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Lancewae Barrowstone

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Posts posted by Lancewae Barrowstone

  1. As for the "water kit system," you're probably talking about the waves.  It's almost certainly like the one I've used in the past where the KEY thing for you to know is that the heart of this wave-generating trick is a small invisible prim up in the sky that will pop up there when you rezz your "waves" from the folder onto the ground (or so you think).  That little prim houses the scripts that are causing the animated textures that give you wavelets washing ashore. Very nice.  But your waves may be going in the wrong direction and needing adjustments, so to fix this, when you rezz your beach (this unseen prim box),  make sure you have no trees in the way so you can find that box in the sky.  It may be inland a bit and not OVER your beach.  To find it just turn off transparencies (ctrl alt T) and this will turn all prims on your sim red, including that invisible little prim box, so you can now look up in the sky until you see it.  Then r-click it and select "Edit" so you can move the box like any other prim, and you will then see  that you in adjusting the box you are moving your waves.  And thus, you position everything as you want them for a lapping effect up onto your new sand.  You may have a different system but probably not. 

    The exceeding cool thing about all this is that while the you can't place prims OFF-sim,  and thus you wonder how are you seeing your waves coming in from off sim?  The trick is that the prim box itself holding the scripts and animations IS ON your sim, and thus the animations will run and you will see them rolling onto your beach like coming in off the wide ocean. These are not big breakers, but little normal wavelets washing upon to a shore.  Really cool.  

  2. Let the word go out!  The ground-shake of this new law is huge.  It's language is so broad it should pretty clearly be seen to encompass certain SL roleplays as criminal activity,  because it "promotes trafficking in sex" if it can be linked to “prostitution.” 

    I'll demonstrate to you how:

    According to cyber.laws.com,  recent legislation has spawned from online bullying, stalking, fraud, theft, and underage sex.  But TODAY,  we must realize that there are very key new developments to know.

    1. "Cyber-sex" is defined as "the act of role-playing sexual acts or exchanging explicit sexual messages with people in chat rooms...."  Well, now the language broadens to include all online platforms,  including SL, online gaming, anything.

    2. "Cybersex is intended to be undertaken for sexual stimulation and arousal, regardless of whether or not real life masturbation is taking place. Therefore, many jurisdictions will treat cybersex as engaging in sexual practices. This will in turn give rise to the situation where cybersex can be illegal." 

    This is clearly what we’re seeing in the new SEST-FOSTA legislation.

    3. The 2014 language of legislation (and now continuing with these new iterations)  has been to target online sties in order to stop the advertising of sexual activities that promotes sexual trafficking, and as such would in turn make it a federal felony to post prostitution ads online.  

    This all suggests to me that Second Life clubs promoting “escorting” activities will meet the definitions of illegality.  This why we now see online sites like Craigslist and Reddit and others closing their “personal” sections.

    So, here is the bottom line, as I see it.  It suggests to me that SL roleplay of escorting for “paid” sex services using linden dollars or any other type of in-game created currencies anywhere, will constitute a criminal violation of law.  

    Time to put away the g-strings girls, and watch VERY CAREFULLY what you say in chat and IMs in Second Life.


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  3. Brilliant idea and easy to do, as I'm sure you know.  I love it.  You'll need a minimum few members to form the group, so I say:    "Send me an Invite!" 

    Once the group is formed and working then we just post it here so others can join and start to immediately receive the notices of planned excursions into SL world..., like a trip the Dublin Pub for some dancing to a DJ and jokes with the residents, or a drop into London City to ride the scooters around town which is hillariously fun, and some good newbie shopping too. 

    Once a group like this starts there is no end to SL suprises to be revealed.

    Might need to post an easy explanation how people can find the little "join" button when they open the group page. Easy peasy.


  4. Also check your Gestures, look at each one that is set to "active." It's possible someone gave you a gesture and you may not even realize it or remember accepting it and it could be activating when you hit a certain key or combinations of keys. You may even like the gesture, but you will want to know how to control it. Also a "crouch" (which can be set to any kind of animation) can activate seemingly mysteriously if you have Preferences set to crouch lock and you hit the active key while typing. Just check your Preferences and find and unclick that selection box if it is activated. Not saying these pertain to you but other readers here might find these additional suggestions helpful.

  5. After you make changes to the notecard and you wear the AO again, you must "load" that notecard.  Click your onscreen AO (HUD) for a  menu and there you can update your HUD to the new notecard changes.  I don't know the Tuty's menu, but I use Zhao and the menu item is called "Load." Click it, and it reads the new card and you are good to go. 

    If you have no card (look in your AO contents and see if a notecard is really there), then you may have deleted it.  Find another Tuty's card in your aother free AO and copy it.  Add it to the AO where you want it. Then edit it and make your animations as you want them.  I usually rename that card so I know it's the one I want to load.  Then, wear the AO, click it for Menu, and load that card. All should be sweet then.


    Good Lulck

  6. But culture hardly matters any more. Precisely because it has always separated us into distinct global pods. And while cultural differences were considered rich and interesting, this new one-world mentality and the one-world market linked by internet and instant communications, has taken hold and is producing an impetus to level cultures. Where once we respected differences, even valued the diversity, now we don't because the pressure is to dilute differences away, so that we all feel the same and no one culture or nation should feel pride in itself or its distinctiveness, nor think itself better than any other, most especially it's a western culture. The new direction in the west is to demonstrate to the world that every culture must embrace the differences of all other cultures in such a way as to absorb them into its own and thereby dilute both. The fact that this occurring is indisputable. It is only resisted by certain non-western nations and cultures. The world is being actively moved to one e-culture. Young people all over the globe join on their phones and laptops in their wish to be alike; that is the nature of young age. Thus, each successive generation now serves to flatten cultures into oblivion. I suppose it's good to want to keep the lore but really that long history of human beings is already the repository of that lore. The only thing modern archivists can add is to record the ends of culture.

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