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  1. For some people, it's an actual opinion. It's what scares me.
  2. I think part of the looks discussion stems from TV teen shows, I'm afraid, where 25-year-olds act the 15-year-olds. When one turns 20, their body doesn't automagically turn muscled, you know. If one is skinny, he remains skinny; if one is fat, they remain fat. And if one works out (and has the natural predisposition for it), they'll be muscled even at age 15. In order words, body status means little or nothing (in RL, and therefore in SL). As for height, that is because of the need for a camera view. I had this friend who built a replica of his RL flat in RL dimensions. He invited me over and it was impossibly to move around, unless I was in mouselook mood (which simulates RL eyesight). I think that's what got dimensions distorted in SL and then expanded in body size too, and therefore 1 metre in RL doesn't necessarily correspond to 1 metre in SL (sadly). My RL height is 1,75m, my SL height is some 2m and still I'm shorter than almost everyone I know. It is how it is… The face on the other side is somewhat of a show for maturity, though between 15 and 20 the change of an average RL person is very little, it's not like 20 and 40. Of course I agree with the snot comment (lol!), but my point is that other than such obvious signs, it's difficult to tell someone's apparent age.
  3. Perhaps, but it leaves the same bad taste in my mouth. The modern world is all about people coexisting, not being put in different boxes with no communication between them. Now, restricting child avatars to G sims is another matter (because it's the same grid). Call me naïve all you want. My point is, the grid isn't just sex. The grid is dancing and going to the theatre, swimming in the ocean and going to art exhibitions, it's concerts and amusement parks and sailing and everything else. It's one grid and it's here for all, not for some groups differentiated through age, race, religion, colour of shoes or any other criterion. That's my view.
  4. The statement satisfies me, in the sense that LL is investigating the core of the allegation, that certain LL employees got involved in illegal acts. That is all we can ask for. If any substance is found, surely the thing will take the legal way. That's fine. What scares me is this: There have been groups of residents in social media calling for segregating the grid, by reinstating the teen grid and throwing all underage-looking avatars there. I find this unfair and discrinatory and also segregational and unfit for 2024. I hope LL does not even consider it. Yes, the current TOS is a bit unclear on the matter of underage-looking avatars and their status, leaving much to interpretation, but that is no reason for 1950s-like situations that are universally condemned today.
  5. Starting Saturday 10th, 11am, Sarabande presents We ♥ K-Pop! Sarabande's salute to South Korean pop features eye-popping sets, ear-popping rhythms, and leg-popping choreography! We offer both classics and the most recent exports from Seoul, sung by such groups as BTS, Blankpink, The Boyz, Shinee, Babymonster, and Xodiac. The audience is encouraged to chew bubble gum during the show! Performances: - Saturday 10th Feb @ 11am - Sunday 11th Feb @ 11am - Saturday 17th Feb @ 11am - Sunday 18th Feb @ 11am - Saturday 24th Feb @ 11am - Sunday 25th Feb @ 11am More info https://www.sarabandetheater.com/ Please arrive early to avoid disappointment! https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/River%20Lands/26/29/30 https://fb.me/e/7fAWp2H3G
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