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Everything posted by MommysPrincessRuby

  1. Thank you all for the great suggestions. I have been keeping the boxes that most of my VIP Hair and Shoes come in. Is it better to save those in another box, or just in the folder that I have opened in my inventory? (Hope that makes sense!!) And yeah, I think I will start saving the sizes Im not using now. Throwing them away felt so wasteful, and my grandma would have a fit seeing me throwing all that away!! Ruby xx
  2. I've read a few long posts from earlier in time but I didn't find anything that helped!! So I'm going to ask here which I hope is the right spot. I currently wear a Belleza Freya body and it's the only mesh body I own. To cut back on inventory, I have been deleting all Matraya and Slink option from purchases, wether clothes or shoes. I keep the Belleza sizes in case I decide at some point to buy one of the other two. My first question is does anyone think there is a reason to keep the Slink and Matraya items and if so is there a way to store them out of my regular inventory (box or other options??) Or is there a way that I could "donate" these things to people just starting with those mesh bodies?? I hate trashing them, I've paid for them. But I just can't use them!! Ruby xx
  3. Hi Clarice!! Could you please send me an invite?? I think I have one last group spot open!! I'd also be happy to help you coordinate get togethers if you need!! Ruby xx
  4. So I've been a SLifer for 8 months now and know nobody. I honestly am quite shy, don't go to clubs or other community events. I mainly love to take photos, hoard free stuff, and play Barbie with my KittyCats running around. I have no "family" or significant other and the only RL friend I have that introduced me to SL isn't around right now. I am a lady in both SL and RL but I welcome all sexes, colors, furry, etc. I do want to stay drama free!! Ruby xx Edit: Ishould add if you would like chat or whatever, you can find me @ Mommysprincessruby in world.
  5. Thank you all for the help!!! Yes, I was meaning the classic rigged mesh. I have a few of those outfits that I will try. I sadly was cleaning house one day and deleted my whole folder of outfits I had collected over my short life (Only three months old ) So, Ill pull out the few I have and try. I think the issue will be with my breasts, and this Mesh body is specifically made larger in the butt and breast areas. I do also have a small collection of Omega clothing, so I may just have to stick with that for now while I save up my monthly "allowance" I get IRL. I have glanced at the Slink bodies, and a few of the others. I just dont generally have the Lindens to slap down on one. Once again, you all are great!!!
  6. Yeah long title :catembarrassed: Ok. I have a G Inc. Perfect Body. It's my first mesh body and I like it quite a bit. My problem is so many of the mesh/fitted mesh clothing is low cut in the chest area. The way the body alpha is cut when I try to hide my breasts to wear these low cut outfits you can "see thru" to my inside. Hopefully that makes sense??? So basically I am stuck with no low cut anything. Outside of the maker having to change the whole alpha table is there something I can do to wear these clothes? And I suppose since I'm here, with a mesh body, can I wear "classic" mesh clothing or just the fitted mesh?? Thank you in advance for your assistance!! Ruby xx
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