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Killer Bae

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Everything posted by Killer Bae

  1. Hmm so what I'm gathering here is that complexity doesn't seem to really have any real read or calculation on a mesh avie's encumbrance. lol
  2. It seems so interesting to me that the avatar complexity counts are so inaccurate. Why have the number at all? Is there perhaps some aspect of this number that can't be calculated or recorded with the so-called "onion avatars", ie with the appliers and such? Appliers seem to take the longest out of anything to load anyway when all is said and done.
  3. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Threlkeld/6/237/21 Great sunset view!!
  4. Ok this makes sense and didn't even consider it. Thank you! I have gathered from my time in SL that mesh has changed a lot of things about the way SL works/loads for most people.
  5. Hey all, sorry if this is a question that's already been asked/answered, couldn't find it. I use Firestorm. I noticed that avatar's complexity ratings vary drastically depending on mesh and the like, but it brings to question my own avatar that is fully mesh, jewelry, rings, etc and rarely has a complexity count higher than about 40-45k. Can someone possibly help me understand why some of the (usually female) avatars walk about with 100k+ all the time? They take forever to load (I'm not running a potato, mind you!) I have my complexity rendering capped at 350k - Firestorm's default setting, which seemed reasonable - and I run into people even that high every now and then. Do they want to be seen, or what? And what exactly are they attaching aside from clothing/jewelry/hair that makes their counts so high? I'm obviously not trying to emulate that sort of count, but I am indeed curious, lol. Thanks ahead of time for not biting me for asking. (I'm looking at you, ya meanies.)
  6. Just reduced price to L$9999! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Threlkeld/3/243/22
  7. I am also open to offers (please be reasonable)...feel free to IM me in world... Amorenna.
  8. Updated this parcel to reduce to 1024...also dropped price to 11999. Great (protected) waterfront property...don't miss this! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Threlkeld/3/243/22
  9. Beautiful sunset view. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Threlkeld/4/242/23
  10. Still not working. What a long downtime.
  11. Hi there! *waves* I am the same way as you...I've been here over a year and haven't made any real friends. It can be difficult as it feels like, at times, people aren't really interested in making new friends. When you go to a club and everyone is silent and not really replying to your quips and comments in local, it can be a disheartening experience. That being said, I'm always open to IMs and friends! I'm not looking for an SL "family" as I like to go my own speed, though. PS your flickr is cool ! I've considered doing my own...but my photography skills are somewhat lacking, lol.
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