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Everything posted by DorianaCele

  1. I have made another post asking about 13900k and 7950x performance on SL. Now I have upgraded to 13900k and I can confirm that it can render about 40% more FPS over my old 10700k, both on stock settings. I can have 120 FPS in most places (which is the refresh rate of my monitor as I turn v-sync on). In most demanding environments (like in a concert with 70+ full mesh avatars, and I set my maximum fully rendered AVs to nolimit) I can still have about 50 FPS with most settings to ultra except view distance at only 120m. Previously, turning on full shadows on such occasion would drop my FPS below 20. Based on my experience of different CPUs' performance (13900k, 5950x, 6900hx, 9900k and 10700k) on SL, I can say that the CPU-Z single core score is a good indicator of SL's FPS. I do notice that since the September update of the latest Firestorm, GPU played a much more important role in FPS. But along with comes much greater power draw and the overall efficiency tumbles. I have a RTX 3090 and in SL it always consumes more than 200 Watts of power, sometimes over 320 Watts. That is a bit ridiculous for a mediocre image quality.
  2. I am going to have a new PC and debating on these two latest processors. Among other considerations, SL performance is a vital element for me. Does anyone know how they compare in SL? I know they will be both fast, but I still would like a comparison. Thank you so much!
  3. Hello everyone, I own a private island and I would like to hold a masquerade ball on it. For such an event, I would like to remove the name identification abilities of every participants so they can not tell who is who. I know some RLV functions can achieve that. The problem is that not everyone joining the party has RLV enable. So I was wondering, since I am the owner of the region, is it possible to disable the name telling for everyone in my region, maybe by using experience or some other functions requiring sim owner privilege? Thank you very much.
  4. Hello, I know that avatars are "protected" from being inspected at a distance too close by restricting how close the camera can move to them. I am wondering if a non-avatar object can do it as well? I see all camera restriction functions require that you sit on the object. What I am looking for is a function that does not require sitting on the object but make the object protected from camera zooming too close just like a AV. Thanks!
  5. Thank you. But what happens if I use it when it is already inside the dataserver event?
  6. Hello, So I have a string and I wanna see if it is a valid UUID of an avatar. The candidate string may have the following properties: (1). Its length be less or more than 36 (the length of a UUID) (2). If its length is 36, it may not be a valid UUID of anything (3). If it is a valid UUID, it may not be a UUID of an avatar (4). If it is a UUID of an avatar, the avatar may not be nearby or online. (I guess this preludes usage of llGetDisplayName() and llGetObjectDetails()) And what I want is a function to test if the spot string is a valid UUID of any avatar. Say returns 1 if it is and 0 if it is not. Any good strategy?
  7. So I think both of you favor a single llListen() on anything rather than 10 separate llListen() on specific messages. Thank you!
  8. Hello, One of my object uses a listening channel (say /222) to receive configuration commands (such as start, stop, etc). There are about 10 commands, all start with prefix "config:". So command 1 may be "/222 config:start" and command 2 may be "/222 config:stop". What I am wondering is, for this situation, is it better to write 10 llListen() on channel 222, each for one specific command; or to just do one llListen() on Channel 222 for anything, then analyze what the message is in the listen() event? And, is there a way to just write one llListen() which triggers the listen() event only when the received message has a specific prefix (in this case it is "config:")? "Better" means more efficient and consumes less CPU time. Thank you very much.
  9. Hello, As the title suggested, I am not satisfied with the default caramel color of the text sent to me by the llInstantMessage() function. So is there anyway to change the color? I have searched the solutions myself but cannot find one. Thank you very much!
  10. Thank you, however my following script got compiling error as shown in the image. It happens when defining global variables. https://gyazo.com/ca24f4ccb4e8097b00e5e9bef54f0222 Where could possibly go wrong?
  11. Hello everyone, Just a curious question, if someone uploads some resource (texture, sounds, etc) and makes it full perm, and suppose somehow I get to know its UUID, then can I simply use that resource by calling its UUID in my script, even if I have not bought it? And what if the resource has restrictions on it (no trans, no copy, etc) and I still call its UUID in my script? Not trying to free ride just wondering if that is possible. Thank you very much.
  12. Thank you very much for the detailed suggestions. However the problem consistently occurs during most of your suggested testing environments. But as I mentioned in my other thread, I have found a workaround of this issue: of the 6 joints that impact bending down (and rotating and inclining of waist), only the 4 spine joints (spine 1 to spine 4) are affected and not properly reset after exiting of animation. So an ad-hoc solution is simply do not tweak those joints (their values do need to be set to be 1 or -1 in order to avoid being override by default joint movemets), but only use chest and torso joints.
  13. Hello everyone, I am just wondering how to multiply an scalar with a vector, defined by multiplying the scalar on each elements of that vector. The background of this is quite simple: I wanna shrink some object's size to 10% of its original size. So after I get its size stored in a vector using "current_size = llGetScale();" function, I wanna define a new_size which is 10% of the current size. But simply typing "new_size = 0.1*current_size;" generates an error. And I cannot find the corresponding operator of scalar multiplying vector in knowledge base. I know using the "." operator to quote elements of the vector individually, however I think it is a waste since I do believe there should be some dedicated operator for such very well-defined math calculation. So can anyone tell me what is that operator to multiply a scalar and a vector by multiplying each elements of that vector the scalar? Thank you very much.
  14. Update: I found that the 4 spine joints (spine 1 to spine 4) do not reset properly after leaving the pose, while torso and chest work fine. So a temporal solution is leaving the 4 spine joints just minor tweaks to prevent random shift, but put all bending values on torso and chest.
  15. I played a priority 2 pose made by myself which has some bending down (rotating those 6 waist joints, spine 1 to 4, chest and torso) along with other joint movements. And after I leave the pose my AV keeps bending down like that, while all other joints are reset. I reset skel. and anim. then I look myself normally as the picture to the left. However others look me as the picture to the right still bending down. And this is after I reset skel. and anim. on myself and stopped all animations and revoked all permissions. They won't see me stopping bending down until they right click on me and choose more->more->reset->skel. and anim. by themselves. And each person has to do that in order to see me properly. The pose is made by QAvimator with very ordinary settings with priority 2. And, even exiting and retrying the sim will make the AV looks ordinary without needing to use reset skel. and anim.
  16. Hello everyone, my AV keeps bending down after some of my animations that moves the 6 waist joints (spine 1 to 4, chest and torso) to make myself bend down. It happens even the animation is only priority 2. Resetting Skel. and Anim. on myself solves this for myself, but other people still see me as bending down, and they need to right click on me and reset the skel. and anim. of me themselves. This is very annoying. Is there any solution to this problem? Thank you very much.
  17. Hello everyone, what is the best way to make tailored poses for my specific avatar shape? My avatar is normal human female, 1.80m tall, with highly customized shapes. I don't care if my poses work on other AVs at all. I just wanna the pose look perfect on her. Thank you very much.
  18. I have been having the same problem. However that solution only solves for yourself. Other ppl still see you as deformed. They have to right click on your avatar and reset skeleton themselves. Is there a quick solution to make your AV appear normal to other ppl without them having to do anything?
  19. Wow that is so impressive. I am with an i9-9900k with MSI z-390 ace, 32 GB corsair 3000, Samsung 970 pro SSD and RTX 2080. When I do not turn shadows on my FPS is around 30 to 80, it rarely exceeds 80. And when I turn on shadows for taking photos my FPS will be dropped between 10 to 40 most of the time. I do always live with many meshes though. So I can only expect that the new Ryzen 3000+ series will perform even better than 2700x?
  20. Hello, has anyone here acquired the latest AMD Ryzen 3 CPUs? If so will you please tell us the frame rates of SL running on it? Thank you very much.
  21. Hello everyone, as a parcel owner, I want to know is there any way I can let others manage the parcel (by using the "about land" tools), without deeding the land to a group? I already set the land to a group in which they are owners. But they told me they cannot exercise parcel manager rights if the land is still under my name and only set to the group, not deeded to it. (And I do wanna have my name as owner, not with a group name as owner). Thank you very much!
  22. Hello everyone, in sims where I can rez things, I can rez a post stand then sit my AV on it and edit it, moving and rotating the pose stand, so I can accurately control the position and rotation of my AV. But in most sims I cannot rez a pose stand but can only control my AV. So how can I achieve the same precision of the placement of my AV as using a pose stand, in those no-rez sims? Thank you very much.
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