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Night Rainfall

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  1. I think avalon is the worst one in most ways. Lilly or Fluer looks close to catya in more ways as someone who owns every female head from both stores. Avalon is awful. weird deep features, unnatural nose, and too sculpted nostrils, nothing petite or delicate about it like Catya had. You can make the nose smaller and more pointy with a very slight curve on Lilly. Fleur is if you went the other way with the nose. Here's hoping they release a newer head with a straight but not deep nose and delicate features this year in the winter and not forced upturned noses or eyes so deep you can go bowling with the head.
  2. Too bad not one of them looks pretty. Each one has it's own issues, whereas with Catwa there weren't any issues if the head was pretty. The only problem with Catwa is the hd line is worse than anything, but the original heads were very pretty. Lelutka heads have so many faults. 75% of them don't look classically feminine at all and have poorly shaped noses (just like the original lelutka line), and how the noses 'form' into the forehead is confusing. I often look at many actresses that are considered beautiful and wonder why not a single Lelutka head even attempted to at least make the noses resemble some of those people. Also, the cheeks on most of the lelutka heads are very ... ragged in the 3/4 view. After reviewing all heads over nearly a full year and trying every single skin I could find (videos soon to be published, but is a very long series that still is being edited) the two that could be perfect are Lilly and Fleur, but there are problems with both which could easily be fixed with more control and range on the sliders. I'm not sure of that's because the rigging is poor or it's intentional so no one can ever be happy, which would be sad. The way the profile looks on fleur could use work, the brow bothers me and many skins eyebrows sit wrong on that head and it's baffling to me why they didn't just make it good. It's so obvious! Lilly has some strange fat cheeks you can see in the 3/4 view like a few of the Lelutka heads and no amount of adjustment can correct. Many hairstyles make those cheeks even more unflattering. The nose on Lilly while better than most, is also strange from the side, like most all lelutka heads. Avalon and Ceylon are the ugliest and also seem to be the most popular. The way the lighting casts on those heads is horrendous. This is just my opinion, but I have convinced many of it as I own most every head in the lineup above, except the one with the sausage nose from the side that needs a good chopping off. Genus stole my money on that one, so I was ready for it with Lelutka and luckily avoided that train wreck. I'm working on videos to show these flaws in hopes that the creators will be more thoughtful with future heads. Not to mention all the concealers, contours and other garbage that needs to be worn to make the heads passable which shouldn't even be a thing in a game. I can only hope someone new makes heads and saves us from the depression of mesh heads we are in now.
  3. So far other than the catwa head and an older skin I can't seem to get really fine angular but small features to finally complete my avatar. I thought I had it with a newer lelutka head but the one head that might have worked had a stronger limitation on mouth width thus too wide for my tastes. I probably bought every demo of every head and skin I could find. They all have the big thick eyebrows and if you get izzie's brows which look good in the pics they aren't quite the detail of some of the other brows. I wish I could find a skin that had some thing nicely angled Taylor Swift brows (but not her nose) and no weird shading or big looking features (other than eyes I suppose) for a catwa head. Even when you reduce sliders down to lowest numbers some skins just have this painted in fat nose tips or over the top upper lids even with eye crease at 10 it's too much and it looks like I have 3-4 upper eyelids. Reducing it via messing with the brows themselves makes cat liners distort. It's a mess! I've been in disarray for months now over this. I think catwa is the way to go where I get the pointed nose, no chub cheeks or fatty nose tips or the puppet creases on either side of the lips a lot of genus have I mistakenly bought, but it's hard to find a newer hq skin and makeups for catwa AND get those thin, similarly angled Taylor Swift brows. I've tried deetalez, ysys, amara beauty (probably my fav but still weird steel wool brows), pink fuel (too old now), tres bleu or whatever, mila, skinnery, itgirls. pumec, insol, not found ... not sure what else I am missing. Anyone have any suggestions?
  4. I would like it if they'd make a new head based on the genus strong 2 head, since it has somewhat normal looking features and put a totally straight nose on it and call it Strong 4: A New Hope. Most people I talk to still using other brand heads are waiting on that straight, NOT wide nose, no dip, no half pipe curves or fatty tips or too prominent nostrils. I'd also like to see the end of the baby structured chin on non baby heads.
  5. I was talking mostly about the classic head's odd nose tip which looks like something is growing out of the tip. The baby head's nose is okay, it is the cheeks on that specific head which are chipmunk like. The cheek sliders could have more range than they do and should and still could if they updated it. I don't see why they can't add that flexibility to that head, it's the one of the 3 that is easiest to embrace.
  6. The noses on Genus are probably the ugliest I've seen in any character customization toolset not just in SL but in modern gaming in general besides maybe Division 2. I have never seen anyone with the Classic nose in RL mainly because the tip looks really unusual and very uncommon to see. It's almost like looking at a caricature of a person instead of a real person; and the same goes for baby and strong and shots I've seen of "Strange" which probably will be out at the Skin fair. The slider range is terrible on all 3 heads as well. Some sliders do very little to near nothing at all within a 50 point range. Additional issues are the foreheads/cranium sections which are wacky looking and just another characteristic of Genus heads that are in juxtaposition to the realism the Genus creator seemed to be going for. I have about 3000 hairstyles from 2018 to current date and maybe less than one quarter of that hair I can wear with Genus. I recently sorted through my inventory and marked only a small number of hair folders with the letter G so I remember which can fit to those heads. The other 2 heads have their problems too which crush any amount of hope I had at making a nice and normal look with that brand of mesh heads. I'm not trying to beat-up the creator, I actually hope they make a more universal head with more neutral features. I think quite a few Catwa heads accomplished this already which is why most of my friends use them.
  7. Genus Classic: Genus Baby: Genus Strong: Also Genus with Specular and Bump on: Catwa:
  8. stupid sad unskilled basement dwellers doing this again
  9. I get what you're saying and I have blocked a lot of people who were just being mean. I'm running out of people though seriously! It takes it's toll a bit after doing it for several years. Blocking is easy sure but the feelings for me are not easy to deal with. A lot of times people trick me too. They won't bring up voice for a few weeks after some form of giving a damn about them kicks in and then they suddenly ask these things of me, and all those end. Not in blocks, just in parting ways. I used to keep track of how many people by calling cards, it was quite a large number.
  10. For me like I was saying it's just deeply depressing. I can't speak and I don't have a problem saying no to people, but some push really hard and have attacked me in a chat because I won't and I don't really want to explain my situation. It's not just SL though. I've made friends on forums for games or something and known them for years, then 3 years in we find out we both use steam and they add me, then eventually they ask me to talk to them, I say I can't and sometimes I even explain why (though I don't like to), they say it's fine but then slowly disappear or remove me as a friend. I recently moved and don't know anyone where I live so I was trying to find friends in SL that actually look forward to me coming on as much as I would them but it seems impossible. It's not a replacement for offline friends but I do a lot online and also play games so it would be nice to find someone.
  11. Hey, thanks for replying. I actually do have a full profile, this is just an account I use for putting uploads and stuff on. I couldn't remember my password on my iPad for my main account. I've been playing SL since the teen grid though but I stopped for school and stuff and then got back into SL a couple years ago and haven't really made many friends. I could send you a request though.
  12. I know this is and old topic but I couldn't find a newer one. I too have this same problem. I'm not deaf just mute. It's very hard to get people to want to talk to me really. Guys also ask for the skype, discord or voice in sl which I can't do. I've been pretty much playing alone for 3 years now with nearly no interaction. Just last night I ran into this same problem and it made me sad so googling I discovered this thread. It sucks to be deemed worthless pretty much because I can't talk at all, not that these people would know that but saying I don't use voice turns them off immediately. I have told people why I can't in the past but I shouldn't have to reveal my private life like that.
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