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Everything posted by ForestCreature

  1. Our sim had some realy good scripters, and for some drama reasons i gues they rage left sim, while returning with many alts[ probably 10+ a day] and griefing by using grief tool "White button", which they developed prety much from black one. Activatin that tool, makes sim sloly lag, and in few minutes e erything turns into slowmotion. All hud-type attachments detaches themselves O.o and you not able rez anything + mesh of your body disapears. Its like making sim overload. Ony way to fix is restart sim, but if geting 10-20 griefers a day, is kinda anoying with restarts. Also even if we know whos responsable for this, cant ask LL for help, cos dont have valid proofs, no pics with original person AC name -_-. Few days ago griefs stoped, but only cos griefers got tired a bit, thou treatining return. What we suppose to do to avoid those ppl and system, weunable to interfere.
  2. Hey Recently i started using text viewer Metabolt. And found an option to rez item in world. Thou i cant see that item if i would rez it, my friends could., My question: Will there be option to take it back or delete, not leaving hanging somewere in sim[i wount get autoreturn}?
  3. Hey Account on hold might be for few reasons. First-it realy not stolen, cos if would be, you would see only " wrong usser name or password" Acount might be in hold, if you had payed membership, and LL charged you next month, meanwhile you werent uploaded any linden. Try again login in SL page, and go to support tab, fill up the ticket for LL Support about this case. They willl email you and explain, why your account is on Hold. Gl
  4. I asume, your new into SL ? Rez, means placing an item, from your inventory to Second Life world, ground, or air. To do so, simply open inventory, find item you tryint to rez, leftclick it and hold with your mouse, then drag from inventory directly to ground and release, youll see item apearing near you. Thats Rezing
  5. Yo Do not wory, LL wount ban you, only if your friend will rage about your prank, can ban you But if they your friends, should acept joke, and simply fix everythin later. Dont wory.
  6. Mm That post was spam i gota say. I know that sime, and its owners, and few other Naruo themed ones. That writen sim died and was revived for few months again. Then dead again. 2000 active ninjas? No. Best way 500 ppl inside theyr group, and 20 of them are active. Not sayin anythin bad about sim or theyr system, but that message is spam
  7. lol. Only reason why i like theyr poets, is the animation and moving together, only as attachments, cos cant walk with breadable pets, not all lands alows rezing
  8. Hey, i had expearence with moving sims by asking LL for it. Thou the prise was realy high. Owner have spent almost 100$ to get sim moved to another location.
  9. ey um, im not 100% sure, but ive heard, that Manticore used Ripped from games files pets/monsters ect. Not created theyr own. SO basicaly, its even against Sl rules, and authority rights. But ya, theyr stuff was cool and simple. Havent found anywere in SL shop having same style- walking -near-me pets. Breedable are just **bleep**
  10. Hey, Hey, Pocas personas tenían mismos temas, el de ella el Lingk cómo lo resolvieron. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/media-plugin-webkit-error-PLEASE-HELP/td-p/953931
  11. Yes, Naruto is Copyright protected show. The sim is Naruto anime Based- but not coppy of it. We creating our own roleplay story, and combat system tools. Thou had some expereances, that players tried ripp tools/clothers from games, and use in sim, but were baned for that.
  12. Hey Yes, in your Viever preferences thers an option, thou its place variates from viewer to viewer. Should be a place to mark, mabe general tab. "Show avarat in mouselook".
  13. Check this out One of oldest SL Naruto theme based comunities http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Menora/122/186/193
  14. Check this out One of oldest SL Naruto theme based comunities http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Menora/122/186/193
  15. Você já tentou carregar o seu pickure em diferentes formatos que são suportados pelo site mercado? Também certifique-se que você não overhealming o tamanho do pic.
  16. It might be few problems cousing that, one of them your internet connection. 1.If internet is too slow, using Wifi for example Sl just drops down and stops loading. ---Solve it-just restart your internet modem/router. 2. Firewall/Antivirus Systems might block Sl viever ---Solve it - Open you PC control panel, security options, firewall--->Allow programs throw firewall. -- Temporary disable your Antivirus system, and try login. 3.Try a diferent viever. -- Thers many second life vievers, Like Firestorn, Singularity, Phoenix. 4. Check Second life grid status in Sl official page, sometimes if maintaince is going, people canot log.Then just give it few hours to be solved. PLease let me know if any of these advices helped you . Forest
  17. In group profile, Members & Role, Click Roles tab, and look for theyr options. Thers option " Allow use Group chat" Make sure its marked for certain Role. Becouse its optional
  18. Yo Looking for naruto ninja game? Chack this out http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Menora/122/186/193 One of oldest SL Naruto ninja theme sims, jutsus, ranks, exams, squads , missions and much more Forest
  19. You, Thers few ninja shops in Menora-ninja combat sim, Few diferent build styles, give it a look. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Menora/122/186/193 Forest
  20. Ty, finaly found defoult Avi shape for blender. For me works fine, thou using older blender vertion.
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