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Janet Voxel

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Posts posted by Janet Voxel

  1. Over the summer I tried several GTA V fivem servers and my head just about exploded. Between the getting whitelist access through discord, filling out an application (some of them took an hour+!), trying to figure out how to make a nice avatar, it took me a half hour to figure out how to get out of my apartment on some servers. I had nothing left….seriously, I was done.

    It’s really not that hard to make an avatar or ‘play’ Secondlife, the problem is and always has been knowing where to go and then it costs MONEY. It doesn’t help that people are less friendly than they used to be. The money part cannot be overstated.

    The difference there is if you have GTA V, fivem is free. The whitelisted servers have all of the clothes you could want, just walk in a store and change clothes. 

    Im not saying GTA rp is better than Second life. Again, it was information overload for me and I just kind of…stopped. I can imagine it would be the other way around for someone coming from GTA over to SL. However! If I was 19 again and had to choose between free and spend about $100 just to get started. I know which one I’d choose.

    • Like 2
  2. Y’know in OP’s defense,(you’re fighting for your life here buddy)there are some ideas that SL could co-opt from Inzoi. I kinda knew this subject would come up again, when the limited demo was out and it will again and again. I said this in the other thread, so I’ll just say it again:

    It was only a demo of the character creator and a limited one at that. What was really good about it besides the graphics was how easy it was to shape your avatar. It was more a drag it where you want it than using sliders. Which I found much, much easier to do it that way than using the sliders. People do struggle with making shapes in SL. That’s a possible way to make it easier. Yeah, yeah I know some of the sliders were limited, but it was a limited demo. While you can’t make a big tiddy goddess in the demo, there’s nothing saying you can’t do it in the full version.

    Inzoi has puppeteering. That is, your avatar matches your facial expressions when talking. SL started doing something similar, but it got put on the back burner or abandoned. Judging from people’s reaction to it in inzoi, LL was on the right track with their idea.

    While they aren’t quite in the same sphere, there is some overlap. Where there is overlap, LL could take some cues from elsewhere.

    • Like 5
  3. There is overlap between SL and the sims. There’s quite a few users and creators the two have in common. 

    However, fwiw, until Inzoi becomes multiplayer, I would say SL is pretty safe. Graphically, Inzoi blows the Sims and SL out of the water. Even on that front, both SL and the Sims might be safe. As was seen here, a modest graphical upgrade caused an uproar, because a lot of users don’t have the specs for it.  A lot of sims players have said they won’t be playing Inzoi because they don’t have a PC with the specs for it. 

    LL has already taken steps to modernize SL with PBR and GtLF and the voice thing. Whatever happens on SL has to be carefully considered and incremental.

    • Like 3
  4. English is my second language.

    French is my first, although most French will disagree, because I’m from Quebec and it has its……quirks. 400 years and an ocean will do that to you. I also have a Joual accent (think working class Québécois) because of the neighborhood I grew up in.

    I can also understand Haitian Kreyol, Spanish and Portuguese pretty well.

    • Like 2
  5. 24 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Pretty sure it was, it may have even been "deleted". 

    But I think the issues with the other thread started with the "criticisms", which assumed a lot about the OP, etc.

    It was there for a while. I think what ultimately did it(got it deleted) was it basically was an advertisement. 

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  6. 22 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

    I think I'm out of my league.


    Actually, this helped me the most! It’s how I was able to zoom in on the object and figure out it wasn’t on my land at all!!

    It was so loud, I thought it was on my parcel.

    it was on a neighbors parcel, hidden in a painting. It was suggested to me to turn off sound can leave the parcel and ask permission to play media. That didn’t work. Then it was suggested to disable MOAP in the land setting. That worked!

    So thank you all for trying to help me! It all came together in the end.

    • Like 2
  7. Ok, the rabbit hole gets deeper again. So I did the beacon thing and still couldn’t locate the source. It’s a decent size parcel an 8192, so that took me a while. Couldn’t find it. All I have that streams media is tv and my little mystory kitchen appliance.

    I checked the kitchen appliance. It was on a regular mystory webpage. Which isn’t so unusual. On the parcel I had prior, I had rezzed a car and it was looping  “blurred lines” by Robyn Thicke on a tiny tv screen.

    The difference here is, don’t ask me why I did this: I went to turn my sound down on my PC and I noticed my multimedia player was playing it!

    I freaked out and downloaded malwarebytes. Ran it a couple times nothing came up. It only happens on my land. So I may have narrowed it down to the TV, but I’m not sure.

    What do you think?

    • Like 1
  8. 20 hours ago, Lyric Demina said:

    You can quickly test to see if it's something on your parcel by restricting sounds to your parcel to see if you can still hear it.  Keeping that restriction is something you can do in the About Land / Sound screen.

    Back on Firestorm if it were me I would go into World / Area Search and locate every single thing located on the parcel regardless of who owns it, and just look at the names of everything and to see if there was a name of something remotely "music or sound" like. Seeing the names of things helps you better understand what are the scripted objects in your immediate surroundings; you can zoom the camera to whatever it is that piques your interest; some items from others might be worth blacklisting if they loop soundtracks.

    Edit to add: maybe on Firestorm you didn't have media enabled so you wouldn't have heard it? idk.

    Yeah, I had media enabled on both and I tried turning on hear sound in relation to camera instead of avatar. There was a definite drop off the further I got from my house.

    I’ll try your suggestions when I get home today.

    The other issue is, it’s only present in Alchemy. I don’t hear it at all in firestorm. I don’t have a problem switching between the two viewers. It’s just going to make this a lot harder.

  9. 22 minutes ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

    While i hesitate to focus on any particular avatar, oversexualized female avis can be really repugnant to rl women. Massive b@@bs, bimbo avis, monstrously exaggerated female genitals and semen dripping from mouths are just a few of the things in sl that make me cringe as a rl woman. Women have been fighting to be seen as more than sex objects for generations and a lot of the representations of women in sl are offensive. 

    But you can't say anything because creative freedom blah blah. I'm gonna say, cut us some slack. Because it's really hard to bite your tongue when it's in your face all the time. 

    I agree, however, I wouldn't call the avatar that was posted oversexualized. The breasts were like a C cup, there was nothing cringe about it.

    • Like 2
  10. 26 minutes ago, L0LLlP0P said:

    Well if you read the comment that was based on she clearly states that it looked nothing like her family members which are I'm assuming are Asian as that was her main point. So no, I am not assuming anything since she laid it out that way with the sentence starting with "as an Asian woman".

    It’s nothing to get stressed out about. The person that made the comment probably wasn’t Asian to begin with. It was a silly drive by post.

    Thats what I mean by people trying to impose their ideal on other people. 

    There was a poster that would make ranty posts about how none of the mainstream bodies are shaped like Asian women, blah, blah, blah, Asian women have more slender legs, blah, blah, blah.

    Girl….go sit down somewhere….or make your own body.

  11. So, I’ve run into a source of music coming from somewhere on my land. It’s not a radio station, I have music turned off, that’s how I noticed. Maybe it’s coming from a neighbors land, but I’m thinking it’s coming from mine.

    So I’m thinking it’s got something to do with an object playing media. How do I locate it? It plays for about 30 minutes straight. How do I find it and kill it?

  12. 50 minutes ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

    On this topic though - and I can't speak for other bodies but it has happened a few times - there is the Petite size but the fit is atrocious, almost like it was either some other petite body or someone just guessed with the rigging. Of course demo everything. Some friends have shown me other egregious rigging errors as well so I guess it's quite common, it has often been some of the bigger, established brands where you'd expect them to be experienced.

    You’d be surprised how many creators are using bootleg kits.

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  13. I’ve noticed there’s been a rise of products not being in the folder, fatpacks not being fatpacks and advertised bodies not being included even when it says “other bodies coming soon”. In fact, I don’t even buy a product when I see that because I don’t trust people enough to send out the update.

    I usually send a nice notecard that something is missing. I’m a creator, so I’m know when you have 20 things on the floor mistakes happen. But when they don’t respond they go on a “do not buy” list. The list has gotten really long over the last couple of years.

    • Like 4
  14. It was fun to play around with it, but I’m over it. It’s overdone at this point and a crutch.

    As far as ads go, I don’t think they should be used for skins at all. It’s always been with us even when morphs were a thing. It does add realism but it’s kind of false advertising.

  15. First, I’m going to say it was absolutely awful that someone did that to you on here. It wasn’t right. It was a really nasty reply to someone, anyone trying to share their avatar. It really says more about them than you. I started to respond, but I didn’t want to make it worse, so I left it alone.

    That being said: I think a lot of people tend to adopt certain heads as the default heads of certain ethnicities. I don’t think it was intentional, it was just the way they were initially marketed. The initial way Lelutka EvoX was marketed made it seem like Avalon was for a more European look, Briannon was for a more African look and Ceylon was for a more Asian look. Again, I don’t think it was intentional by the creator, I think the creator was just trying to be inclusive.

    I remember getting into an argument here about certain skins specifically being for certain heads, because that’s what it says on the tin. My argument was any skin made for a specific UV will work for any head with that UV, because that’s just how mesh works. It just won’t look the same as it does in the ad and there is nothing wrong with that. This had never been a problem before EvoX and it’s because creators were specifically saying ‘Greta skin for Avalon’ or ‘Larissa skin for Briannon’. You don’t see that as much, but it still happens today. SL collectively kind of makes up its own norms for things and here we are. 

    Currently, my avatar looks ‘Blasian’ and I’m using Briannon. I had to use certain addons to achieve that look. Particularly eyelid and eye addons. There’s a reason creators make lid changers and certain kinds of eyelash appliers, but they can be used with any head. 

    As far as body type, there are curvy Asians. I think some people like to impose their narrow ideals on the world. I’ll just leave it at that.

    Do you, it’s your world, your imagination. You made a nice avatar! 

    • Like 9
  16. 8 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

    I see this game as not just competition for The Sims, but for 2nd life as well.

    Yeah, it will be in a tangential way. I actually did play around with it and thought it was an impressive beta. My first thought when I saw it was ‘wasn’t second life going to do that? It’s the same concept as puppetry on SL.’

    I have no idea why, but it just…disappeared. My guess is the default SL skeleton just doesn’t have enough bones in the head for that kind of animation. Just making a good head like Lelutka do a smile turns your avatar into the joker. So maybe it just isn’t possible in second life in its current state? Maybe it’s because SL can’t handle something that real time? I dunno.

    I just know it got a pretty good reaction from people that tried the demo and someone beat LL to the punch.


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