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Everything posted by Flapman

  1. Dang. What a pain! haha. Well, thanks for explaining. Seems that is what I have had to do too. Essentially, I have had to take the whole object into inventory and re-rezzed it to be able to accomplish more. It would be nice if SL could make it a lot easier to collaborate on projects. Again, thanks Amethyst. A
  2. Hi, Sorry it took awhile to respond. Seems like you are doing everything the right way. I would however, look at doing a larger texture file so you can get better resolution. You could UV map several of the smaller objects in your scene to one color/diffuse and one normal map. A 1024 would suffice but I recommend rendering or baking your map at 2048 then reducing them to 1024 in Photoshop. This way you can fine tune and add detail before you create you finshed maps. As far as the washed out look, that can be handled in several ways. 1.) Add an AO occlusion map and set that as a multiply layer on your color map. Beleive it or not that looks so much better than baking on shadows (which you can still do but bake that separately and experiment as a layer in PS). 2) Unless you are going for a specific look in your scene (with shadows in a certain place), you can use shadow maps afixed to planes under your objects in SL). You may already know this. 3) Always render your maps separately then combin in Photshop (eg. Diffuse, Normal, AO, Shadow, Light, Specular). I do the same using Turtle in Maya and it always looks better. I have to admit though lately I have been lazy and have just mapped materials to faces and then texture them in SL. I need to get my butt back to baking on the AO and Shadows. My workflow always includes these steps (and forgive me if you already do this). 1) Model using a reference image or diagram in meters or centimeters. Set up lights for shadow and AO effects. 2) UV Map each individual object in scene. I try to include 8 materials mapped to the specific face areas if I want to give the user the ability to modify my object later. 3) Bake on textures : diffuse, normal, specular, ambien occlusion shadow and full beauty pass for reference only (looks better when handled in PS). 4) Import into SL. Now you could also download Unity 3D and use that as a way to prototype your scene before you spend Lindens to import your objects into SL. Or you could just render in Max. Anyways, I am not sure if I helped but hopefully yes. A
  3. Ah, so could I have my team mate export it and get to me? A
  4. Hi, I see this in the options but it does not seem to work. Anyone have insights? I built a frame for a structure with prims and wanted to export to Collada and do addtional work in Maya afterward. I am not bale to export it. ~A
  5. Hi, I wanted to see if someone could give me some advice on this. I have started several projects recently with other and always seem to run into problems building with several others in the area of edit rights. What is the proper way to set up a build project so that everyone on it can edit, link, move, etc all the parts of of build? I have tried everything from sharing with the group, assigning everyone to the group and making all parts full perm and we still have problems accesing and edting. Thanks in advance, A
  6. Hi, Still wanting help with this. I have seen a few products on the MP that seem like they might work but wanted some suggestions from the commerce community. I want to be able to feature multiple works in a vendor, sell them, gift them and split the profits between artist and investors. One product I was looking at is this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BSM-Bejambled-Sales-Monitor-Webbased-networked-vendor-system-Affiliates-Splitpay-Graphics-Statistics/4981780 Any thoughts or suggestions?
  7. Hi all, I am not sure if this is the right place to post this or not but hopefully you can give me some direction. I am setting up a Studio on my development. I have already carved out a parcel for the building and deeded it to the master development group. What I would like to do is set things up so: 1) I have a Group for the store specifically (outside of the master development group) to include: Owner and InvestorsDesignersCustomers2) Set up payment structure so that when a product by a designer is sold in the store the money is split between: Designer(s) -- could be multiple design students working on a pieceInvestors in the storeIs this possible and how would I go about setting this up? Thank in advance, A
  8. Hey Drongle, Btw, the middle picture is from in the studio which is the building next to the house. A
  9. Thanks. I probably need to set the alarm setting a little less strict. A
  10. Yep, as Rolig said, you have to do this in your modeling program. I do not remember how it works in Blender. It has been years since I have used it. I know in Max it is "Render to Texture" and in Maya you can use the Turtle plugin to bake your textrues. In either case, try to run an AO map separately and use it as a Multiply layer over your color texture. This creates a much better effect than both 3D programs can do internally. js ~A
  11. Hey Drongle, I wanted to double-check with you about where you were ousted. It was the house and not any of the parcels right? I want to make sure that the studio and the parcels are all set to public. Thanks in advance, A
  12. Hi, You are using 3DS Max right? It has been awhile since I have used it since I am currently using Maya. I am ssuming you have already done your UV mapping for the skybox right? I do remember that part of your baking process (render to texture) in 3DSMax allows you to bake your light, shadow and ambient occlusion directly onto your texture. I personally preferred to render to texture separately and then import to a master PSD file in Photoshop. This method allows you to get more realist effects with your blending and layers than you can in Max. I hope that helps. ~A
  13. Because dude, that is my house. It's private when I am not there. Make sense?
  14. Hiya, Thanks for running out there and check things out. The house is usually locked up when I am not there. The studio, bistro and open space are always open. Maybe it is an an unknown wIll keep testing.
  15. Naw...it's been pretty quite. At least until I buy up and developthe other parcels. Yes I am trying to reduce everythign to about 512. I start with 2048 then reduce and optimize them. Might just have to keep testing. Thanks for the feedback.
  16. Hi Ivan, I am actually sitting at about 65% ot total available. It varies but seems to be worse lately now have my three areas done. A
  17. Hi everyone, I have been developing my parcels. I have taken and Innovation House and a Commercial building that I bought from the MP. I have retextured both. Basically I created them at 512 TGA colormap and normal map texture files then uploaded them. In most cases I repeated/tiled then since I made them seamless and it gives more detail. I am not sure if this is the culpret since now I am way down to a 7fps rate. Any thoughts? A
  18. Hiya Med, Your tutuorial is really great btw. A
  19. Thanks guys. I thought that might be the case. A
  20. Hi all, I am playing around with mesh creation in SL and could not find anything that addresses this specifically. I created a simple mesh to represent a retaining wall and arch at a bistro. I UV-mapped it. When I imported the *.dae file into SL. I then tried to select faces on the object in SL and the whole thing was one face. What steps do I need to take in my modeling program to make sure specific areas or faces are selectable? I want to know this for the purpose of creating object parts that I can sell to other residents as building blocks for their own designs. Thanks in advance, A
  21. Hi all, I was wondering if I could get help with this too. I don't know if this would require a script or not but what I have is a sign. I want to a) have text over the sign that says click for more info and b) have a notecard open up when they do or possibly direct them back to my RL website. Thanks in advance, A
  22. Hi, I am looking for help with a script that will turn off the glow and full bright effects I have on my lights and light textures. I would like them to be fullbright at night and off during the day. Can someone help? The script I found from 2011 does not work. A
  23. Hello, I found this thread while loking for a script. I am looking to turn off the light fluction of my lights and light textures at night. This script does not seem to work in my objects. Can you help? A
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