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Posts posted by SabaothMastema

  1. Personally I always stuck with my actual. Helps me get into character if my characters looks right. Typically I play a scifi aide worker, soldier, medic, knight hybrid. So I have seen the gamut of avatar heights and proportions. When around realistically sized avatars I am tall but normal tall at only 6'0". Other times I run into giants and feel like I should consider moving to Raglan Shire. All in all though its about what you find attractive. Especially when you are looking at your avatar for hours on end.

  2. Well illegal and against TOS are two very different things. The use of CC items wouldnt get me sued but it would get derendered in world.

    I am not taking a hardline stance for IP infringement. Nothing ruffles my feathers more than someone selling a ripped game asset they didnt even alter. If anything I am completely against the commercial use of copyrighted material. Non commercial private use however shouldn't be so stringently persecuted. If someone is making an homage to a favorite character or whatever theybshould be allowed to so long as no laws are broken.

  3. Well really I am just getting a public consensus on the matter. Personally I see nothing inherently wrong with the practice. So long as there is no money changing hands.

    Limitations of creative commons however does present a rather large problem for quite a few merchants. Particularly the ones who sell weapons designed after their real world equivalent. That in quite a few instances is just as much IP infringement as someone selling a beanie baby mesh on the marketplace.

  4. Just gotta say. If you disapprove of the freebies that are out there then there is a very consttuctive way to change that......make better ones and give them out yourself. Otherwis if its free then why complain if it's subpar? Only reason to make a bad review on a freebie is to offer constructive criticism. Even then you could just IM the merchant and say it.

  5. Second Life is everything and anything you could want it to be all at once. With that in mind it's entirely up to you to decide what exactly it is for you. After you figure what you want to do then just do it. Your only limitation in second life is what you put up.

  6. Personally I exclusively use system shapes and skin. Read that as non mesh. This is because of how easy it is to use. You don't have to worry 90% of the time about compatibility issues. Liberal use of alpha layers properly applied gives you more to work with than a mesh body does.

  7. Going down is just a harmful to the SL economy as going up is. If starts going down then L$ will eventually begin to lose buying power. If anyone can easily get L$1000 then prices start to climb because the customer can afford to pay higher prices. Eventually what was once a cheap L$100 impulse buy becomes a cheap L$1000 buy. While at first that sounds it isn't. Eventually the L$ will swing the other while prices will not. This is due to merchants setting the prices at what they had been getting before. If the L$ stays in current fluctuation zone then everyone is better off.

  8. The L$ fluctuates within a L$3 range daily. Unless it goes below L$200/$1 you have nothing to worry about. The L$ like any currency should be expect to fluctuate and you should be glad it does. Stagnation can harm an economy more than a bouncy number.

  9. I will use the term game just as a very simplified description of SL. SL is a one hundred percent free to play game. No where do you NEED to pay any amount of real money to "advance". I have met some people who spent zero money and have some of the best stuff you can find. Or most importantly they are influential. Just as real life there are many routes to success and happiness. Money and influence are two such routes. Once you include the social aspect you get to other routes of happiness. Friends, family and popularity.

    Second Lufe is exactly what the name implies. A SECOND life. How you lead that lufe and your success in it are entirely in your hands.

  10. Basically I want to make a turret that uses WASD or directional buttons to rotate and elevate/depress the barrels. "Ingredients" I think I will need are a force camera script, and rotation for the turret body. The turret will be part of a linkset in a style similar to a triple mount WW2 ship gun.
    What would be an efficient method of doing this? Where would I start? Are there any premade?
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