
  14. Decor info on Flickr.
  15. "I always look forward to Lawrence’s challenges, particularly the Bloom of Spring Challenge with all the flowers. I am certain it has the highest concentration of great Second Life pictures you can find anywhere and I always find new-to-me artists so gifted I cannot believe I have not seen them before." Read more on the blog.
  16. "The Hotel Skade is located on Route 8a in Satori. Built by the owners of Hotel Freya (see review), it has four cheap (19L) and basic rooms, along with a small outdoor area and petrol station. It's only a short distance from the Le Chateau Resort complex, so I decided to take a look." Read more on the blog.
  17. "Those looking for a cosy ensemble art exhibition in which to find a rich diversity of art might want to hop over the the Kultivate Select Gallery, where the April exhibition has just opened." Read more on the blog.
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