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Everything posted by KathyGables

  1. Nice. This would not work for Mom but it might look good on her best friend who is joining her in SL.
  2. Ok I found it. Baked on Mesh. https://modemworld.me/2019/10/16/catznip-r12-3-goes-bom/
  3. Sorry, I probably should know but I don't. BoM?
  4. I am now trying to get up-to-speed on male heads. I have an avatar that has a Belleza Jake body with a system head. I have tried all manner of ways to find a system head that can pass as reasonable with the Jake body. The neck issue has been a killer. I think I am about ready to fork out the Lindens to go with a MALE mesh head. I see most of the posts when I look around talk about using a male CATWA head. I have two problems with that. First, As far as the FEMALE heads go I have decided that LAQ is my head of chose and don't care for CATWA. Should I forget what my preferences are on female heads? Second, I have read several posts that discuss the problem of matching a male CATWA head with a Jake body due to the neck blend issue. The picture here is of an avatar with a older system head on a Jake body. I have given up on the neck blending tools. I would appreciate any suggestions. I want to stay with the Jake body. A second related issue is finding a gray or white chest hair tattoo for the avatar. Any thoughts on that?
  5. Yes, Truth is my preferred hair provider. They do have a few vintage hair dos but did not have anything that worked for Mom. Thanks for the lead on the clothes for Dad.
  6. Thanks Layla. I went over and bought the dress the same day you posted. In-between RL work I have been working on both Mom and Dad's avatars. Trying to find a match for Mom's hair has been tough. As noted in the picture of the two of them earlier in this topic, they were married by a Justice of the peace. In a few weeks I plan to get have a a Justice of the peace wedding for them. Since they have no SL community of friends yet I want to invite all of you here on the SL Forums (Your Avatar sub-forum) to the wedding. No big deal. Mom and Dad will wear something similar to their picture. I will announce the time and date here when the time comes. I am open to suggestions for a cool County Office in SL to hold the ceremony. If anyone has any suggestions let me know.
  7. Thanks. I'll be taking a look. Shopping is such hard work. 🤤
  8. This is my Mom and Dad, These are the two I am seeking vintage clothes for (late 1940's, early 1050's) The first one was taken on their wedding day (justice of the peace). It has the film border because everone used to say that they looked like movie stars at that age.
  9. I SO love this board and all of you that contribute. I ALWAYS find the answer to my issues. Here is my latest issue... In the past there use to be a few stores that specialized in vintage clothes and hair (40's and especially 50's). I can't find a single one now. Does any know of some they can point me to?
  10. Yup, that's the look. Since I use the Firestorm viewer I will now use Fairre's solution (thank you Fairre) Not only does the Avatar/PoseStand work wonderfully, you can select from a number of poses.
  11. Wow, great feedback everyone. Thanks. Love, I don't think it's the "Linda Blair pose stand. The avatar does not spew out split-pea soup.
  12. I loved the Netflix series Dexter. From that series I learned that you can ALWAYS find someone if you are persistent. Grin.
  13. All of the pose stands I have (freebies as well as those I bought) have the same problem. After a minute or two on the stand the avatar will turn her (or his) head backward making me think I am watching The Exorcist. Does anyone know where I can get a pose stand that is not so demonic? 👿
  14. Thanks for the suggestions. Now I know how to begin to edit a skin. The problem now is that I need to modify a skin I bought in SL that, naturally, cannot be edited. Unfortunately the skin creator seems to have disappeared. It's a good think this is only in SL. If this were RL I would have to send my cousin Guido to mess the designer up. Grin.
  15. I know how to get to my avatar's texture page. How can I edit the page? Thanks for any responses. https://gyazo.com/5193777cd95bd748fd7a702450ee7391
  16. Ahh, yes. I forgot the applier. It IS a mesh body with a system head. I need him to look as good as possible. His motions are not as important so I don't want to invest 1.5 to 5K in him for a mesh head. Thanks for the feedback.
  17. First off, thanks to all of you that have helped me with issues in the past. These various avatars are either made for friends or myself. I do not do these for a fee. Don't want any of you think that I am using your advice to help me sell anything. On this situation I am having skin matching issues that I would love to get input on. https://gyazo.com/20982484d5f76a21f4a78405727ab31a
  18. Thanks very much to all three of you.
  19. Can anyone give some insight to the issue in this gyazo? https://gyazo.com/8b19124242a7441fcec9da5aa4f2d454
  20. Thanks Witching, Claireschen, and Josephine. My apologies for the delay in response. RL issues have kept on a short leash recently (no, not THAT kind of leash). I hope to address your ideas soon.
  21. Ah, dope slap. I didn't check the styles in the display. Thanks norajulian That got us half way there. Unfortunately what looks like an UpDo in the display turns out to be a large ponytail. See below. She will use it until she can find a better match. Next I might grab a demo of Imani (thanks Clarice) and add the Stealthic bangs with it (thanks MattNight). The search goes on.
  22. I have checked TRUTH, my fav hair maker but thought I would check here before starting an arduous search.
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