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Everything posted by Severity27

  1. it's my birthday ^^ got myself something Irrisistible hehe
  2. Hey, I sent you a PM, can't wait to see what you do with it, love your photography!
  3. Hi Marianne yes, my head is mesh, it's GA.EG and unfortunately that is a GA.EG exclusive add on... What head do you have? She does make an omega effects kit with a similar though not exactly the same Glasgow smile. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/GAEG-Effects-O-FX04-Darkside-Omega-Applier/12961919
  4. If all else fails... here's my cheat. -Copy your un-tattooed body. -Wear the new copy. Apply the arm tattoo. -Alpha cut everything but the arm. -Detach it. Put the original body back on. Alpha cut the arm you tattooed. -Now wear both bodies. Save outfit. Voila, asymmetry. LOL Note: I was worried complexity would go way up. It doesn't.
  5. I got in!!! It was super hard lol. Violent Seduction's Comtesse from Au Lovely ^^
  6. Vista makes bento hands that will fit the TMP body and close the gap you get trying to wear other bento hands with the TMP body. If you go this route be sure it's specific because the regular Vista Bento hands will not fit TMP. The TMP body is unique compared to other mesh bodies imo and I would agree it is very pretty. I use Maitreya more lately only because I like to wear gachas and most gachas are Maitreya compatible. That said I have many many outfits also saved with my TMP body. I do things a little different and tend to keep multiple copies of a given body in my inventory with different appliers (/installers) and alpha cuts applied, this way I don't have to mess with the huds as often ...so if the TMP servers went down, it wouldn't be as big of a deal. Last I spoke to the TMP csr, she claimed they are working on bento hands and they will be released soon, but she doesn't know when. I don't really believe it which is why Vista is awesome. Oh yeah also Vista is awesome because I love Vista animations.
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