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Silverfang Tedeschi

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  1. Hi All, On our private island we have recently encountered an issues where complex rezbox's (the ones used for rezing of homes and skyboxes) are unable to completely rez the objects. Often they are able to rez in the furniture though (if it was a furnished home for that matter) but the walls, floors and structures of the buildings itself do not rezed in. Right clicking the object doesn't force load the structures neither does a viewer re-log. In the attached image below you can see that the furniture and backed textures were unpacked fine while the actual structure of the building was not . Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. PS : this is effecting all parcels across our Region, big or small. well within prim allowance too.
  2. Good day all, I'm looking for some suggestions to hunt down whats causing our region map to be a solid green/gray color. I had read that certain sim surrounds can cause this and have since then removed it from the sim as a precaution (although the surrounds maker insists that it should not be the cause). That been said it seems it did not help with the issue. I have tried looking for giant mega prim too and that doesn't seem to be the case either. As for scripts ? i have looked and no script is demanding an excessive amount of memory so I'm drawing a blank. If you have any suggestions on tracking down what could the possible cause I'd greatly appreciate it. Regards, Nickel Silver Dragon Resort.
  3. Silver Dragon Resort Estate | Prices Starting at L$500/week ~~ Welcome! ~~ We'd like to formally announce the opening of a new furry and fur friendly sim the Silver Dragon Resort, A great highly detailed tropical sim with an Asian flair. Come join our community and have fun in the sun, surf and sand. Resort Offerings Sprawling Beaches Club house and events plaza Pools and hot tubs Enjoy the surf with fun inner tubes , (couples and party tubes available) Our short stay bungalows ( private rooms ) Wide selection of rental parcels offering stunning beach and sea views to ones nestled in and about the tropical scenery. Resort rental pricing 1024 m - L$500/week 2000 m - L$1000/week 4096 m - L$2000/week ~~ Opening Party! ~~ We will be hosting a opening party on the evening on Saturday the 15th. We would like to Invite all whom are interested. We will be offering a great special on all our long stay plots of an extra week when you purchase 4 weeks in advance! Where:Silver Dragon Resort Events Plaza Time: 2pm SLT - 7pm SLT Theme: Beachy/Relaxed Regards, Nickel. Silver Dragon Owner.
  4. Hi! I have gotten myself into land rentals on a private region and I need some assistance or guidance. I have bought a rental system (CasperLet and tried HippoRent too) and as far as I can see prepared the region to the best of my knowledge (subdivided into parcels and so forth) However I have not been able to figure out a why that manages the transfer of land ownership to the tenant automatically and have been doing this manually. So when they initiate the rental though the system they are able to build in the desired parcel automatically rather then having me log in and transfer the land to them. ( setting the lands value to 0L$) I have requested assistance in this regard from CasperTech but they were not very helpful, saying that CasperLet isn't built to do it. If there is another way or you have suggestions please feel free to though them this way too! I know I may have bitten off more then I can chew but I really want to make this work and work the best it can. So any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and Regards
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