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Everything posted by comitose

  1. I own a grandfathered sim with 30,000 prim that I own a platform build at 4,000 meters that I make use of 10,000 prim. I am looking for one person to rent the land with 20,000 prim from me. The rental price will be 36800 Lindens per month (9200 per week) This rent price is cheaper than owning a non-grandfathered sim. No land divide, no re-selling of land You will have music stream, terraform as you wish and any type of lighting you care to have. Any questions feel free to ask here or Inworld, My legacy name is "comitose"
  2. I own a grandfathered sim with 30,000 prim that I own a platform build at 4,000 meters that I make use of 10,000 prim. I am looking for one person to rent the land with 20,000 prim from me. The rental price will be 36800 Lindens per month (9200 per week) This rent price is cheaper than owning a non-grandfathered sim. No land divide, no re-selling of land You will have rights to the music stream, terraform as you wish and any type of lighting you care to have. My last renter left Second Life after renting from me for three years. Any questions feel free to ask here or Inworld, My legacy name is "comitose"
  3. Aww thanks and please feel free-- https://secondlife.com/destination/walls-of-freedom#:~:text=Walls of Freedom-,Walls of Freedom is based on the book of the,testimony of bravery and resistance.
  4. The land is in the process of being rented
  5. I own a grandfathered sim with 30,000 prim with a platform build at 4,000 meters that I make use of 10,000 prim. I am looking for one person to rent the land with 20,000 prim from me. The rental price will be 36800 Lindens per month (9200 per week) This rent price is cheaper than owning a non-grandfathered sim. No land divide, no re-selling of land You will have music stream, terraform as you wish and any type of lighting you care to have. My last renter left Second Life after renting from me for three years. Any questions feel free!
  6. Artist and gallery owner. Interested. I've IMed you in world. I have returned a notecard to you, Thanks
  7. I own a grandfathered sim (30,000 prim)- going on 4 years now. In that time I have always rented out the land (20,000 prim) and air up to 3500 meters. I keep rights to build on a full sim platform with my 10,000 prim as I own an art build on the platform at the height of 3900 meters. My long term tenant is leaving SL and I am looking for artists, social activists to rent from me at (very close) to my cost. I will be renting 1/4 sims with 5,000 prim at 2300 Lindens per week.(9200 Lindens per month) If any artist or organization is looking for a place to build, this is for you. Any questions feel free to get a hold of me.
  8. I own a grandfathered sim (30,000 prim)- going on 4 years now. In that time I have always rented out the land (20,000 prim) and air up to 3500 meters. I keep rights to build on a full sim platform with my 10,000 prim as I own an art build on the platform at the height of 3900 meters. My long term tenant is leaving SL and I am looking for artists, social activists to rent from me at (very close) to my cost. I will be renting 1/4 sims with 5,000 prim at 2300 Lindens per week.(9200 Lindens per month) If any artist or organization is looking for a place to build, this is for you. Any questions feel free to get a hold of me.
  9. I have a full sim for rent. 65,536 sqm 20,000 prim. I own a full sim platform at the height of 4,000 meters with 10,000 prim and retain rights to that. I will be offering the full sim land, and air up to 3,500 meters for very close to my server cost The renter will have full estate rights for everything. I will be charging 11,000 Linden per week for the full sim with 20,000 prim count.
  10. No--- you can take a free college course.
  11. Shared from a Facebook post- A list of free college level courses I certainly hope this helps. #AllPowerToThePeople ♥ Yale African American Studies (emancipation - current) - a FREE college level course: https://oyc.yale.edu/NODE/46 EDynamic Learning - Might be a paid service, but offers courses: https://edynamiclearning.com/our-programs/how-it-works/ Michigan State University - African American Studies Research Guide: FREE African American Online Courses and Lectures: https://libguides.lib.msu.edu/c.php?g=95622&p=624416 Stanford African American Studies - a FREE college level course: http://www.openculture.com/african-american-history-modern-freedom-struggle-a-free-course-from-stanford 5 FREE courses from Ivy League schools to educate yourself on race and America's long history of injustice: https://www.businessinsider.com/free-online-courses-about-race-injustice-to-educate-yourself-2020-6 Arizona State University - FREE Ethnic Relations Courses: https://itunes.apple.com/us/itunes-u/ethnic-relations-in-the-u.s./id383719996?mt=10&ign-mpt=uo%3D8 Introduction to ancient Egypt and its Civilization - University of Penn FREE Course: https://www.coursera.org/learn/introancientegypt Bates College Africana courses - FREE online courses: https://www.bates.edu/africana/program/courses/
  12. There were four speakers last night, five including the host. The speakers were given four questions and then there was a question and answer afterwards. Many of the thoughts that were talked of are the normal ones- getting involved in every way possible in both SL and RL. Much of the talk centered on RL issues. What struck out in me was a talk that had started about Black AVI's in SL. The talk evolved into a question- By supporting Black owned businesses in SL, how does anyone really know if the owner of the business is Black in SL, or is just a Black AVI? My personal thought on that is saying I would support businesses in SL that support BLM. They have done something in SL in support support of BLM. One will always get takeaway or two from sitting in on a panel discussion. The speakers were very good and being held in voice you felt how emotional the speakers were as they spoke. There were over 50 people there, some from European time. More talks should take place. Yes. It's very interesting the way I was taught in school. Just the other day a friend had pointed this out to me. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gall–Peters_projection
  13. Might help? lol, thanks https://secondlife.com/destination/walls-of-freedom
  14. I can not answer that question. I can offer that there are those with opposing views that may want to attend. We feel that Second Life can be a very good tool as everyone is able to type/chat what they would not necessarily wish to do in that Real Life. With that said we will not tolerate any type of conversation that is hate filled... on ether side of the isle.
  15. There will be a meeting tonight on this topic. Everyone is welcome to attend. Everyone can say as they feel as long as it remains civil
  16. I am looking to rent out a 1/4 parcel of land on a privately owned sim. No Clubs or Breeding allowed. This is a contemporary private residential sim. If you have interest in living on land with a countryside feel to it please feel free to contact me. Light commercial considered... Love to have an Artist gallery move in.
  17. I am looking to rent out a 1/4 parcel of land on a privately owned sim. No Clubs or Breeding allowed. This is a contemporary private residential sim. If you have interest in living on land with a countryside feel to it please feel free to contact me.
  18. I am looking to rent out a 1/4 parcel of land on a privately owned sim. No Clubs or Breeding allowed. This is a contemporary private residential sim. If you have interest in living on land with a countryside feel to it please feel free to contact me.
  19. Hi! I am looking to rent out a 1/4 parcel of land on a privately owned sim. No Clubs or Breeding allowed. This is a contemporary private residential sim. If you have interest in living on land with a countryside feel to it please feel free to contact me.
  20. Hi! I am looking to rent out a 1/4 parcel of land on a privately owned sim. No Clubs or Breeding allowed. This is a contemporary private residential sim. If you have interest in living on land with a countryside feel to it please feel free to contact me.
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