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Posts posted by ZoeTick

  1. Taeem wrote:

    I could choose between the LL viewer and firestorm, I used the latter, as I do else, too and to have a good comparison. Things loaded pretty fast, looking nice, and I could move fast, too, but unfortunately while moving or turning around, some textures get blurry and flicker, I was starting to feel sick after a few minutes lol so I logged out, might be just me though, the getting sick, but the blurriness and flickering would keep me from using it anyway probably.

    They have obviously made a breakthrough in fairness. Soon everybody will feel motion sickness when visiting a virtual world, not just those using Oculus Rift.

    [if you want the lowdown on the non-viability of immersion headsets, just google "oculus risk".]

  2. LlazarusLlong wrote:

    My daughter has recently developed an interest in musical theatre, as I discovered when I asked her why she was prancing about in her jammies singing "Try a little priest".

    Don't even ask why I was reading this thread.

    Especially don't ask why I thought it was worth a necropost.

    Why did you think it was worth a necropost?

  3. LaskyaClaren wrote:

    DO you miss any of your former identities?

    This is a question worthy of its own Friday thread, but perhaps posed by a more philosophically inclined alt on a dark winter day.

    In the meantime, I would answer that you should rather be asking others if my former identities are missed; I do not miss them at all, since they all live on in me - I hear their voices clearly and persistently inside my head, creating a discursive narrative considerably more entertaining and insightful, from a plethora of viewpoints, than the illiterate inanity documented in the forums.

    [Although sometimes I wish the Central European performance artist, Knotter Blogfan, had had more of a run, if only because he annoyed and confused Phil so much; perhaps a relation of his might make an appearance or two in the silly season.]

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