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Rick Nightingale

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Everything posted by Rick Nightingale

  1. If I get time I will. I seem to spend more time chasing and reporting bugs in other people's software than doing my own work at times. Seriously, I once got nicknamed "bugfinder general" in one of my jobs, lol. I seem to attract them. It's definitely the coincident split edges causing the problem. Everywhere in the linkset that it happens, that's the case. Still doesn't explain why my 24 identical objects test failed so clearly there's more to it. At least now I know what I can upload together, and what not.
  2. Here's a bit more on it... it seems that having two objects with their split edges coincident is causing at least part of the issue rather than it being caused by a large linkset. It doesn't answer why my final test of 24 duplicated objects above failed (they were not coincident, but lined up neatly so I could see them). Many of the mesh parts have two versions, in exactly the same place and not intended to be used together. Where the split edges are in the same places on the two objects, that's where dodgyness is happening when uploaded: Here, I've pulled one fin to the side a bit. You can see that the dodgy shading fits together on the two fins. Weird! It's as if the uploader is getting confused by having two different parts in the same place. Just for clarity, as I mentioned before, if I upload these alone, they have no dodgy shading.
  3. EDIT: It's not the SL uploader, it's the Collada exporter doing it (despite my efforts to eliminate Blender as the cause). Sorry LL 😢 I posted in the mesh forum wondering what I was doing wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is a bug in the mesh uploader. This happens in the latest versions of both Firestorm and LL's viewer. When I upload a large set (24 objects) of linked mesh in one go, some of the objects with split edges get unsplit (at least, that's exactly what the resultant dodgy shading looks like). Uploading the very same objects one at a time, or even in a smaller group (five or six objects) gives the expected result (smooth shading, stopping at the split edge with no dodgy shading). See... You might think my split edge is bad on the left, and that I don't know what I'm doing, but there is nothing wrong with the mesh. I've checked and rechecked, looked at the vertex normals, anything I could think of; the mesh is fine (split edges are not exactly complicated). I've eliminated Blender as the culprit by re-importing its saved .dae file back into Blender. There is no dodgy shading, the mesh from the .dae is like that on the right still. Exporting the dodgy mesh object out of SL and importing that into Blender shows the split edge is still there and the object looks like it should in Blender, not like it looks in SL. Final test: export from Blender and upload the previously failed object alone (not in a linkset; it imported looking good, no dodgy shading), exporting that from SL and back into Blender. That looks identical to the above failed object in Blender. The normals are... normal So, while I cannot see where it is going wrong, something is clearly wrong and it only happens if I upload a larger linkset. Edit: really final test: I made a .dae of just one object duplicated 24 times (so 24 linked, identical objects), and uploaded that to SL in one linkset. Two thirds of the objects were perfect. One third (of the identical(!) objects) had dodgy shading faults like the above. Right... I'm getting back to work now I've learned not upload too many objects at once. I think it's LL's way of making us pay more to upload
  4. Official LL viewer does the same (probably it's the same code in there anyway). I really can't find anything wrong with my mesh, but this is still happening if I upload the objects as a group. Vertex normals are as expected, no loose or double vertices or anything like that apart from the ones that should be there after the split; there's nothing wrong. It's hardly the first time I've done a split edge! Yes, I could just upload all my bits individually, but something isn't right here and that would cost a lot extra (L$ and faffing time).
  5. I don't know if this is Blender doing it in the export, on the importer (Firestorm) doing it. I'm making a mermaid tail with lots of optional finny bits. If I export and upload the objects individually, they are fine. There are no problems with the split edges; I've checked very carefully in Blender when this happened. If I export and import all objects together in one go, the edge split edges get messed up, as if I haven't split them properly (smooth shading over an acute edge, or faces poking through the other side?). It's random though, and changes with different attempts, but it's always somewhere along my split edges in several of the parts. Any idea why? Edit to add: I'm asking in case there's something I'm doing wrong, somehow... the assumption I try to make when things like this happen.
  6. Yes, just done that. It glows at 99%. I'll get away with 99% I'm sure. I'm puzzled though; why only the mesh stops glowing and only when attached. You might be right about the viewer (Firestorm). I might install Black Dragon again later on and see what that does.
  7. I'm trying to make a rigged mesh object have a tiny bit of glow in some places, so I made a similarly rigged object with just tiny bits that I can set to 100% transparent and 1.0 glow. It doesn't work... If I rez a cube and set to 100% transparent with glow, it still glows. If I rez my mesh and do the same, it glows. If I attach the cube, it still glows. However, my mesh stops glowing completely when attached at 100% transparent. Am I missing something? (Well, I'm missing a bacon sarnie right now, but you can't fix that for me.)
  8. Thanks Xed, I had been doing that and it got me part way. It's working now, anyway. The creator answered and told me one key point: It was done with Avastar. Still wouldn't work right for me though (as I said in my OP I tried that) until I paid to update to Avaster 2.79 and updated the model for that, even though it was done in Av. v2.5-1 which was what I had installed originally! Then it just worked, without fiddling with settings.
  9. Thank you, I'll watch those (I was just about to go looking for videos!). I don't think I'm making it clear though that just loading the original, unmodified .blend file into Blender, immediately exporting as .dae and importing to SL has the stretching problem. I haven't got as far as trying to change anything yet. I'm trying to get it working as-is as a known starting point, before I start breaking it myself.
  10. The beta grid finally let me back in. Always seems to be a problem gettng in there since the cloud. Anyway... I've tried exporting the original .blend file I downloaded from the link in the NC, unmodified. It does the stretching on that too. I have a lot of learning to do I think. Unrigged mesh is easy, lol. Picture: Left is the tail from the MP (not uploaded by me). Centre is my uploaded tail rezzed (as it should look). Right is my uploaded tail attached. If it helps, it does work with the Bento tail animations for it, so it's basically working, sort of, but it's still very stretched out.
  11. Edit: Solved by updating Avastar. Thanks for the help folks. I'm (very!) new to making rigged mesh although fairly familiar with Blender otherwise. I got this free Open Mer Tail and am trying to modify it in Blender and reupload it. No matter what I try (even uploading it completely unmodified) the tail always stretches out lengthwise, a lot, when I attach it. It looks fine if just rezzed on the ground but when worn it looks like it starts at my knees instead of my hips and is several metres longer and thinner than it should be. I don't want to post a direct link to the blend file because it's not mine, but if someone would be kind enough to get the free OMT on the MP with the link to the blend file in a NC and look at it please... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/OpenMerTail-Fullperm-Bento-Mermaid-Tail/21708550 I have tried every setting* in Blender (I updated to the latest a few days ago) and the SL mesh importer (Firestorm) but nothing makes any difference. Some settings break the rigging completely and it goes floppy, and I figured out that it needed rotating, but nothing helps the stretching issue. I've asked the creator but had no answer (probably busy; no worries) and googled the issue in general without any results. I even tried reverting to Blender v2.79 with Avastar (because that's the latest Avastar I have) and exporting with that; no difference. *Edit: clearly I've missed one though, lol
  12. >> Yes, the post immediately before yours said file a BUG Jira: Oddly, I had noticed that. Hence me saying: >> If I get chance I'll file that bug report Followed by: >> but I'm just trying to get some work done right now Despite not immediately dropping my work to assist someone else's, I thought it might be relevent to note in the thread for those interested that the OP isn't the only one experiencing these exact issues, and where and when. At least my post in question added something relevant to the issue, unlike the two which followed. 😛
  13. Getting exactly the same as the OP here, in Wanderton, over the last hour. Came here to see if anyone had said anything. I got one message about inventory fault. I'm in the UK but even tried a VPN exit in the USA. No difference. That's when I *do* get in with the infamous: ...which happens about nine times out of ten so far! If I get chance I'll file that bug report but I'm just trying to get some work done right now... (finally got into Verenda which seems OK) Note that I have no network or other issues that I am aware of, everything works fine on Agni.
  14. Has anyone seen an issue where llPlaySound with llSetSoundQueueing plays a sound more than once, or a subsequent call to llPlaySound with a different sound plays the previous sound again? I'm certain my script isn't calling it more than once... My script plays assorted sounds on the click of a HUD button. The sounds' names and durations are on a NC. Some of the sounds are multiple files split into 10 second lots, some are just a single file. In order to allow duplicate sounds to be played in succession (which llSetSoundQueueing does not allow) my script plays a "silence" file after every sound set. The HUD also has a Stop button which cancels any pending sound files in my queue and plays the "silence". If the script has a queue, each 'next' sound is preloaded with llPreloadSound as it is queued for playing, while the previous one is still playing. It all works perfectly and has for years... except in one region I tend to visit a lot: Fallen Gods. There, it will more often than not (but not always) play a sound twice, or even loop it (possibly indefintely, certainly 3+ times) until I press the Stop button. I'm only playing a single sound file, not one with multiple files chained together, so there is no actual queuing or preloading involved in this case. I have debugged the script with chat messages for every step, and it does nothing unexpected that should trigger the sound again. The llPlaySound function is only called as expected. The main script is in an attachment and listens to the HUD. This is the script in the attachment. Not all is shown (to keep it brief) but the missing code plays no part in the issue. The HUD script simply sends commands and doesn't play anything itself. key Owner; integer vChannel=[redacted my secret channel] list Length; // Play lengths list Sound; // Sound names integer Playing; // Index of playing sound. -1=nothing playing integer Queue; // Queue depth integer Volume=7; // Volume (1..10) Playit(string thesound, float thevolume) { llPlaySound(thesound,thevolume); llOwnerSay(thesound); } default{ state_entry(){ Owner=llGetOwner(); llSetSoundQueueing(1); state Running; } } state Running { state_entry(){ llListen(vChannel,"","",""); Length=Sound=[]; Playing=-1; } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string m) { if (llGetOwnerKey(id)!=Owner) return; llOwnerSay("Heard: "+m); list task=llCSV2List(m); integer tasklen=llGetListLength(task)/2; if (tasklen) { // Should be a playlist llOwnerSay("Heard a playlist"); if (Queue) { // Already a queue, check for duplicate entry (cannot queue successive duplicates) llOwnerSay("There's a Queue"); if (llList2String(Sound,-1)==llList2String(task,0)) { // We have a successive duplicate Sound+="silence"; Length+="0.1"; } } Sound+=llList2List(task,0,tasklen-1); Length+=llList2List(task,tasklen,-1); if (Playing==-1) { // Not currently playing, start it up llOwnerSay("Wasn't playing, is now"); Playit(llList2String(Sound,Playing=0),0.1*Volume); llResetTime(); llSetTimerEvent(0.02); // Trigger the next sound queueing } else if (Playing==Queue) { // We have already started the previous last sound, need to rejig the timing llOwnerSay("Already playing, rejig"); --Playing; llSetTimerEvent(0.02); } Queue=llGetListLength(Sound); } else { if (m=="stop") { Playit("silence",0.0); llSetTimerEvent(0.0); Length=Sound=[]; Playing=-1; Queue=0; } else if ((integer)m) { Volume=(integer)m; } } } timer(){ if (++Playing<Queue){ // We have more to queue llPreloadSound(llList2String(Sound,Playing)); // Preload the next sound... Playit(llList2String(Sound,Playing),0.1*Volume); // ... and queue it float delay=llList2Float(Length,Playing-1)-1.04; if (delay<=0) delay=0.02; llSetTimerEvent(delay); llOwnerSay("TimerA: "+"P="+(string)Playing+" Q="+(string)Queue+" D="+(string)delay); } else if (Playing==Queue) { // Last sound should now be playing, give it time to finish float delay=llList2Float(Length,Playing-1)-1.04; if (delay<=0) delay=0.02; llSetTimerEvent(delay); llOwnerSay("TimerB: "+"P="+(string)Playing+" Q="+(string)Queue+" D="+(string)delay); } else { llSetTimerEvent(0.0); Playit("silence",0.1*Volume); Length=Sound=[]; Playing=-1; Queue=0; llRegionSayTo(Owner,vChannel,"stop"); llOwnerSay("TimerC: "+"P="+(string)Playing+" Q="+(string)Queue); } } } This is the debug chat: Heard: Darkness Laugh =7.75,7.75 Heard a playlist Wasn't playing, is now Playing: Darkness Laugh =7.75 TimerB: P=1 Q=1 D=6.710000 Playing: silence TimerC: P=-1 Q=0 As you can see, the debug shows only two calls to llPlaySound. Everything is as expected, and yet the sound "Darkness Laugh =7.75" played three times on that run! Finally, I've realised as I typed this that when I press stop, the sound stops immediately. As I understood it, the "silence" should be queued up but the currently playing sound should still finish because of the llSetSoundQueueing(1) in the default state_entry.
  15. Hmm... I see at least one on there that might fit the bill. I'll go and take a closer look. Thank you!
  16. Thanks, but that's the one I mentioned above Yeah, the lack of rigging kills it, as does the no-mod perms as well although I might live with that for the perfect (rigged) hair.
  17. Bram Stoker's Dracula hair would be perfect for a character I'm doing... can anyone suggest a similar one on the MP? Rigged mesh please. REBIRTH does one that would be perfect if it was rigged, but having it clip through my shoulders when I turn my head is a non-starter. Not the old, grey look, but this one:
  18. I often log in several alts on one PC for testing, but I've always avoided logging in the same alt simultaneously on Agni and Aditi. Just in case. although I did once do so accidentally and nothing exploded that I noticed. Sometimes it would be quite useful to do. So, is it safe to do that? Or will my inventory get stolen by aliens or my alt get pulled into a singularity?
  19. Exactly what I thought too. I wouldn't be surprised to see some very big lawsuits from the big IT players against Intel for this, to offset the additional costs of that additional speed they will need to allocate. I feel fortunate that I'm no longer in the IT game right now. Too many virtual server farms with my name on them, lol.
  20. I wonder how much impact this will have on SL's servers? https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/01/02/intel_cpu_design_flaw/ Briefly, a serious exploit has been found in all Intel x86-64 series CPUs since the Pentium. It's unfixable in microcode and needs an OS fix to work around the vulnerability. Potentially average 30% performance hit, worse on applications which make lots of system calls. Like virtualisation! I wonder if Intel will even survive this.
  21. That looks exactly the issue, thank you! (I did search first, but obviously not well enough, lol. I blame the tequila.) ETA: Hmm, except that my hands are playing Bento animations repeatedly, but only for the hands. My main AO is non-Bento. Still likely the same issue though.
  22. Has anyone else seen this issue? I'm not sure if this is server or viewer side, but... From another SL account, logged in on a different PC, I've repeatedly noticed that my left Bento hand sometimes appears fixed in a pose. It is in an uncomfortable-looking fingers splayed straight out position. I've seen it when both accounts are logged in on the same PC too. At first my hands appear to function properly and the animations can be seen, but at some point it goes to the fixed pose and sticks there. Then, the only way to fix it is for me to relog. But bear in mind the below: From my perspective, my hand functions as normal, playing it's various animations. That splayed-out position is not even in my hand's animations. I made the very simple AO myself and used standard animations supplied with the Aesthetic Bento hands. There is nothing wrong on my side - it works perfectly fine. If I wasn't watching from another account in the same room, I would have no idea what was happening in the other viewer. For clarity: The frozen hand is only seen in someone else's viewer. In my viewer, it works normally. I'm using the latest Firestorm. I would like to think it's a problem with my hand or something here because I could fix it. Given what happens though, I can't see how it is.
  23. Thank you for the reply. I think we tried going to Aditi on 26th, so that fits. I was there with my building alt before that but there were no changes to that account, so I would not have noticed if anything updated or not. I'll prod support in a couple of days (after the usual Tue/Wed server stuff) if nothing changes.
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