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Everything posted by serotica

  1. Hello everyone didn't know where to post this. The thread title is similar I guess because I can't activate the 'SHOW ALL' function in the alpha section on the HUD after logging in? On logging in I get all these triangular pop ups? Script errors I'm guessing again? And now only my arms and face are showing. along with the dress(maitreya) I purchased the Maitreya Lara body a few days ago now and all seemed to be going swimmingly until now. Any feedback would be appreciated. :matte-motes-kiss:
  2. Hi everyone, Sorry to hijack the thread but can anyone shed some light (no pun intended) on the issue(s) of patchy shades affecting my Maitreya Lara Mesh Body? I am running the latest Singularity Viewer. I have tried numerous 'fixes' taken from these pages and beyond including the check to 'Hardware Skinning' in Preferences but to no avail as it is greyed out and continues to be greyed out after making other minor adjustments. Thanks
  3. Probably been mentioned before, but I find a subtle facelight eliminates face shadows. Once that design flaw is fixed I feel facelights will become obsolete.
  4. Thanks Bobbie :smileywink: Starting to get to grips with it now.
  5. At the risk of assuming I take it you mean the new version of Singularity? I have installed it and don't have that issue, I still need to open doors by just left clicking on them.
  6. Here's what I don't quite understand. If one purchases a rigged mesh body (TMP Deluxe) and therefore, by default its shape, why is it that it still uses your previous shape/skin/physics as well? Would I need to purchase other shapes, skins and/or appliers to change that? Like Phat Azz and Lola's for butts and breasts? I know one can use the sliders too but I'm amazed that on purchasing a 5000L body one should even be contemplating, or have to use the sliders afterwards.
  7. Not any glitch as such but I can't help but think after I've worn the TMP body, it looks strikingly similar to my old shape etc..I can't detach my old shape? Is there a way one does this?..... When I right click the old Shape/Skin etc in 'Worn Items' to remove there is no tab visible to do so.
  8. Thanks UT hud(s) all sorted now and the whiteness has gone too after troubleshooting it all. Ugh!
  9. Hi everyone, my meshproject safari so far depicts a whole white body.... And the 'StyleMode' hud is invisible on my screen? I can't see it basically, I know it's there ( Ctrl+Alt+T) but cannot for the life of me see it to make the necessary changes. It's all very frustrating and I wondered if there are blogs for the Mesh Project Body? Their FAQ doesn't seem to have much in the way of Starting Up. Thanks in Advance :womanfrustrated:
  10. I've bitten the bullet and purchased the Slink physique. head, hands and feet too..... Can someone possibly post a guide, a blog or a link about the Slink physique. the Huds and the Alpha layers? I found it quite daunting when trying to navigate around the Huds and the Alpha layers etc? The information provided within the purchase notes/notecards is quite rudimentary. Thanks y'all :womanfrustrated:
  11. I can use that feature in my viewer (click edit from the Inventory) but what is happening is that the 'stretch points' normally visible when you want to resize or stretch both sides etc. aren't visible at all. They simply are not there, So the HUD is still very large and pretty much covers the screen when I load it. I have sent an IM to the maker perhaps he can generate a fix. I saw yesterday too when troubleshooting this, that it is no modify and the size option in the edit window is blanked out, maybe that's why one can't resize in the first place. Thanks Everyone x
  12. Thanks Obvious! will try that, not too sure about how to make a plain cube if I've lost any off screen but hopefully I won't need to. :smileyhappy:
  13. First of all I love these forums, a veritable treasure trove of information and funny at the same time.... Anyway I've been away after a long hiatus and found that some of my Huds are either not visible when I open them or some that cover the entire screen. Now I know that one can 'edit 'where you virtually resize your screen to see where they could possibly be but have forgotten how one goes about it. And then editing accordingly to get those that cover the screen entirely... Am I right in thinking that the Hud that covers your view entirely can be resized back to its original size by 'stretching both sides' in edit tab? Any help would be greatly appreciated :womanhappy:
  14. Thank You Amethyst, yes I brainstormed a bit and did what you you have said in your reply it was in fact a 'Hide Foot Viewer' layer. :smileyembarrassed:
  15. My Avatar lately has this camouflage-like spot (somewhat oval in shape) that seems to follow me around. It's NOT the 'voice' dot. It seems opaque in nature but seems to camouflage or blend in with its surrounds in the foreground. It moves with my avatar and is high up on my screen and in a forward position. Does anyone know what this is, or can be? Thanks.
  16. Not sure if this is even relevant....or in the right thread to be honest, but I keep seeing this weird looking opaque shape that's moving above my avatar....before anyone says anything ....it's not the 'voice' dot. It's something a little higher and somewhat forward of my position and vision, and is oval in shape and relatively large. I was wondering if anyone knew what it could be, and if it is something that someone may be using as a a surveillance tool?...... Thanks in advance.
  17. I run the Singularity Viewer and wondered how I can stop, or turn off this function? Or stop people from seeing where I'm looking? I can see no crosshairs on my screen in any case.
  18. Thanks OAO I think I'm over the whole 'mesh' avatar to be honest and will be staying with my exisiting physique. At least for the foreseeable future. I sometimes wonder why the wowmeh and slink physiques aren't made in their entirety, as opposed to selling the hands and feet separately.
  19. Thanks again Bobbie yes I have the hands and feet but now looking for the physique. Finding it hard to find the Slink body inworld...so many stores in the search, and all carry some form of Slink items, appliers etc. Should I just try to walk around the store to find it?
  20. I believe I read somewhere the head doesn't come with the body.....and is sold separately......is that right?
  21. Hi Everyone x Can someone post a link to the alleged new Slink Physique/Body/Shape/Skin/Full Body Avatar(s) I keep hearing about in Marketplace. I'm a little confused to be honest... There are many appliers...most of which state ' Mesh Body Not Included' and I can't seem to find the actual Slink body in it's entirety....in order to apply the appliers....Am I missing something here? I have purchased Slink feet and hands and they look ok on my Avi after some tinkering, but would now like to upgrade and/or update my entire avi to suit....I currently have a Noya 'Reese' Avatar. Wowmeh mesh due out next week I believe...I could be wrong..just what I've heard. Thanks in Advance xx
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