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Everything posted by angeliclightning

  1. There are lots of creators, elite and otherwise that clearly copyright infringe, but it seems usually it's only the small stores that don't make a lot of Marketplace Commissions that get popped for it because the elite even if flagged just keep right on selling them with no punishment at all. It's actually really sad.
  2. You keep saying things like this "as this is a regular practice in RL". You do realize though, that this is not real life, this is Second Life and in Second Life the ones that make the rules, for better or worse, is Linden Labs. There isn't even a valid comparsion between RL & SL because they are completely different. If you don't like said rules, arguing here does no good at all, you have to take it directly to them and fight with them. I wish you luck with that though, because it's a rare thing for them to change the TOS.
  3. I've been curious how it is that LL chooses which creators and stores to endorse and advertise for, is it by how much money they make in SL I wonder? I thought they didn't do that but, they clearly have started to. I think it would be nice if they gave everyone an honest chance to be endorsed and advertised by them. There are so many wonderful creators but it seems there are only a specific few they endorse and one in particular pops up a lot lately on the feed.
  4. "The customer has absolutely no obligation to the merchant. Why do some merchants feel otherwise? That is a rhetorical question. There is no defensible reason a merchant should order a customer to contact them prior to leaving a review, let alone break TOS and harass them for leaving a review." Actually just like in RL if you purchase something and it doesn't work properly or you can't figure out how to work it the appropriate, adult way to handle the situation is to contact the company and ask for assistance so they have a chance to help and provide you with exactly what you want or need. Argumentative, rude, abusive behaviour is not well met in RL or SL and honestly, most merchant's in SL don't make enough to have to put up with rude, arrogant people that aren't even willing to let the creator know there is a problem in the first place. To put it in a bit of a perspective, I just bought 12 full perm animations at 5000L$ apiece, that comes to 60,000L$ which in turn if you purchase that amount right now you would have to spend $232.56 USD. The item I am making of course has over 200 more animations, as well as multiple textures, the mesh itself & the 12 to 18 hours that gets put into building the piece, but will only end up costing about 500L$ ($1.92 USD ) for my customers to purchase. If I make a mistake and someone leaves a horrid review without even telling me there was a mistake and I contact them to try and fix the problem and get chewed out, called names, etc. (Had it happen) then why should I have to put up with that? I will bend over backwards to help anyone that approaches me kindly and allows me to help solve a problem, but, I will mute and ban if I am treated badly and then there really will be no customer service given because I won't even know you have a problem. People seem to think it's super easy and cheap to make things, but, it's not and unless you're one of the elite creators (like the ones that run the subscription boxes that make over $4000 USD a month just from the subscription box alone, not even counting her multiple stores) most of us creators barely make enough to buy more items to build with and maybe if we are lucky make enough to pay for a piece of land for an inworld store, most of the time it takes me about year or more to make back what I put into each product I make and even come close to making a profit, so yes, I think that deserves a little respect and common decency. Customers do us a favor by buying our products, but, it works both ways, we are doing you a favor as well since you buy our products because you can't or won't make them yourselves. People really need to get in touch with the old school mentality of respecting other people, this entitlement mentality is what is killing the world.
  5. I've been in SL for over 9 years and it's not just men that often want to talk in voice to make sure someone is who and what they say they are, it goes both ways. I don't agree with the pushing for voice simply because of sex, that irritates me to no end. However, I had a relationship with someone that said they were a male, they gave this long elaborate back story about having had a car accident and their trachea being crushed as to why they couldn't speak in voice and I never doubted them. But, the day came when they were tired of pretending to be a man (their words, not mine) and they ended things and they admitted that they were a female in FL. Then they just walked away without a care as to how that had affected me.I'm not interested in women beyond friendship, I had mentioned that when we first met and they said that is why they lied. Some people feel it's perfectly acceptable to lie simply because they want someone. I've also had an ex come back on alts and try and start up a new relationship with me, even had someone come on pretending to be a FL friend of someone I was involved with to tell me they had passed away in FL then nearly a year later they came back and said they did it because they felt it would be easier for me to handle their "dying" than the fact their wife had given them an ultimatum and they had to choose their FL relationship over their SL one. So, yes, I require speaking in voice before I will even consider going beyond a 3rd date with man, if they don't wish to voice, that's okay, I'm not going to push, but, it does mean I won't ever be anything more than a friend to them. A lot of people lie here and they do so easily and with absolutely no remorse, sometimes you have to protect yourself and I honestly don't think it's a lot to ask for someone to say hello in voice for ease of mind, unless they are lying or hiding things from their FL, in which case you needed to know that upfront anyway before you invested your heart and time to someone who just see's things as a "game" or a place to come to get away from reality for a bit. I wish you could just trust people and take them at their word, I used to, but, to many liars and manipulators have now ruined that and I really hate that. Things were so much easier years ago, I often wish I could have my rose colored glasses back and see through the eyes of the girl I was when I first started SL.
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