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Jarah Khandr

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Everything posted by Jarah Khandr

  1. See the current post about this listing here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Parcels-for-Sale-Mainland/5623m-amp-1448m-Backwards-Auction-Price-drops-randomly-until/td-p/2714678
  2. Okay. So I really need to sell my land so I'm switching to a backwards auction. I'll drop the price daily until it sells.
  3. Added the set price so if you want, you can buy it right away if you'd rather.
  4. Current price set at $1/m. Leave an offer here or buy it now at: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tra%20Mhor/211/53/36
  5. This happens to me from time to time. Here is what I do: 1. Wait a few minutes. Sometimes it's my cache catching up. 2. Change outfits. 3. Clear cache, restart & repeat.
  6. I keep hearing the term "until they can no longer breed." When is that? Thanks!
  7. I had a land that I just bought and I was setting it up to be a little shop. I had two items set out for sell. This morning it was taken away and the name was set to ** NO AD LAND **. The only thing I can find in the wiki is about ad farms and I wasn't do that. It was in the mainland. Why would they do this? http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tra%20Mhor/211/47/35 Follow-up - It looks like the land settings flipped back to "for sale" after I bought the land without confirming with me. So it was bought by another user. The buyer made it right and I learned a valuable lesson.
  8. When I call somebody and they don't answer. I hear a message about voicemail. How does one activate voicemail and create a greeting etc? Thanks! UPDATE: When I used the call feature to a friend who didn't answer, I recevied a "no voicemail set up" message.
  9. A couple of things to add to that. If you surf the internet in-world or view media automatically in-world then you are succeptable. Turn off any play media automatically settings in your viewer. Then be extra careful when using TV's etc. Avatars can also "wear" webpages so make sure view media from avatars is off as well.
  10. Great waterfront land with loads of water! Build your doc community or beach home here! Edge of Trooman, Nautilus Islands. Rectangle shape with a sliver for extra prim! Leave your offer here. No in-world offers taken. Current price available at $6.5/m Thanks! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Trooman/99/219/22
  11. me too! add jarah.khandr!
  12. count me in! My name is Jarah.Khandr. I enjoy shopping, home design, gardening and breeding. I would love to rp,but I haven't been in a rp situation yet. I love my guns too! I was looking into assasin's grid but haven't really gotten into it. I'm younger than my age though. I created my account years ago and was pretty intimidated by it until recently. Now I don't realize what was so intimidating.
  13. Did you find a roommate yet? I'd love to be friends either way.
  14. Okay, so this was totally annoying and my parcel is completely empty. The only solution I could come up with was to use the "Area Search" feature in Firestorm and searched for anything owned by me. Then I walked around my sim going further out until the area search pulled something. I found the culprit. It was a little nerdy fortune cube that walked around and told random facts. It was such a HUGE relief when I deleted that little bugger! No more error message for me!! Yay!! So basically it means one of your items is trying to enter another parcel that is banned.
  15. I'm having this issue on an absolutely empty parcel. Can anyone help? It says that exactly... it actually says "OBJECt_NAME" etc.
  16. Ever since the new update, I can't get my play sound button at the top right of the view to stay on play. It automatically switches back to pause. It's probably something dumb that I'm missing. Can anyone advise? Thanks! Update: It looks like it's something crazy with my land. The sound plays just fine when I go to clubs etc. Grr....
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