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Pebbles Bagley

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  1. Hi everyone-Thanks so much for your help (I learned much). A safe and healthy Easter Sunday to all. Warm regards, -Pebbles
  2. From what I understand, the Performance Tools can be a good indicator of script lag, and that pressing (control + alt + shift + U) helps determine what items are the causing the most script lag. The Performance Tools show https://gyazo.com/325e5131d348a7659b64d8d51113e68b whereas (control + alt + shift + U) displays https://gyazo.com/3b8c99e37bc544412298b64c2622ec94 . Unfortunately I have no idea what it all means. Will someone help me understand please. Warm regards, --Pebbles
  3. I got it back after some of the feedback I received (it was very easy to do it since I paid it for the year). Thanks ❤️
  4. Chuckles, "and so am I." I think that may be the reason I posted here, to get some objective feedback. I agree I had a strong/extreme reaction in this situation which supports you point about how we all may bring our political views into sl. Thanks for your reply ❤️
  5. That's a good attitude. I may have "cut my nose despite my face" by reacting so fast and cancelling my premium membership.
  6. In these last two days, I had encounters with Trump supporters who filled their profiles with hateful messages. Specifically, profile pictures showing gun violence, groups promoting lies that were discredit by US and UK intelligence, and groups promoting violence toward others. All were reported to LL. As a result of these encounter and awareness of LL's permissible attitude toward the introduction of politics of hate in SL, I am no longer a premium member. I refuse to financially support an organization that allows the spewing of hate as evidenced by my encounters with MAGATS. I am deeply disappointed at LL's lack of action in the insertion of politics into SL, and even more disappointed with the LL's inaction toward the infusion of politics of hate in SL. I am wondering of anyone else has had similar experiences and how people have handled/reacted/felt in these situations. Best regards, -Pebbles
  7. That was my thought exactly; and then I decided to try the demo. Ah!!! I bought both, the Legacy Meshbody (5K) and the Classic Meshbody (L$2500) *laughs* Stay away from the demos. I had the same issues that have been voiced here. Worst, the Classic Meshbody seems more like a project that never got worked to its completion as evidenced by the addition of the deformers which are composed of only the feet (no upper body and no lower body). Nevertheless, I do agree and the skins in both huds are gorgeous. Sadly, they do not match any of my Catwa nor Laq heads, and had to wear a choker to hide the mismatches. Overall, I am disappointed with myself for "drinking" the Kool Aid and am very disappointed with the brend. Last, I contacted support received no reply; when I sought help in their groups no one had a solution for the skin mismatch. Hope the creators the Legacy and Classic Meshbodies do take these suggestions seriously: Really, lower the price and take the Classic Meshbody off the shelves (Make the Legacy discounted for long term customers until the Classic is fully developed). Thanks fo the great topic. Best regards.
  8. Can't log as inventory system unavailable (don't know what that is either). Thanks for your help best, Pebbles
  9. Club Hanky-Pank is an adult theme sim for RP, sexual discussions and encounters. So, hosts and DJs need to be comfortable with sexually charged conversations. Please note that the sim is not an escort or prostitution sim (if you looking for that, then this is not the sim for that). Please contact Adriana Maurer via notecard or IM indicating your interest in hosting or DJing and the days/times you can work 3 hours shifts. Also, make sure your profile picture is current or send Adriana a current picture. The club is located at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tyrell Mono/161/165/3006 Best regards, Pebbles
  10. Hi everyone-Just wanted to follow-up and make it clear that this is a role-play sim and not an escort/prostitution . If you looking for work on those areas, this is not the place for you. Best, -Pebbles
  11. Unfortunately, seems that the login issue is back. Third unsuccessful attempt at log.
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