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Everything posted by Fixyun

  1. I can't remember the exact figures...but here goes from a very recently read article on Second Life. The all time peak for users was like 1.1 million once and now currently floats in the high like 8 hundred thousands range for users...so yes a slight and noticeable decline but hardly an overall population dive. I agree on the generations changing bringing new minds/ideas/motives into second life. We forget when we talk about SL that it's not like it's only four or five years old...in another five years or so it will be one of those things "the last generation was into" before something like VR comes along mainstream in every home and blows this stuff into memory. It's not sad, it's not bad, it's just the pace of life growing away from the past and into the future I think. I just came back in world after being gone for almost ten years and yeah...it is different here now inworld. I also agree people don't approach one another like they used to inworld . The educational base seems to have crumbled away from Second Life, there used to be way more along the lines of real schooling available in world once upon a time...but again...times change! I know there are a few users that still have an Atari console from the 80's in the garage somewhere, we LOVED those things when they were the "thing" to have and that's why they still float around in places...because we were "never gonna ever stop playing that game for the rest of our life!" yet there they sit unused since 1995. Now we are doing things like this instead...times changed and we grew away from that stuff is all. But remember we didn't abandon it, we "grew" into other things is all.
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