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Chris Corvinus

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Posts posted by Chris Corvinus

  1. 3 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

    Even so, testing is helping to reduce the number of cases, and is contact tracing.

    Accurate testing is helping. Inaccurate testing is not helpful and causes wrong numbers and can actually increase the actual numbers of infected as someone who uses the 30 min test and is negative (but actually positive) can spread it to others when out in public. Its happened. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

    First: What you call "testing tracing" is contact tracing, and it helps to lower the spread by telling people they must self-isolate for 10(?) days because they have been in contact with someone who has covid-19. That isn't a waste of manpower.

    Second: Testing is done in 30 minutes now, not 2 days. So getting a positive result in 30 minutes, and starting to self-isolate, helps to reduce the spread, moving us all towards getting out of this thing. That's not a waste of manpower either. Heck I can test myself at home in 30 minutes!

    All of those things are currently helping to successfully bring the number of infected people down quite drastically. Not doing those things would help to keep the spread of covid-9 up.

    Those 30 min tests are NOT accurate and should never be allowed use. 

  3. 18 minutes ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

    Exactly! People make it a point to say this is virtual and not RL yet act like things like this offend them.

    It reminds me of when the sims online enabled kissing and you didn't need the permission of the other avatar to kiss them . People started saying that was the same as being raped. 




    I dont know why people react confused. Its not rocket science. 😂 

    • Like 1
  4. 13 hours ago, Bomba Zanzibar said:

    hello all, (first of all sorry for my englis)

    I m djing, and happened many times an avatar, while I'm busy with my music, comes to me, and hugs, kisses, or more, me, without requiring any authorisation!

    I hate that, and my partner too, of course

    last week he kissed me, totally naked, while I was spinning... he does that to my host too, and I have no idea how to stop that! I imed him, asking to stop, but sems the more I ask, the more he laughs. i have to option of kicking him, or ban him, but I would like to know how, I can stop that. I'm using firestorm, and went into "avatar health" then revoke all permissions, but I know I never gave him any permission to do that. any idea please? thank you in advance

    (hugs!!!!!!!!!! )

    Authorization? Oh please, this is a virtual world and your avatar is made of pixels....its not real life.

    11 hours ago, Bomba Zanzibar said:

    Phil, you are right, he dont animate my avatar, only his does,

    If your avatar is not being affected....why are you complaining? Why don't you just block him?

    He's probably emote spamming kisses which is completely harmless.

    • Confused 4
    • Sad 5
  5. 9 hours ago, Gwin LeShelle said:

    I start to get really annoyed but since the cloud uplift was completed, things went south!

    When I change something via HUD (makeup, hair etc.) it occasionally happened back then, that those changes were not saved. But lately? Its the norm NOTHING is kept as you changed it.

    Which is especially annoying since you seem to crash at every 5th TP on some days!

    Also my region, in all my 14 years in SL I never had to contact live chat help....since uplift? I had to contact the 3 times for my region not booting up again after the rolling restarts.

    And the Lindens that helped me were the sweetest people ever so don't think I have an issue with them T^T they were fast and always super helpful and nice ❤️

    I have really good machine because I also need it for work (10k+ its a shame y.y) and fast internet 1GB download and nice upload too, so its not that or the router xD 

    I am wondering if I am alone with this? Have you noticed changes? I mean beside the group chat being even worse than ever? And I really was like at the beginning "give them some time everthing will be fine when the uplift is completed" well...now? I do not think like that anymore, and the worst is that you do not get the feeling that LL does care much for it anymore -_- no one seems to address those issues...HONESTLY not the sugar coating version. I can handle a "oh ya thats crappy right now BUT we know it and we are working on it"


    ~~ Thanks for reading my annoyedness <33

    Nope, you’re not alone. I crash randomly (every 4th or 5th to) and relog to find myself, not in the last location but the one before the last location EVERY TIME. And I’m always never in one piece. Either my shirt fell off or something. It’s weird and wild and annoying. My system is pretty much solid like yours and built for intense gaming. Gig Ethernet too. 

    edit: I don’t use malwarebytes or any equivalent.

  6. 32 minutes ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

    Keep your inventory neatly organised in folders and subfolders, and you will never need LL to fix your inventory for you.

    Well, wish I knew that when I created an account many years ago. That’s rather an important bit of info, especially to new users. I personally don’t have that issue though but someone I know does so thank you.

    • Like 1
  7. I heard people have lost their accounts for a few weeks due to super large inventories and apparently there’s no fix for it other than submitting a ticket and having LL reorganize it for you. That’s insane. People spend actual money and that’s the solution?? What’s the limit to inventories (if known) so we can avoid this.

  8. On 5/10/2021 at 3:56 PM, Rowan Amore said:

    You can have as many of your own accounts logged in at the same time if your computer is up to the task.  I was just at a club where someone had 5 of their accounts logged in, standing around together.  Not sure why though.


    • Confused 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Solar Legion said:

    Nice attempt to wiggle out of admitting you are wrong.

    Not going to work.

    There are several places where one can go to see the current Grid Status, including in most Viewer start up screens. There is zero need for it to be part of an MOTD or the profile system. At all.

    Further Grid Status reports on more than just simple Maintenance - if you actually bother to look. Oh yes, it is also not wholly automatically updated either so it is simply a means to check to see if an issue is known or more widespread.

    A good chunk of the time however, threads such as this arise because someone could not be bothered to pay attention to the ample information on such events nor to check before posting that such a Maintenance event is not in progress.

    Nothing "boomer" there - sit down.

    Oh...my....god 😂😂😂

    You just literally supported my entire argument. Most people DO NOT know about the grid status. It’s why you see these kinds of threads (and it’s abundant in SL-related Facebook groups). It doesn’t matter if a little bit is on their profile page...most don’t use it. Most don’t stare at their screen reading notices before clicking the log in button unlike you, grandpa. 

    Utilizing system notice messaging won’t kill your SL experience. 

    • Haha 4
  10. 17 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Gosh, looky there -- it is on the SL Viewer also:


    Who uses the actual SL viewer anymore besides you? 

    What is wrong with all of you? You all trying to out-boomer eachother? 😂 

    Look, that only shows you MAINTENANCE. It doesnt show you everything and its not even in real time 🙄 The latest on the status page is about the marketplace issues which doesnt even show on your profile "feed". Cmon now. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to understand what I was saying.

    • Haha 3
    • Confused 1
  11. 11 hours ago, MrRomun said:

    Hello. I use legacy athletic body with lelutka skyler head. i was wondering if there is any way to make my avatar bigget and taller without looking stretched out vertically. i already have height at 100. anyone can help to shape or is there a product to make it taller?

    Give yourself spider legs and set those at 100 too. May I ask why you want to be giant sized using a mesh body instead of finding a avatar that could possibly be a better option? 

  12. These last names are a HARD miss. Zero creativity. Do better, LL. 

    They really trying to make money off MOTHERS DAY 🙄😒 Maybe celebrate it instead. 

    Don’t do this for Fathers Day. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  13. On 2/11/2021 at 12:36 PM, Nikita Neuman said:

    The Body itself isnt that bad, the only Thing is, Sking makes the Breasts and the Butt always a bit too extreme, cause who wants to look like a Hippo from the Nile? 😂

    I found many Deformers on MP, but than i saw the Breasts look like pulled down, like a Dough, so the look too long and what i know from Real Anatomy, Women Breasts never look with the Nipples into the Air, thats ridicolous!


    If you want realistic shaping, Kupra isnt going to be your thing.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  14. 32 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Perhaps they have already seen the artists work on Flickr and enjoy it.  Having a MP listing to sell it makes perfect sense.  You're, of course, entitled to your opinion.  I doubt SL will be asking for your input if they do decide to add more categories, however.

    Categories > art > photos

    That would be the appropriate category any sl photos would be in and im not seeing very many. If LL created a category just for SL specific images, it wouldnt even be 1 page. Its pointless.

    But hey, keep your hopes up 😂 

    • Like 1
  15. 10 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    There are quite a few artists with galleries where they sell not just their RL art but photos taken in SL.  Just because you haven't seen it or understand why anyone would buy or sell it, it still exists.  As an example...this will be a place for artists to display their work.  Sales are allowed.


    Thats totally fine. In-world is fine. I am saying the marketplace is not a place to sell image art. Wouldn't you want buyers to actually see your work instead of a tiny low quality preview of it? DeviantArt and Flickr are places to properly sell your art pieces and services, not the SL Marketplace. I will never support a category for something like that.


    10 minutes ago, Doc Carling said:

    Well, if you think so. Thanks for your input.

    I know so. Anyone who sells pictures on the MP, I won't ever take seriously as a artist.

    • Like 1
  16. 43 minutes ago, Doc Carling said:

    This thread is about the market place. And the market place is sorted by categories.  I said I'm missing a category where photographers or graphic artists can list and offer for sale only pictures made in SL. Right now one can list those pictures only in the same categories which offer real life photos and real life porn as well. I have no idea why you mention Flickr in this context. Couldn't be more off topic.

    Oooook. Let me stop you right there. No self respecting actual graphic artist is going to use the marketplace for their work (why I mentioned flickr). The marketplace does not need a category for pictures taken in SL due to dramatically low image quality (also why I mentioned flickr). 

    I dont know of ANY actual graphic artist that uses the marketplace. They all have facebook and in-world professional studios and all of them use Photoshop or Brush. 

    Then again, I appreciate good quality. 

    • Like 1
  17. 5 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    Perhaps you should peruse the MP a bit more. There are plenty of artists taking and selling SL pictures on the MP. 

    Its never been an interest of mine so I never searched for it. However, I did try to find these pictures and only found frames, studios, backdrops, etc. Not actual pictures taken in-world individually for sale. 

    I have no idea why that would even be a thing. People just take random photos and then post them for sale on the mp??? Why when you can just take your own picture for free? 😂 

  18. 4 hours ago, Paul Hexem said:

    Well. That's not entirely true. A year ago I flagged a pair of stores (listing by listing) that were openly admitting that you wouldn't get the permissions indicated, and might never get them. Entirely at their whim.

    The stores, and the flagged listings, are still there. Support tickets tell me to flag the listings again. Which isn't possible. Finally took it to the MP sub forum, and apparently the Lindens in charge of the MP don't know if it's allowed or not.

    So not only do they not enforce their own rules, they don't even know their own rules.

    So technically, there are no rules 😂

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