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Sydelle Zanzibar

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Posts posted by Sydelle Zanzibar

  1. My worst experience shopping was when i was at an event with my SL dad and we were chatting via actual telephone while we shopped. We noticed a very cute shoulder pet for sale. it had optional clothing that it could wear. I went crazy over it but didn't have enough lindens for it. He said I'll buy it for you! It turned out there was no gift option so send me the lindens and i bought it. when i tried to wear it, my body got deformed like those old griefer chair that left you looking like a monster back in the day. so I tried several times taking it on and off and trying to undeform myself. Finally I gave up, and tried to ask the seller for help. What followed was a crazy hour long mess of confusion, misunderstandings and hate spewed from her because my avi is a tween. She insisted that the problem was because the pet was interfering with my "deformers" that made me a child avi, even when i tried to explain that i don't use deformers i have a regular body that is just shorter than most people using the height slider,. Since i got flustered my SL dad tried to Im her, thinking I must have explained badly. She then started throwing a fit that i was "Sharing logs with strangers" against the TOS. (we were talking on the phone not sharing logs) She said she would be reporting me for being a child and for log sharing. She banned me from her store. and I guess muted me. I finally figured out that i was accidentally wearing a item of clothing for the pet and that is what deformed me. Somehow I had made a copy of that item and it was outside the folder, so when i removed the entire folder of items, it didn't remove that. The mistake was mine, but that is how i approached asking for help too, like hey, i must be doing something wrong, wearing this shoulder pet deforms me. Her attitude was so hateful and antagonistic for no reason i could tell. It upset me so much i never wear that pet no matter how cute it is, just seeing it makes me feel hated and sad. 

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  2. On 9/9/2024 at 2:33 PM, Prokofy Neva said:

    But in principle, this person's rare houses were livable and I'd used them before. So I tried to again. And couldn't. Because I couldn't walk into the building. Because the creator had not properly wrangle the mesh and the issue of empty volume and doorways to ensure habitable spaces. Sometimes this is fixed by unlinking parts, putting in actual prims, removing stuff, etc.

    I had this happen once, the creator put in the MP description that it was "easy to walk in" so I thought it was livable. It was easy to walk in because it was Phantom! When i complained she said of course its a decoration only lol.

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  3. On 9/10/2024 at 2:26 PM, Fauve Aeon said:

    I think my question of the day would be - why do they make tippy toe shaped sneakers and trainers? 

    For the people here that are RPing Barbies. Have you seen the Barbie movie? 


      On 9/9/2024 at 6:55 AM, Carolyn Zapedzki said:

    Why do  some people stand right in front of something in a shop blocking your view of said product?


    I think they are noobs and don't know how to use alt shift to zoom around. 

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  4. If you are getting landscaping or a house and you want snow for winter, plan ahead when you purchase and get season changing trees, and houses with Snow cover addons. I can just go around and click my trees to change the season on them. If you have a building with a flat roof and want snow, its easy to just add a snow texture to a flat prim to cover it. 

    Make a seasonal folder in your inventory with the holidays as subfolders. that way all your good holiday stuff is all together. 

    If you want things to be festive without going all out, pick a few specific places on your land that you will decorate for holidays. I have a corner in my house for a display and the porch is for decorating with maybe some stuff spilling out on the lawn. But the rest of my house is just normal everyday things, cause if i put it all over, i will forget its there for sure. 

    Join groups that point out the good group gifts and cheap things.

    Go to the Shop n Hops, I have so much holiday themed stuff from those since they give out so many free gifts. 


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  5. i send offline messages to email but i never tried replying to them from there, it just didn't occur to me to talk to SL people in RL email -- that's some kind of black magic dimension mixing i think.  I do have a note to send me a notecard if i don't answer people because i don't read my email most of the time. 

    • Haha 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I thought of one!!!

    Do you plan to grow up one day (or not literally "one day", but "over time") in Second Life?

    My Sl sister did that. when we became "Sisters" she was RPing a year younger than me. now she is an adult avatar. It was kinda funny to see her grow up while i stayed mostly the same! She enjoyed her time as a kid even went to school and such and is now happy as an adult. 

    When i hit 10RL years of being 11 I "aged up" to 12 I had a birthday party and everything! I have considered going back down to 11 but i never do it.  12 feels kinda old haha.

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  7. 22 hours ago, Shiloh Lyric said:

    My question: Why do they stand right at the TP landing point so other avatars aren't landing on their heads? I usually take a couple of steps away from it as soon as I land. It's pretty much a habit.

    Im guilty. For some reason Teleports take forever for me about 40% of the time. Sometimes it crashes too. Everything else in Sl  seems to run fine but some days Teleporting goes amok.  If i need to run grab a snack or go to the bathroom RL, waiting for TP completion is an easy time to do it. On top of that many places have those landing point movers now, so it slides you out of the way of people landing on your head. 

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  8. 4 hours ago, Harper Held said:

    Why put up with the B.S. that goes with being a kid avatar in 2024? Is it the lack of other platforms to be one on?

    After the events of early 2024 I'm not sure i'd be one again -at least, not any time soon!

    The only thing i can classify as "B.S. that goes with being a kid avatar in 2024" would be having to edit avatars and the Kid Haters club of SL.

    Day to day issues are rare. The crappy  stuff is mostly on forums or outside Second Life. My friends are on Sl and i love SL so i never had any thought to go looking elsewhere. In world, many of my friends are kid avis or families of kids so none of them are gonna suddenly become anti-kid. I just ignore (Or block if absolutely necessary) the kid haters, they aren't worth my time. Even so, I can count the haters i have run into in world on one hand. And that's total over the last 15 years.

    Other than the swath of complaining about (and confusion about) new rules that came with having to buy new/edit avatars last month, nothing has really changed for me that would make me feel like leaving. I admit i felt a bit of worry at first that i would be banned from being a kid when the new rules were so unclear, but with clarity of the rules that worry seems unfounded. 

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  9. image.png.4e9bdd2585df16b8a03ef9bbccb6da09.png


    I make sure everything is under 100k at all times cause once i got over 144k items and got severe inventory loss. lost half of it, had to replace tons of stuff and it was traumatizing. When it finally came back FIVE YEARS LATER other newer stuff had disappeared in the process. I hope to never repeat that nightmare! 76k is getting too close for comfort atm. This is why you wont find me buying anything no copy and often consider deleting anything no copy i get for some other reason, you cant redeliver no copy stuff.

    I  organize everything by a system i read a book about. 'The PARA Method' so I sort of (where i could make it fit) transferred that to SL too along with heavy use of the default folders.

    All clothing/wearable go in the #RLV folder so I can use my wardrobe systems to get dressed and see my clothes.  I love opening my dresser drawers and cabinets to find what to wear instead of my inventory.

    P : Projects - in SL I always have projects going so every project has a folder. I suck at organizing them so i just throw everything i used in a project in there willy nilly. maybe messy but not as bad as if its just lost in the giant abyss of everything. Also, i might not recall what mesh or texture i used for something later, so its all in there as a group.

    A: Areas - in RL this is areas you have ongoing responsibilities but in SL i dont have areas of "responsibility". pfft that's no fun! So for inventory for me its just the categories of stuff i keep according to the system folders. You know like textures go in the textures folder... simple. Objects folder has some more detailed folder breakdowns of stuff like Buildings, Landscaping. Vehicles, Pets, NPCs, Etc.

    R: Research- I got a folder with all the instructions for all the stuff i ever bought. i could have just left the notecards with the stuff that needed the instructions, but I'm weird like that. Got a folder of tutorials for how to do stuff in SL in there too. 

    A: Archives - When i started organizing i put everything in here, and when I work on organizing i slowly try to empty this folder to the right places.  That way when  you open the inventory its all hidden in the archives and feels all nice unless you think about the disaster hidden in the archives folder.

    i have a rule that nothing can be named object in my inventory or i self-destruct. I have a demo folder that is a wishlist. other demos gotta die. I also make sure i never have textures in a box, cause then  you cant find them in the texture window.


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  10. 7 hours ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

    Okay, I do have one! :)


    If one is in SL primarily as a child/kid avatar say 12 years old or less—i.e., spends the large majority of your time in one avatar, not just has a kid avatar as one in a huge collection of alternate looks—what would you suggest/feel are the primary motivations that users in SL represent as child avatars? I know they'll vary from person to person, but what are the key ones do you think?

    My primary avatar is 11/12 years old. I do have adult alts but i rarely play them, generally for specific things then back to my main. My primary reason is like others "it feels right" but maybe it feels right for different reasons?

    I'm the age i am because too much younger and it would be weird if I'm going out alone places, older and it loses the whimsical feel of childhood for me. 

    I don't actually roleplay that much, i have a SL father but he is not a roleplayer at all,  but we hang out he helps me with projects I'm doing and runs interference if i get anxiety about stuff. My childhood was not a bad one, it was great, but my mother was quite strict leaving me with less freedom than my peers. Being a kid again lets me do kid stuff that was forbidden to me as a RL kid like wearing shirts with skulls on it, running amok, riding bikes,  playing with "dangerous stuff" (you know like trampolines, fireworks and shooting myself out of cannons! The sillier the better.) I COULD do that stuff in an adult  avatar, but it just feels wrong, like I should act more my age or something. I like the way it feels to skip around and just play. 

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  11. 7 hours ago, brodiac90 said:

    3) Moderate sims 

    I've found myself going to Moderate sims less and less just because I can't be bothered with the hassle of them. Yes, child avatars are allowed on Moderate sims, but LL has also said we're not allowed near nudity and Moderate sims allow public adult nudity, so one must always be on the look out to ensure they're not breaching TOS. I now find myself camming around a lot more before I enter places on M sims while having to wait for avatars to fully rez in to check their state of dress. This obviously slows things down and makes navigating Moderate sims more difficult and more of a chore. Even if there are no offending avatars and content, you can never truly relax because the situation could change at any moment. In this situation we really are 2nd class citizens. 

    i think this affects me less as i really do stick to my own few places most of the time. And a good portion of places i shop, I'll be there alone. At Shop n hop i hopped directly to shops and out again, instead of wandering slowly around to  all the stores with my friends like previous years, even though i dont think i have seen people at it ever wandering nude, but maybe im just not observant enough?

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  12. 19 hours ago, brodiac90 said:

    I've a series of questions then for all the child avatars. It's been 7 weeks since the child avatar TOS changes of May 2nd and the June 30th deadline is only days away. 

    @Sadvhi @Madi Melodious@Magneto Bashly @NicholasTheHufflepuffWizard@Lilbap@Sydelle Zanzibar@PheebyKatz

    I'd like to think of this as the aftermath discussion. 

    Breaking down the changes, how have you been effected by:

    1) The ban on adult land. 

    2) The not being allowed near nudity rule. 

    3) Your usage of Moderate sims. Do you go to these less than you did before? How is the experience? 

    4) The availability of content - think avatars being updated specifically. 

    5) The modesty layers. 

    6) Overall how do you feel about everything? 

    For the adults wishing to participate 

    1) Have you noticed a marked change in the number of child avatars out and about? Has there been a change in the amount of child avatars you see in Moderate sims? 

    1. I used to shop on A land sometimes. And due to this change i set my settings to block me going there. I made some "shopping" avatars (a ghost and a chalkboard) in case i really want something there but i hate wearing them and so i just avoid it now. Its not common enough to bother me anyway. The only irritation so far was my sister invited me to shop-n-hop and happened to be in an adult area and she didn't notice and we spent awhile trying to figure out why all TPs were not arriving. Another shop-n-hop store was NOT in the adult area and gave gift cards only useable in their A only store.  So Overall I occasionally feel slightly annoyed, bot nothing serious. 

    2. I didnt wanna be around nudity anyways so... YAY! Its always been one of the good reasons to be a kid. Also I dont RP that heavy so no need for baths. (I guess i stink?)

    3. My home community and my Second Escape Business are both on M land. The rules in those places didn't change, everyone seems the same as before. I did put up a sign... it says "NO NUDITY... No Butts about it!" Before, i didn't have a sign. That sign is the main difference in everyday life, i just see it there.  I don't know why I didn't have one before. I guess it never occured to me nude people would go running around my M land? I mean Once a few years ago a person wearing only a lady body part Avatar was there and she apologized to me for it but that's the worst that's happened in the distant past. I'm sure the sign will do not much of anything. Maybe it will get a laugh.

    4. Rebirth took a long time to update their body and everytime i asked about it people got all annoyed. I didn't feel like waiting on something without even an announcement of what to expect so I swapped to Teen Turf. I have mixed feeling about it. for one, i think I look like a more realistic 12yo with more accurate proportions. But I also have more chest than I ever have in all of SL... so the new TOS made me be more grownup looking with more boobs than before. seems almost the opposite of the intended effect? Still I look more like several RL 12yos I know. To make matters more awkward, there's less Teen Turf clothing and they actually include a notecard with what adult clothes fit. and adult clothes are just less childlike. NOw that i got it all set up though, Rebirth released their TOS compliant body now. I think i'm too tired of editing my looks to go regress back to 11yo. see... now i feel awkward no matter what i choose. Maybe later.

    5. Modesty layers. I don't care. I asked loads of questions at first cause it was worded super weird, but now... i wear BOM layers all the time anyhow so I bought me some new undies. My BOM tights over my BOM undies no one is gonna derender and see anything anyhow. It all became an excuse to spend more lindens on loads of shopping. haha I also got some skins with it built in, but so far they dont match my face skin and looked so bad i took those off. Maybe when they make more of them.


    Overall, my feelings are "Meh. What alot of hoopla over nothin!"

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