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Posts posted by Lukorange

  1. On 5/30/2019 at 3:28 AM, Grumpity Linden said:

    UPDATE:  We have heard your feedback. There will be no change to group limits for basic accounts: https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/entry/2559-group-limits-update-no-changes-for-basic-members/



    Thank you so much,  :") I can only write on the side of Basic residents. We might not be premium but we do spend lot of money in this plataform and sometimes having those groups  help more than what it seems. We don't have benefits fine, but at least leaving things as what they were is better than reducing the groups. Really hope  they continue listen the concern of the other half and give more benefits to Premium users so they can pay feeling satisfied. 

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  2. On 1/15/2019 at 11:49 PM, WinTrain said:

    It's a shame a lot of people rather club, and have sex all day. I remember Insillico from my earliest days of being on SL, and as far as I can remember, Insillico has never really been popular, never really been active or have had many people on the sim itself RPing.

    Why? Does anyone else know of Insillico? It's this Cybernetic-post apocalypse looking world/sim and I used to find it breath taking. Keep in mind this is even before the mesh era, and it looked this cool.

    There's a few more sims that could have been great, but man I wished Insillico had big success.

    Well I'm only 1 year in SL, I had a friend who love exploring :) and he took me there once last eyar. We did a car race. I love the side where you can rezz a car for free and take a tour yourself, it's really fun but yes. Then I forgot it <-< due to other events in SL. Lately most people is into shopping and events and I agree about there is much to do. Recently another friend was taking me around different roleplaying sims ( fantasy, and others) as we were talking to people and their were sharing their favorite activities it was really interesting. I don't usually roleplay but, I went again to Insilico because I saw it on the Destination feature page  and I love everything there, maybe before didn't pay attention to the details like now so I decided to make a short movie :) to promote the Sim as well. Let me share the link with you, probably you migh like it ^^ what I like the most it has a futuristic look but also some natural parts :3 


  3. Altamura-new-release.thumb.jpg.b765087fb3e5a383a9cb4020d2925e9a.jpg


    :) Hi just in case someone is looking for a bento avatar with an affordable price , Altamura is having Clodet avatar for sale on Skin Fair  (360L for group members)  :D it also brings an older version  2 bodies and 3 shapes ^^  and for the guys Marcus avatar for  343L only members of the group. The group fee is 50L 


    The first picture :3 is my own shape of the avatar, and this is the promotional ad.

    SKIN Fair: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Voodoo%20Nights/121/195/100

    also if it's of any help ^^ I did a small review about the body and the things it brings. Oh I forgot to mention lol it's omega compatible, you can remove the head of the avatar, and this avatar brings the new HUD which is more compatible, all the old options in just one hud :) 

    Review Altamura Clodet - Skin Fair

    Thank you, hope it helps <3 


  4. 😮I'm not sure if anyone interested in this but.... I recently had the chance to explore and work reviewing this event ❤️ it will soon close but has so many lovely and unique things . It's a one time event. I wont be back again till maybe next year. So I thought it would be worthy sharing it. 


    I also made a short "movie" ( story telling)  to show you in a more fun way most of the things you can find there :) the sims recreates parts of the movies from Harry Potter so if you love the books you'll find yourself here ❤️ 




    https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Just Darling/142/141/2001



  5. 😊 Here it's my channel ❤️ >> NovataSecondLife <<  I love animation and editing :3 and Second Life has given me a great oportunity. My channel has a varied content. Tutorials, reviews, free gifts and lately I've been working on Fashion events and music videos ^^ something I'd like to do for this year is create more series. I make short comedy clips inside most of my videos just to try my ideas :) here I can share an example of my videos and style. Thank you. 


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