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Everything posted by JayWaters

  1. The creator went through and unlisted and relisted ALL his items that had any negative reviews to skew his star ranking on them, I noticed that yesterday.
  2. "If the creator had any sence or bussiness idea he would have contacted you and worked out a solution with you, I would Im him and let them know you written a review and try and work out some thing" See that is the problem in a nuttshell. He IM'd me using all kinds of foul language and threats. I dont even know this person and have spent at least 6 figures worth of lindens in his store over the past few months and this is our first introduction? When you have a regular customer in SL these days you have gold, if that is how you treat your gold....well there is no hope for you.
  3. There are no such terms that state a bad review will cause me to blacklist your product rendering it useless. Also the marketplace listing has no such wording, there is no sort of disclaimer anywhere that says "if you give my product a bad review I will keep your lindens, disable your product and laugh at you as I STOLE your money" To me this is AKIN to buying a television from Amazon, then going and saying some things you do not like about it on an Amazon review and having the manufacturer disable your power button, rendering your television useless because you made a bad review on Amazon.
  4. I have a valid payment method on file and do not have a premium account. I really see no point in a Premium account to be honest. If you were to take that same money each month and get land from a private estate owner you would have much bigger land, more prims etc. The only loss is no monthly gift..boo hoo, there are plenty of awesome freebies inworld.
  5. Hi Celine, I have actually seen you in one of the welcome areas and I will say this, the two clowns that were harrassing you are just that....clowns. One pretends to be a psycho analyst and is probably your age or younger based on observing his behavior. I mean how many adults actually act that way? Anyway, some of the other commentators have hit on the topic, why feel obligated to post your age at all as it does paint a target. It is pretty easy to just NOT respond to an IM or simply block people. You mentioned people will know your age on voice...I would say not really..I know many women who have "little girl" voices and I know for a fact that they are well over 18 in fact some are over 38 and still sound like teens...lol. It is no indicator, as I am a smoker, I have been called "sir" so it is the least of my worries. You just should toughen up a little bit, don't sweat the small stuff. Only you are in control of your emotions, don't let somone else spoil your fun. Simply ignore them and carry on with life.
  6. "There are a LOT of places I see on G land that should not be, and a number I see on M or A that would be better served on G... Most confusing is places on A land that hand you a 1000-page notecard with their G-rules... Like they're just looking for confusion." This is LL fault. Almost all clubs are rated A because in order to get your event posted on the SL Dashboard and actually get traffic to your club it must have an A rating, this does not necc mean that the club/sim owner wants adult behaviour on the sim it just means that the Lindens ade them buy A land in order to be able to post their event, use contest boards etc. It's kind of stupid actually. I have also noticed that nobody really cares if a sim is G rated either, in fact I have seen some of the most disgusting and vile things posted in G welcome areas!
  7. I am a big buyer of one particular product creator. Anyway, I have spent literally 10's of thousand of lindens over the past few months buying products from this creator., it is actually close or over 6 figures in lindens but I did not add it up to be honest...but it is quite a large sum of lindens. I recently purchased one of their products and was quite dissapointed with how it worked as it did not work very well. To make a long story short, I posted a not so great review on the product. Almost immediately the product creator IMd me with threats telling me they would disable ALL of my products if I did not remove my review. Well I told him that I was not going to remove my review as it was my honest opinion. This product with the add ons that I purchased was well over 3k lindens. Well, the product owner did in fact black list my product and it no longer functions nor any of the add ons for it. To me this is not only blackmail but now has turned into theft. How can a creator just have the ability to turn off items that I PURCHASED and OWN?? Surely this cannot be tolerated. What can I do aside from reporting the owner which I have already? I am now out 13 RL dollars and have a non functioning product for my troubles! Help!
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