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Everything posted by Splatulated

  1. Pamela Galli wrote: Oh sure. Just request the audio log from LL (along with the time and date) then send it to the police in the town the "kid" lives in, along with his RL name. The police can find his address and parents' names. The police would need to get an expert to verify that the voices on the audio log were in fact that of the kid and his parents, and the kid would need to testify that his parents did in fact beat him. Isn't the fantasy world of SL wonderful! unsure if being serious or not :c
  2. just heard a kid get beat up by their parents over the mic and it depressing and i want at least try to do something :c if could at least forward an audio log to police or something idk :c
  3. Syo Emerald wrote: I think he may refer to his thread about how to upload a texture, which he asked in order to make the sign he but on the land to get attention from the people who banned him. Which makes me also wonder how someone can spend 25$ for avatar customization and have barely enough money to pay for the upload. the family payed for the avatar customization all my lin came from doing offers on an offsite thing linked to second life i used half of what i had to make a texture that now has no use at all
  4. Ren Toxx wrote: Depends of the property; if it's a private residential area, you may have either been kicked by an automated security device (orb), or manually by the owners if they were there at the moment. If it's the former, you may still be able to contact the owners through IM and ask them directly. If it's the latter, and especially considering the auto-decline, chances are they've made up their minds and there's nothing you can do about it except forget about the place and move on elsewhere. Anyway, you gotta ask yourself: how important is for you to be able to go back to this place? And depending on the kind of place: were you actually entitled to be there in the first place? If it's indeed a private residential are and they don't want visitors, then that's it: they just don't. was adopted by them they helped me out with lot of stuff even gave me at least $25.00 value in cosmetic items and huds and things was family RP sl mom logged in ejected me from family then wouldnt asnwer single IM then she logged out later she came back so i tried a home teleport and put me on sl aunts land and i made a sign saying im sorry (thread of this below some where) almost immediatly aunt logs in kicks me from family too and logged out and before it moved me out of range of sign i deleted it to spare them the trouble of figuring out how and being an eyesore for bout hour i floated over sl mom trying get her to acknowledge me wasnt till i tried send a note card and it instantly declined 5 times that i mmight be blocked but im not sure maybe cuz she in zone i cant reach idk im sad and i dont know what i did or why they no longer want me i wish they would just say something :c
  5. been kicked off a property so i wrote a note and from outside of barrier thing tried give asking what i did auto declines if they not on my friend list will i have to relog to see changes ?
  6. my sorry got faced with a kicked off rest of property i was lived in :c any chance i can sell this for 1 lin to anyone ?
  7. i tried to useing ms paint and said was unable to is it cuz saved as jpeg ?? is this too small http://i.imgur.com/VJNwK2H.png i has 27/10 lins i opted for temporary so it free i did google and tried save it as tga but didnt work then switched to 24 bitmap and changed end to tga still wont let me so i has this http://i.imgur.com/UsQAOSD.png and i dont know how to put it ingame :c
  8. Rya Nitely wrote: if you just see ads then go to the bottom of that page and hit place your order ooh cool i thought was just loading another market page
  9. unless i have at least one item that cost at minimal 1 lin :c it just loads teh amrkets front page when i hit check out instead of going to the buy page is way around this for items that cant be found in game ?
  10. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Cyan areas █ Objects you own. Fuchsia areas █ Objects your groups own. Green markers o ^ v Other Residents: At about the same height as your camera position. Above your camera position. Below your camera position. Hover over a marker to view the Resident's name. Yellow dots o Your nearby friends. To see and edit your Friends list, choose Communicate > My Friends. Dark gray blocks █ Objects owned by others. In a region with lots of buildings, you see lots of these. Red areas █ Offline regions my group own a player ? how do you own players ?
  11. Perrie Juran wrote: Splatulated wrote: http://i.imgur.com/JDMzYoB.png Actually in that image it appears that you were camming your friend. When you cam around the cone of light moves on the mini map with the point of the cone being at the center of your focus. Striking my initial answer. That would be correct for Firestorm. Honestly, for Singularity I'm not sure even after looking at this. These preferences make it look like it was an Estate Owner. whats an estate owner
  12. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Barney was wandering around... Look in your preferences to see what the colors mean for you... i use singularity and havent touched anything in opreferences didnt even know was option for blips
  13. Kelli May wrote: Pixel glue, or prim nails. Nah, just link them. Select both (edit one, hold shift, click the other) and hit CTRL-L. It's CTRL-SHIFT-L to unlink an object. You'll learn more if you go to the Ivory Tower of Primitives and take some of their lessons. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Natoma/210/164/27 ^-^ yay i made a chair where can i go for free textures only ones i have are the advertisey ones i get with purchased items ...
  14. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Splatulated wrote: http://i.imgur.com/zEv7NvC.png so it become a single object link them? what do you mean ?? im new to SL and just trying build stuff and get a feel for it but i would like help on how to actually do this i will probably move up to writing scrips if they hard to get and my ultimate goal is to get some stuff on market so i can earn lins that way
  15. http://i.imgur.com/zEv7NvC.png so it become a single object
  16. http://i.imgur.com/Ehj1e0a.png id liek to have teh rim gold and teh outside white and then put a picture of a pony in middle or something maybe a friends name even
  17. http://i.imgur.com/BE88IUG.jpg this my preferences box http://i.imgur.com/O4tCBdm.png
  18. it made it load but now it always equips to that spot ... andi can change it to other spots but its always wrong place how do reset the item so it goes where teh creator had it go to ?
  19. http://i.imgur.com/RFfLosE.png http://i.imgur.com/RkqqAij.png why what broke is fix ?
  20. http://i.imgur.com/7qMz3U9.png kay... clicking them form y inventory is deleting them :c ? http://i.imgur.com/wjn0v8V.png also my game doing this to local chat ?? http://i.imgur.com/Ewvk0Ok.png
  21. Ren Toxx wrote: Nope. Usually it's a problem of your viewer's cache, or your current outfit information, not having loaded properly (crashes tend to mess with both things). If it's the latter, all you need is to force your viewer to reload your last outfit from your inventory (and this is where using the Outfits panel and routinely saving at least some, including the one you're currently wearing, come in handy)... if you don't have any saved yet, simply try wearing whichever entire outfit you have in your inventory (from your visits to freebie places you've probably gathered some), for example dragging the outfit's folder from your inventory and dropping it directly onto your avatar; an alternative would be to wear one of the starter avatars, by going to the menu “Me” > “Choose an avatar”. Either way, once the outfit or avatar in question has been loaded and you've stopped being just a cloud, you'll be able to change back into the clothes you had (and if you think it a chore to find again all the things you were wearing, again, this is a good reason to start saving outfits :smileywink:). If the problem persists, perhaps it's a corrupted cache, and that's fixed by clearing the cache -an option present in most viewer's preferences, usually in the “Network & Cache” section. Be aware that after clearing cache, you'll have to restart the viewer and let it load everything (cache and inventory) from zero -you'll only have to do it once, though. already fixed it and im not wearing 200 billion things so didnt take long to find and equip the 15 things i had and half of them all in same folder
  22. Fixed it unequipped all worn items after taking a quick screen shot of what I had then dragged and dropped a default avvi onto my character my character rezzed then i used screen shot to put back on what i losted and + is i didnt have to resize any of the stuff i had unequiped
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