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Everything posted by AsheeMay

  1. Still looking ♥
  2. I made a dance pad and have animations in it but I don't have a script. So I wanted to have a script so my pads work. I've been hunting the market to no avail, tried youtube (could only find how to make a dance hud), and things that essentially make another version of spot on. I have a spot on, but wanted custom dance pads
  3. Hello! Apologies if this is the wrong place to post this but I am looking for a dance pad script. Does anyone know where I can find one? I tried looking in a script library and got confused then I didn't know if it was safe to use since it was on a site I *think* stolen things are from. I tried looking on market and didn't see any only seen dance pads. If anyone could point me in a direction to go that would be awesome! I don't need pads I've made some-just need scripts ♥ Preferably for single dance pads and couples
  4. I was rezzing it I had selected what I thought was the bulk pick up of my farm, drug it to the platform to rezz it. There was no partial effects, it did not appear, I did not get any kind of error message and it has not returned to lost and found or any other folder. It doesn't appear in area search me and a friend have tried. So it seems SL just ate it sadly.
  5. Sadly i have checked I didn't shove the items in anything. I had checked just in case though I knew better. The day I picked everything up I did an area search selected almost everything, right clicked, selected edit and then picked up the items via the take option on the pie menu. 😧
  6. I instantly did everything I could think of, I've also double checked to make sure I didn't shove it in a box just in case I did because ONE time I did for safe keeping. I'm going on day 3 frantically looking and its honestly heartbreaking!
  7. I mass picked up my MyStory farm towards the middle of December. Majority of it in one group, smaller portion in a second group. I had had some of it locked and some of it unlocked. I recently went to rezz it out and only found the smaller portion. For the larger I thought I had selected a chair as the object it would show as the "name" in my invo-however when I went to rezz that portion out to see if I had-it showed it disappearing from my invo as no copy items do-but never rezzed. I didn't get any kind of error message such as "cant rezz" or any kind of error. Nothing, it just didn't rezz. I assumed that SL probably was lagging, relogged-nothing. Tried area search nothing. I have cleared my caches, tried basic invo retrieval, tried original SL viewer, tried renaming my file to force Firestorm to create a new bridge, rezzed out every bulk set of objects from lost and found AND object folders, I tried doing a search for within 60 days and 30 and my MyStory items are just gone (majority of them) Does anyone have any other ideas for what I could try? I invested 20k+ into what I had and with it gone I'm devistated. I know its just pixels but I worked hard for what I had and spent a lot of time in it to build up my farm I lost over 250 items. Any tips of things to try would be appreciated!
  8. Okay ladies and gents! I have nails that I have made and sold for some time-I used to have an in world store with pictures and hand displays so people could see what they were getting since I didn't know how to create a demo! However the time has come where I need to learn how to make demos! I tried looking on the market for something to help me make one (a script) but I got terribly confused and lost! I don't have a lot of funds to work with right now so I don't want to waste what I have! Could y'all recommend scripts? Or explain how you can make a demo? Any help would be appreciated! ♥♥
  9. Update: Found the perfect one at Stealthic! ♥
  10. Hello everyone! I need some help! I'm looking for a hair similar to the one in the pic I've attatched, from the front there aren't any bangs its just pulled back into this style. I've seen ponytail braids in SL before, an animated one but for the life of me I cannot remember who made it! I'm not sure if there are other styles. But I'd like to get as close to this pic as I can ♥ Any recommendations would be appreciated!! ^.^
  11. AsheeMay

    Out of curiosity

    I didn't think it was but was hoping maybe it would be. Thanks for answering
  12. AsheeMay

    Out of curiosity

    Okay, so this is a long shot but I'm going to ask anyway in the hopes of getting some kind of answers. I have a dear friend who was perma banned over some things our group of friends was brought into. For context-he was with me for over a week leading up to the events that caused the all mighty ban hammer to come down. I wasn't present at the events either and was given a warning. However he was permabanned. I know he tried to appeal it but do not know the full results of that. Does anyone know if its possible to speak up on someones behalf to help fight a ban? I know its a super long shot but I was wondering as our group of friends miss him terribly and it really was a case of guilty by association.
  13. ♥♥ Thank you everyone!!
  14. Okay y'all I'm looking for some curtains preferably mesh but doesn't have too be. I'd like something with really good quality, resizable (or mod) and the option to open/close would be AMAZING! I've been combing over the market and have yet to find anything! Recommendations are welcome! And I'd love to hear what your favorite ones are! Bonus points if you link me to them! ♥
  15. We are looking for both dj's and hosts, schedule/shifts is first come first serve! Open genre (Except for hard rap) There is a carnival on the sim,drive in theater, regular theater, and more to come in the future! The Hangout can be found here (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Best Skin/235/92/24) Message ȺsħɇɇMȺɏ Ħᵾnŧɇɍ (asheemay) for apps, questions, concerns, ect! We hope to see you soon!!!♥
  16. Okay, so I'm back again looking for something! I've been all over the market looking at wedding veils. Most of them look amazing-but I was wondering if anyone has seen one that is animated/clickable? Where it covers the face til you click it then it appears "lifted"? I'm not even sure if this is a thing! As I'm posting this I'm still hunting!! I'm also open to item recommendations! I'm looking for a simple lace white one, would prefer something floor length maybe. Any help would be appreciated!! ♥
  17. That's okay! We have some areas that we can do that with! So not worried about that
  18. Thank you everyone! ♥ This is really helpful! The Vista one looks like what I think we'd want
  19. Hello everyone! I'm looking for a specific item. I'm triyng to find a walker or animaition that lets me "hold hands" and walk with my partner. Every time I try to find something it comes down to poses. I may be looking the wrong way. Any item recommendations are appreciated! ^.^
  20. Hello everyone! Lover's Landing is looking to hire reliable dj's and hosts! We are an adult club so no child avies are allowed. Any other forms are welcome. You need to at least be 18 years old in RL and 30 days old in SL. We are open genre so we have a little bit of everything. We run contests, fishing, have games, a movie area, cuddle spots, shops, a photbooth and more. You keep 100% of your tips! If you are a dj or host that has a personal dj or host you both are welcome to apply! If interested please contact asheemay resident or RockinAlexia for more info and an application! We can currenly do trials almost immedietly. As long as there is not a set going on we can get you in! We look forward to hearing from you! Club is located here: Lovers Landing SURL in case ABOVE doesn't work: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mesa Island/36/172/22 I am currently looking for dj's and hosts for: **All shifts are based on SLT Sunday Dj's and hosts are needed for the following: 12am-2am 2am-4am 4am-6am 6am-8am 8am-10am 10am-12pm 12pm-2pm 2pm-4pm 4pm-6pm slt 6pm-8pm slt 8pm-10pmslt *ONLY NEED A DJ FOR THIS ONE 10pm-12am Monday Dj's and hosts are needed for the following: 12am-2am 2am-4am 4am-6am 6am-8am 8am-10am 10am-12pm 12pm-2pm 2pm-4pm 8pm-10pm *ONLY NEED A DJ FOR THIS ONE 10pm-12am Tuesdays 12am-2am 2am-4am 4am-6am 6am-8am 8am-10am 10am-12pm 12pm-2pm 4pm-6pm 10pm-12am Wednesday 12am-2am 2am-4am 4am-6am 6am-8am 8am-10am 10am-12pm 12pm-2pm 2pm-4pm 4pm-6pm 8pm-10pm*ONLY NEED A DJ FOR THIS ONE 10am-12am Thursday 12am-2am 2am-4am 4am-6am 6am-8am 8am-10am 12pm-2pm 2pm-4pm 4pm-6pm 6pm-8pm 10pm-12am Friday 12am-2am 2am-4am 4am-6am 6am-8am 8am-10am 10am-12pm 12pm-2pm 2pm-4pm 4pm-6pm 10pm-12am Saturday 12am-2am 2am-4am 4am-6am 6am-8am 8am-10am 10am-12pm 12pm-2pm 2pm-4pm 4pm-6pm 6pm-8pm *ONLY NEED A DJ FOR THIS ONE 10pm-12am
  21. If your still looking for work, I've opened a club and we are hiring dj's and hosts for all days and times. If interested here is the club: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lawaii Myst/44/38/23 My in world name is asheemay, feel free to message me for an app or to answer any questions if you have any!
  22. I should have mentioned this in my original post, at this time I am only looking to fill dj and host positions. Please do not ask about security or management positions. If there are any dj's that can work Tuesday mornings, I do have a host to cover that. If interested please get in contact with me asap!
  23. I'm going to be down in the club today! If you'd like to come down and take a look, get an app, or anything just come on down! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lawaii Myst/44/38/23
  24. Hello! I am an owner with Legacy Road Bar, we are looking for Dj's and Host's for all shifts, 7 days a week. Our goal is to have a small friendly club that plays all music genres but rap. We provide tip jars, tips are 100% yours, schedules are flexible. Shifts are set at 2 hours long, we do require 2 shifts a week. If interested please let me know and I can pass you an application. I will be in world today from 4pm slt until further notice. So don't hesitate to IM me in world, my name there is asheemay. We are hoping to have the grand opening party within the next few days! The bar can be found here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lawaii Myst/44/38/23 If you stop by and I'm not in just message me and I'll come over! Hope to hear from y'all soon!!
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