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Everything posted by FionaDrescher

  1. Ok, first:Yes... I have an organizer with an Atom processor, Win 8.1 and 4G memory. And, it runs. 2nd No, Not even close. Pent 4, Pent M and Atom with 4G barely run Win much less anything else on Win. Those combinations ran Win 95 & Win 98. There is just not enough power or memory there to run Win 8.1 + anything. You must have a multi core machine. (at least 4 cores, 2 physical and 2 virtual(minimum requirements)) You must have at least 8G memory. Graphics is huge in SL. If you cannot play BluRay quality then you cannot take advantage of mesh. Everything will look blotchy. That means you need Graphics Memory also. That extra memory will effect your experience. But, if you are rendering slowly, you are lagging other people. If you don't have the high end graphics, set your graphics low and live with the experience. Microsoft is no longer supporting Win 7 and Win 8 is about to go the way of the dinosaur. You might want to consider putting SL on your SSD not your SATA HD. If you meet the minimum requirements and you put in a trouble ticket because "I just can't seem to..." then the Game Gods will tell you to upgrade your machine.
  2. Do all those Bot Prostitutes at AFK Sex Sims count as bots?
  3. Yeah thanks. I cancelled the order and repurchased $1L less. It went through in 10 minutes.
  4. 3 days ago I purchased Lindens through the Exchange. It said it would take 3 days to complete. I have patiently waited 3 days and I have received no lindens. It's now an hour past the completion time and I am frustrated. Can anyone help? Fiona
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