thank you wolfie! About to go to bed now, but will work with this new info tomorrow 1st thing. FYI: The referred to script is the one that started this thread/tutorial at the top, teaching how to use llRezAtRoot. But like you said, no need, I 'think' I can study yours from a quick glance over to make it work with the floor_distance. We'll see right? *chuckles* Anyway, thank you so much for your reply and explanations with examples (which are always a good thing! lol) . I would not have known to use the minus sign for sure! Wish me luck! Sweet Dreams when they come to you.
I did it!!! *does a happy dance* Well, YA'LL did it I just worked on getting it to work for my needs. *chuckles*
A HUGE thank you to Innula and Wulfie for teaching this! *Nana hugs to both of you!*
Posting it just in case you see something that might cause issues in the future. *chuckles*
Showing my paired down notes so I remember this in the future. lol
//got these numbers using forum method for lparm rezatroot but they worked!
//sets rotation of rezzed prim (NOT height/z )
rotation relativeRot = <0.51440, 0.48518, -0.48518, -0.51440>;
float floor_distance; //global used for determining individual avatar height
touch_start(integer n)
//calculate for individual avatar size
vector size = llGetAgentSize(llGetOwner());
floor_distance = size.z / 2;
string Object= llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,0);
rotation myRot = llGetRot();
//position is where it rezzes (left,right,height)
vector position = llGetPos() + (<2, 0.0, -floor_distance> * myRot);
//rotation is how the prims rotation is set relative to avi & rezzer ?
rotation rezRot = relativeRot * myRot;
llRezObject(Object, position, ZERO_VECTOR, rezRot, 0);