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Everything posted by SlimShadyBoii

  1. I have a vendor script but i would like for it to be able to give 10% refund back to anyone who purchases wearing the tag. I have a copy of a vendor script with the group discount. HOWEVER, it has no hovertext saying whats in it, how many items etc. This is the script i would like group discount added too: // DO NOT put the API Coins (RP-HUD [G&S] script in the vendor prim with any of the $L Only scripts!! // ** Price in L$ integer PL = 30 ; string nom_obj; integer active = FALSE; display() { integer cnt = llGetInventoryNumber( INVENTORY_OBJECT ); active = cnt>0; if(active){ llSetText("Item Name Here" +(string) "\n L$"+(string)PL+"\nAvailable: "+(string)cnt, <1,1,1>, 1); llSetObjectName("DFS Vendor: " +llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,0)); }else{ llSetText("⬊ sᴏʟᴅ ᴏᴜᴛ ⬋", <1,1,1>, 1); } } default { state_entry() { llSetPayPrice(-1,[PL,-1,-1,-1]); llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(),PERMISSION_DEBIT); } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if (perm&PERMISSION_DEBIT) { display(); } } touch_start(integer num_detected) { if(active){ llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 700, llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,0)+",",llDetectedKey(0)); } } link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) { if(num == 701){ llSay( 0 , "Thank you for your purchase: "+llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,0)+" delivered to "+llKey2Name(id) ); llGiveInventory( id, llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,0) ); display(); } if(num == 702){ llSay( 0 , "Vendor is being used by: "+str ); } } changed(integer change){ if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY){ display(); } } money(key id, integer amount) { if (active && amount==PL) { llSay( 0 , ""+llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,0)+""+llKey2Name(id) ); llGiveInventory( id, llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,0) ); display(); } else if (amount) { llInstantMessage(id,"There was something wrong with your payment. Your money will be refunded."); llTransferLindenDollars(id,amount); } } transaction_result(key id, integer success, string data) { if (success) llWhisper(0,"Payment refunded"); else llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"Refund failure: "+llKey2Name(llList2Key(llParseString2List(data,[","],[]),0))+" "+data); } } This is the group discount script i have without hover text Any help would be appreciated : // Cost L$ integer everyone_price = 50; // Group cost L$ integer group_price = 10; // Name of new object inside for sale string item = "NAME OF THE ITEM"; default { state_entry() { // Start up. key owner = llGetOwner(); llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE,[everyone_price,PAY_HIDE,PAY_HIDE,PAY_HIDE]); llRequestPermissions(owner, PERMISSION_DEBIT); } money(key id, integer tendered) { // The vendor received money. integer sameGroup = llSameGroup(id); integer price = everyone_price; if(sameGroup) { // Customer has correct group active. price = group_price; } if(tendered < price) { // Customer paid too little. Refund. llGiveMoney(id, tendered); llInstantMessage(id, "The purchase price is L$ " + (string)price + ". Your payment of L$ " + (string)tendered + " was refunded to you. Please try again."); } else { // The customer has made the purchase. string thanks = "Thank you for your purchase!"; if(tendered > price) { // Customer overpaid. Give change. integer change = tendered - price; llGiveMoney(id, change); thanks += " Your change is L$ " + (string)change; if(sameGroup) { thanks += " due to group discount ^^"; } } // Fulfill vendor's end of the contract. llInstantMessage(id, thanks); llGiveInventory(id, item); } } }
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