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Posts posted by VenKellie

  1. can already go high speed along the SLRR if your connection is fast enough to keep you on your train. I have seen many VRC freebie trains go past me at like 200 km/h with no operator.
    Its only suggested to go 0.50 vrc (or 50% throttle) through sim crossings to reduce the chances of losing your train but the SLRR has no enforced max speed right now.

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  2. On 1/2/2019 at 2:12 AM, Marianne Little said:

    I found the railroad, how does it work? Do I need my own train?


    Welcome to the SecondLife Railroad. Be sure to visit Tuliptree for some freebies like a free train then take a ride on the SLRR to bedstraw ;) feel free to IM me in world for any more help and questions about the SLRR. RTCSL loves helping new people enjoy all railroads in sl.

  3. On 11/18/2018 at 3:18 PM, PenelopeWinthorpe said:

    I think you are mistaken you can create a way to control someone else's viewer. so that's not quite correct in your explanation. in fact Jessie is right there is a ultima hud that will allow you to control someones viewer if they click on something.

    yea its called RLV but the person being controlled has to enable RLV and consent to being controlled. Theres no other way for someone to control someone else's viewer.

    The whole crash thing sounds more like theres something rezzed that the person's viewer spazzes out on, happens to me all the time. a simple cache clean usually does the trick.

    As for hacking with lsl. NOPE no way, no how. Only damage someone can do with lsl is spam and theres no way for someone to get someone elses IP address with lsl. The victim will have to go to a website to expose their IP to the bad guy.

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  4. On 10/7/2018 at 1:40 PM, Klytyna said:

    Which, hopefully, will be declined... Editing a wiki for something *should* be restricted to people who know about that thing...

    Allowing just ANYONE to edit wiki pages is why wiki's are such a bloody awful idea.

    totally agree with ya. Also i find mediawiki abit too... not security friendly
    I really think LL should get their php devs to write their own wiki system.

  5. what abnor mole said but also best to have a prim on both sides of the border to overhang on the border while overlapping each other, i usually make them transparent. This prevents the avatar falling through the prims while making the transition from sim to sim. The moles have used this trick as well throughout the mainland roads, just turn on highlight transparency while at a sim crossing on a LL road.

  6. you do need a group to rent shops / parcels to others unless u open rez for everyone and disable auto return but that then opens you up to griefing which is almost a daily thing on mainland. Least with group only rezzing, only your tenants can rez without their stuff being auto returned so if you do get griefed it will be auto returned within the time you set in about land.

  7. you can have a integer and a string in the prim's description, just seperate the two with a marker like a comma and just do llCSV2List

    ie. prim description is abc,123
    then do list desclist = llCSV2List(llGetObjectDesc());
    string somestring = llList2String(desclist,0); // returns abc
    integer channel = llList2Integer(desclist,1); // returns 123 as a integer

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