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Posts posted by EmperorNapoleonBonaparte

  1. The groups you hang out with influence you as a person. If you hang out with bad groups, you are more likely to develop bad habits. Virtual worlds also help develop your strategic skills, so you can find and learn many ways on how to function in the world. They also help improve your social skills because they require you to engage in conversations and improve your vocabulary.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

    To be fair, the real life old Boney had his relatively attractive moments (and that's coming from a true Nelsonian Englishman). Although portrait painters have always flattered their subjects, I've been rather fond of Antoine-Jean Gros's painting of Bonaparte at the Pont d'Arcole ever since I saw it in the Louvre some years ago.

    Nelson and Collingwood still trounced you, though, pal. ;)

    Ok, and it still means everyone has their good sides even though their flaws can be pointed out easily.

  3. 13 hours ago, Talligurl said:

    Of course there may be other reasons why people want me in their sims more than they want Napoleon. 

    I want to know the reasons why they want other people more than me. Is it because of my character? Or is it because of something else?

  4. 3 hours ago, ChinRey said:

    If you are new to Second Life and keep getting banned from places you've never even been to before, it is possible that your IP address has somehow ended up on the list of one of those fake anti-griefer schemes unscrupulous merchants foist onto ignorant landowners. If that is the case and you decide to start a new alt to get around it, make sure you always have media and sound streaming switched off when you visit those places because it's through those they can get your IP address.

    Ok, and I am sure I don't have the IP address of one of those fake griefers and banned people. I do not know any of them.


    3 hours ago, ChinRey said:
    5 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

    If you are hoping to violate the TOS by creating a new account to get around a ban, you should be aware that posting here in a public SL forum has probably alerted Linden Lab.

    Judging by the other posts Napoleon has made here, I think he's talking about sim and estate bans, Rolig, and I'm fairly sure Linden Lab regards those as disputes between users and something they won't interfere with in any way. It's still an important reminder though: if you are banned from Second Life as a whole by Linden Lab, creating a new alt is a ToS violation and can get you into even more trouble.

    Edit: Can we put this thread to rest now? As LittleMe Jewel mentioned, it is beginning to get a bit old.


  6. 12 minutes ago, Kymrie said:

    Ah, that makes sense. Walking into people is considered very rude in SL. It does happen every once in a while if you lag, but if you do it constantly I can see how that would be annoying. Arguing and debating with moderators is definitely something you shouldn't do. As for why you're not on their list, I'm not sure. Could be sim lag. You can leave SL if you really want to, but again, games like that are really not worth the effort and there are other ways to earn lindens.

    Second Life, and any other large community really, has a lot of unspoken rules about behavior. To keep things like that from happening again, you should brush up on your etiquette.

    Oh, but our characters are animated characters. I'll just make a new account and try not to repeat the same mistakes. I'm a newbie and I didn't know!

  7. Just now, Kymrie said:

    I checked on the Business Park sim and you're right, they don't require it. You also don't seem to be on their ban list, so I'm not sure why you can't get in.

    How do you check a place's ban list? They say I can't enter because I've been pushing other players. There were other players that push and bumped into other players while collecting their coins. I've talked to one of the players and they've told me that sometimes it's a lag and that it's ok that it happens sometimes. Then I got banned! This is why I'm quitting Second Life or maybe make a new account. I can't be like this forever. I can't have the ability to stay stuck with the few money I've had the last time I used the ATM in the Business Park place before they banned me.

    Also, they say my behavior in their chat groups were bad. How were they bad? I was issuing something about the ban, and arguing and debating with people about it. Then their female headmaster said that I gave them a headache. She also said I gave her a headache. Debates are natural and they shouldn't give people a headache. What they should give me is a solution and remove the ban. After that, then no more debates from me.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Kymrie said:

    The other way to earn them, as other people have already suggested, is to play games sponsored by Linden Labs, such as Linden Realms and PaleoQuest.

    I'm still trying to find both Linden Realms and PaleoQuest. Can you send a link to both of them?

    Their places were free and they do not require payment information files. People there can join at any account age. Their name is "earn FREE Linden Dollars - Fish & Gold Hunt HQ - Advertising, Business Park" and that's not fair they banned me. I think it's stupid because they let other people "newbie or not" to enter, but they don't let me enter anymore.

  9. Just now, LittleMe Jewell said:

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this story doesn't get any better or any more endearing just because it is posted in tons of places.

    Ok, and just to let you know, the female headmaster said that I gave her and two groups big, major headaches just because I started debates and arguments on why I got banned. As for the male headmaster, he's offline. I'm not sure why, but the group members won't tell me. At the end, I apologized to the female and the group members. The female headmaster said she's giving me a second chance and that the ban will be lifted once the male headmaster is online. It turns out that the female wasn't the owner, but the male is the owner.

  10. 5 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Best you can do is send a very, very nice notecard to the owner of the location, asking for clarification on the reason you were banned and asking if there is anything you can do to get the ban removed.  And assume that if you get an answer at all, it will likely be "no" 99.9999999999% of the time.

    Ok, I've done that and it's taking forever! The owner is very inactive and when I talk to the other people who are not banned, they tell me that the owners/headmasters are off for vacation for a while! I can't wait that long! I get too worried and impatient.

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