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  1. Thank you Fenix, But I can only choose one face to color with that texture. I do not know how to add 3 faces to that one texture.
  2. I have an open source texture change hud for my mesh dress with ruffles. The HUD script textures the whole dress one color. Question: Can I change the script to use several textures at one time to color multiple faces of this dress? Or am I to understand that only one texture for any button Script in the HUD can be used on a mesh dress with multiple faces? Example: I would like to wear the HUD and click the button on the HUD and the dress be solid color and the ruffles be another color. Here is the script I am using for the HUD button (NOTE: I have a relay in the dress): integer channel = -1000001; // Channel for comms (Must be same as reciever). string texture = "9e354a68-c7b6-75b6-39d2-83f345c33b51"; // UUID of Texture to apply integer link = LINK_SET; // Link number to apply the texture to (LINK_SET for all links). integer face = ALL_SIDES; // Face number to apply the texture to (ALL_SIDES for all faces). string SR = "*"; // Seperator to use in the list, must be the same // as the seperator to be used within the reviever // script. Here is the picture of my dress I would like to be able to change the ruffles/neckline only with the button click. Or be able to change the dress color one color and the ruffles another. https://gyazo.com/69e1f0163c69633841e667022791983b thank you for any help, I am not a pro, just someone who loves playing second life and making things.
  3. Perfect for any business, store, apartment building, Business opportunity for anyone who does not even have to advertise for customers, constant foot traffic day and night. Contact imaLuckyGirl for questions. Will consider offers. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Uli/100/29/34
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