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  1. I think I'll stop posting until I learn to read a little better. My mistake. I thought they wanted to skip the root prim.
  2. Ugh. i need more coffee. Still, when sequentially making the different prims appear, the OP said he didn't want the root, so the sequence is (using mathematical notation) [2..llGetNumberOfPrims () ] not [0..llGetNumberOfPrims () - 1] which the modulus function was going to get them. k % llGetNumberOfPrims () yields 0 to llGetNumberOfPrims () - 1 OP wanted 2 to llGetNumberOfPrims () to be able to cycle through all the children. I was quibbling with the math, not the program
  3. So a couple of questions about this: Why use link messages to d this instead of llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast? There may be good reasons for this, so a minor concern. If you are rotating by PI radians (which is 180 degrees) then you can always use current local rotation * llEuler2Rot (<0., 0., PI>) to spin it half way around (assuming the prim is still aligned with the world) If you are truly rotating by pi radians (180 degrees), it doesn't make a difference whether you rotate clockwise or counterclockwise, although admittedly sometimes the graphics speed can catch it in mid-turn and make it look like it's animating in a particular direction. I only mention 3 because sometimes we make things harder on ourselves than necessary And LOCAL_ROT (and LOCAL_POS) are your friend when moving/rotating around children prims!
  4. As I recall, llGetNumberOfPrims () returns the total number of prims. Link 0 is reserved for "all prims" Link 1 is the root prim. First non-root prim is link #2 So you need a loop that looks more like this (SLIGHT change to previous poster's code): float animation_speed = 0.15;integer link_counter;integer total_prims;default{ state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(animation_speed ); total_prims = llGetNumberOfPrims(); } timer() { llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_ALL_CHILDREN, 0.0, ALL_SIDES); llSetLinkAlpha( ++link_counter% (total_prims + 1),1.0, ALL_SIDES); // total_prims + 1 is needed in modulus to get the last prim if (link_counter < 2) // Make sure the prim pointer is neither LINK_SET nor LINK_ROOT link_counter = 2; } }
  5. Ok, you certainly can NOT call vwrsearch (or any other REST, SOAP, or similar function) from an LSL script. The reason given is that the simulators are _inside_ the LL firewalls, meaning that they can access all sorts of things they shouldn't be allowed to. The answer is to reflect it off something external to SL, which is what many of the so-called servers do. However, there is another way to do it. I'll post up a new version that doesn't rely on having your own PHP code somewhere nor the Google App servers. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/N2K (Improved someone else's idea)
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