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Posts posted by loverdag

  1. Sometimes helps to click ont he hair with righ mouse. But I think it helps only with avatar's attachements (hair + clothing etc), not with objects rezzed inwold.

    You said you have Slink body, i can confirm that Maitreya works same, when I turn off my scars (tattoo layer) the problem is not visible.

    The second test you did thats about size of the transparent layer. They are 3 like the russion dolls (matryoshka dolls) -  the smalles, closes to the body is tattoo layer, little bigger is underwear layer and the biggest is clothing layer. Its why the tattoo layer makes the effect weaker. 



    • Thanks 1
  2. Thast not stupid question :) I know only Reshade and it doens't work with the viewer snapshots at all. I have to hide UI and to take classic screenshot (reshade itself takes them + from games I used to use Fraps).

    (To make it more adventurous I use  cinematic HUD and I want it visible, so I have to hide other HUDs manually (not to use "hide  HUDs" in the viewer). Uncomfortable, but doable. When you don't mind the limitation of size and resolution - dependent on display resolution.

    I don't mind, I will never print it in RL and for Flickr / blog its enough. I know its popular to work with HUGE files, because bigger is better .... but I'm not member in that club :D

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  3. I wish to merge Firestorm and BD together, each of them has awesome tools and misses something (at least for me personaly) important. So far I stuck with Firestorm, because I use also Reshade and it works only with one viewer at time and to reinstall it every day is not option, I'm not enough determinated for that. Anyways BD was for me better for avatar's pictures - exactly because of the problem you pointed out - and Firestorm I prefer for landscape photography for it's other tools.

    This I  took months ago with BD, with Firestorm would not be possible to make the glass and the alpha in my hair to look like that.



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  4. I beleive this happen always when two transparet (alpha) layers meet - one is around your body (for tattoos and other appliers), other is trasparent layer in the wave behind you. All inworld objects with alpha textures will make same ugly effect, the most common are plants, grass - together with our mesh bodies, hair, maitreya trasparent nail layer etc etc.

    When one aplha meets other, ugliness happen  ....

    Speaking about Firestorm solution is to avoid those situations, not to use background like this (means to chose another camera angle or to derender the object(s) behind you etc).

    Maybe Black Dragon works in that case better than Firestorm, but I can't confirm that, because I don't have it installed ATM, so I can't test it. I just recall it has optional DOF for alpha layers and it can be very useful when you are about to "hide" this problem.


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  5. If you dont mind to weaken other gentle shadows too, slider shadow bias can solve that, or at least to make it acceptable.

    Advanced level for solving bigger issues is to combine it with sliders for WL, to move east position and/or to change day time to reach better position of shadows, but in many cases the shadow bias is enough. This example was done witht this slider only, I didn't change WL. As you can see, the main shadow stays, so its still possible to make some face-shadows effect. 



    • Like 2
  6. 29 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

    Thank you for un-confusing me :)

    I redid the test and you were absolutely right - dragging the folder moves the no-copy contents of the worn box to the inventory. And, nicely, it doesn't end up in folder. Just the contents get moved, as though they'd been dragged. I think you have taught a number of us today, or you ought to have if those who were saying no-copy can't be moved from a worn object are still reading this thread.

    Again, thank you, loverdog. (nice freckles, btw :) )


    (And thanks).

  7. 2 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

    I never knew it worked like that!  The weird thing is it's conceptually the opposite of restrictions on script functions: llGiveInventory() works for no-copy individual items, but llGiveInventoryFolder() can't handle no-copy contents in the folder.

    I swear the SL permissions system was produced from a fever dream reading of the Old Farmer's Almanac.

    I wonder how many useful features are hidden "out there" and we don't know them because they aren't intuitive and easy to find...

    • Like 1
  8. 11 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

    Now you've confused me lol

    People said that no-copy items can't be dragged into your inventory from an object that is worn, so I tested it, and I found that it's true - at least in the test.


    So lets un-confuse it.

    Does't work https://gyazo.com/58e2d32c43d447a54108bc3b7a60e485

    Works (drag the folder "contens", not the item itself) https://gyazo.com/4bb3569b05552f263447f5852682daca

    Panda unpacked, no rez needed https://gyazo.com/28d7e088c0e6692fd78449ba5af263d4

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 3
  9. 3 minutes ago, Maryanne Solo said:

    My whole point is >trust<. Given that FaRcebook has been exposed with its data stealing pants down and that Twitter is the anus of the human race, I'm over these shonky takeovers by untrustworthy profit mongers. I'm happy to say I don't need this stuff anyways. Now pardon me while I go hug a tree and listen to beautiful kookaburras and magpies <3 while everyone else is zombieing out on their silly little toys :) *winx


    This I understand well, I'm member of the club of "weirdos with paranoia" myself, for the instance I don't use Facebook under real name and never post anything related to RL privacy there. So yes, if you have issue with the new owner about that (even when its only about SL pictures) then you have no other choice than leave. Then its not decision based on "I will not pay" as I understood you before. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Maryanne Solo said:

    Hi :) I had a read of their TOS and the "free" accounts only seemed temporary. That also aligns with their payment/account levels. Basic, pro etc that they display. I am quite the oddball in that I only use my mobile/cell phone for phone calls and texting. It has never been used to view the web and never will be. I have a dual screen custom 3d workstation for the web. I simply dont trust anyone or anything with any of my data. Even SL pics which are only for fun anyway. So I see this cashgrab as taking away my fun, so I'm not playing anymore. *stomps foot xD

    We don't know what future will bring in long run, but they really didn't say nothing about free accounts being temporary. They said opposite - that they will keep them as they are. Far future was not known under the old owner as well, so the situation didn't change in this regard, all is same as it was.

    " SmugMug said no changes would be made to Flickr’s current plans or rates: “Flickr’s free accounts are foundational to its community of influential and engaged photographers.”" source: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/apr/23/flickr-bought-by-smugmug-yahoo-breakup

  11. 3 minutes ago, Maryanne Solo said:

    That I now would have to pay for? LMAO. My photography is for my real life business. I have my own website. Why would I pay some clowns to store my own images? I don't need their advice nor do I actually care about others opinions. Also I have ALWAYS used external hard drives. Truly, if people are silly enough to pay these jokers that's entirely their choice. I see ZERO value in SmugMugs whatsoever. Quite frankly, the name says it all. My personal T.O.S says go take a leap thieves :P

    I'm not sure how you mean "to pay" for free account. They are "free" because you don't pay for them.

  12. 23 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

    I said I'd check it when I got back, and I did. I found that you were right. No matter what I tried, I could not drag a no-copy item from within a worn object, into my inventory. So not allowing Basic accounts to rez stuff wouldn't be the best idea to degrade Basic accounts, unless things are changed so that the sort of 'stuff' that's been mentioned isn't affected. Things could be changed, but it would be no good as things are now.

    Now allowing Basics to build, and/or not allowing them to sell, might be options. They might consider disallowing Basics from certain land, such as adult land.

    I'm not fan of any restrictions like "no rez" for basic accounts - and it's not my intent to support it with this my post - but you made me confused with that statement. I unpack no copy items  (gachas) with the box attached on my avatar without rez and it works for me without problem. Now I read it should not work. Did I miss something? Maybe it's different in different viewers? I use Firestorm.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    Part of that last bit boils down to Verizon simply acquiring a service and mostly leaving those who ran it in place. The only changes to their ToS then were pretty much the same as now with little altered in the CS.

    This ... Is a bit different and thus people are rather understandably worried.

    Not sure what TOS you mean. The old ones? But they were only temporary. There are new Oath TOS, fresh in April 2018. Because of the new situation and new owner the process of distribution them to users was stopped and a lot of accounts (incl. me) didn't see them and we won't be forced to agree with them. But based on feedback from users who already get the new Oath TOS, they weren't same as before and made users upset (see on Flickr Help forum). Oath was slow and did nothing very visible for first months, but it didn't give any guarantee about things staying same as "before Oath". There was new owner = same reason "to panic" as now. I think the main difference is Oath did things silently behind curtain. It made users not to panic and to think that "nothing will change"  - and in less than year we are here,  first the new Oath TOS and then F. sold to someone else. 

  14. 16 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    Considering that at present what you've linked is little more than Flickr's ToS with a couple of alterations to reflect their recent acquisition by SmugMug and not a reflection of what their ToS may end up being after May 25th ...

    I'd say that pointing to it as evidence of anything concerning potential changes/revisions really is meaningless.

    In this context the section mentioned (along with a few of those that seem to have been added in) represents little more than the merger of their ToS and Community Standards into a single, temporary document that has been tossed together to reflect the ownership change. Often this is Standard Operating Procedure for online services when they change hands.

    Again though, you're entitled to be optimistic. I (and others) are just as entitled to be either realistic or pessimistic.

    I cannot speak for others but I for one am going to wait until they release their actual revised ToS instead of the placeholder you've linked to.

    Old IT rule - never have important data without backup. Thats good to do and I didn't say anyone not to. My point was not to see as "confirmed facts" that nudity won't be allowed and/or that prices will be same/similar/with no free accounts as the other product has. It's good to backup, not so good to panic.

    Side note: I see as interesting that this change of owner makes users so nervous and passionate, but when not so long time ago (June 2017) Verizon acquired Yahoo and then it became part of Oath (= new owner, new TOS, no guarantees for the future) nobody panicked that way. Since last summer we actually didn't know what to expect and what future holds for Flick, but that all happened silently.

  15. Just now, Solar Legion said:

    Unfortunately the Flickr staff have no way whatsoever of knowing what will happen post transfer.

    They can "doubt" there will be any changes all they want but until the final ToS is set down all we have to go on is the existing ToS for SmugMug.

    Be as optimistic as you'd like - some of us prefer to err on the side of caution.

    Some of us also use other services for Second Life related image storage as a precaution.

    As I understood, the staff stays, they are now part of the SmugMug team who works on that Flickrfriendly TOS changes. You are right their comments on forum aren't "official", but to think things will go exactly opposite direction than they said doesn't sound reasonably to me. 

  16. 25 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    Look further back in the thread: It has been noted that SmugMug disallows anything over PG-13 or so equivalent.

    I read that and I already commented that (twice) as most likely false alarm - old SmugMug rules used for product called "SmugMug", not for separate product "Flickr". And the new TOS in their final form aren't known yet, because they said they are working on them. Flickr staff said (and I copy-pasted in my previous comment), they doubt there will be any changes about adult content. Maybe you know more than I, but based on that I see no reason to think everything will turn into PG rated at May 25. 

  17. 10 hours ago, Maryanne Solo said:

    SmugMugs say your account will automatically transfer to their TOS by 25th or something and if you don't accept its bbye account.

    Suits me fine. Its just another cash-grab by lazyRses who have no chance of getting a real job. 

    Goodbye flicker! :$:(o.O-_->:( I loved you dearly <3 :x

    May I ask why? SmugMug's TOS are much userfriendly and "gently" compare the current Yahoo/Oath TOS ... why it should be reasont to delete account - in the moment when you are given better TOS?

  18. On 23. 4. 2018 at 3:52 PM, Clover Jinx said:

    Welcome to the forum!

    Thank you so much for this information. I hadn't checked out the Flickr Help forum yet, but this does sound like it will be much better than how it is currently. It would make sense for SmugMug to simply add Flickr's social aspects rather than completely change them.

    For those of you not familiar with Loverdag, she uses Flickr *a lot* and her Second Life images are breath taking.


    Thank you!

    And ... thank you ....  :)

  19. There will probably no changes about adult content - I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post link from Flickr Help forum here, so I rather won't -  when you open the forum, on the top is pinned discussion about the new owner and on the page 2 Matthew (Flickr staff) answers about that. This is part of his post "....  I doubt there will be any changes to that going forward, given that such content has always been central to a significant portion of Flickr's community ..."

    (Just be sure you have them correctly set as moderate / restricted.)

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  20. 13 minutes ago, Phoebe Avro said:

    I was going to start a thread about this but I thought LL would delete it, lol

    Hopefully not. SL has strong and active Flickr community + the "picture of the day" posted here on LL website is chosen from Flickr group (I guess ruled by LL) + SL viewers (or at least Firestorm for sure) have tool to save screenshots directly on Flickr.  Would be sad if we would be allowed to be part of SL Flickr community, encouraged to post SL pictures in official Flickr SL group but not allowed to talk here about it.

  21. I use only Firestorm, so idk about other viewers - Firestorm allows you to "move the sun" as Rhonda and Klytyna suggested two different ways:

    - you can change default windlight in the viewer and keep it as your "permanent" everywhere you go (I do that myself and I use neutral WL with almost no shadows - no shadows on faces makes everyone looks nice!)

    - you can set (permanent) WL for your parcel

    (And to change east position if its needed).

    The parcel setting will be visible for your visitors as well (if they will allow it in their viewers).

    (And in the future it will be probably easier, LL already annouced more user friendly changes about EEP.) 


    Anyways my computer is not "potato" and "shadows on" make me very laggy on mainland, I turn it on only for taking pictures when my camera position doens't move. And I though most users do same to avoid lags, so I would never think your neighbor rezzed skybox to create "shadow-griefing".

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