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Beowulf Zessinthal

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Everything posted by Beowulf Zessinthal

  1. Yes it goes to my Objects folder when its worn .. but when i detach it .. then it jumps to the Library part of my inventory. (i will edit my original post to make that clearer) .. and i use the normal SL viewer (always the most current) ..hmm.. so it might just be me somehow..
  2. this has been going on for a while now, and is stiil not fixed... Is it only happening to me?! Rez a box, add the script below which will attach the box to you upon touch.. it appears in your Objects folder. BUT .. when you UNWEAR the box, it glitches/jumps into my Library folder .. that aint right! key owner; default { state_entry(){ owner= llGetOwner(); llOwnerSay("Click to attach .. then unwear .."); } touch_start(integer total_number){ if(llDetectedKey(0) == owner){ llRequestPermissions(owner,PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION | PERMISSION_ATTACH); } } run_time_permissions(integer perm){ if(perm & PERMISSION_ATTACH){ llAttachToAvatar(ATTACH_AVATAR_CENTER); } } }
  3. You have it! Thanks! .. you and your ilk are amazing to have around. I know partially some of the things you described, but trying to keep it in my head and derive the correct permutation of the formula was too much for me! OK .. thanks so much Qie Dirac (!) .. the inverse calc is correct, now i will see if it can sort out my problem (!)
  4. Ok .. if you like to do the problem thats ok .. but i personally have to back out of this rabbit hole! My brain can no longer follow it well enough to implement anything useful (!) .. so i need to wipe my brain slate, and solve my design in a different way .. while avoiding this particular route! .. ok.. thx for indulging tho!
  5. it sure is a puzzle! heres a diagram that exposes the trickyness of it.. (assume the gerbil is attached to avatar center so the pos rot is a constant knowable in theory) I know SL has a few very tricky math functions and am posting this in case its somehow 'easy' (!) ..otherwise i will just have to reconfigure my own approach the thing im trying to solve^^ Happy Days! 
  6.  oh .. and the gerbil asked me to say hello .. k.
  7. vector pNormalStartPlace= <-0.132, 0.149, 0.277>; rotation rNormalStartPlace= <0.50000, 0.50000, 0.50000, 0.50000>; vector pGoForwardStandOnTip= <0.117, 0.149, 0.363>; rotation rGoForwardStandOnTip= <0.707, 0.707, 0.0, 0.0>; vector pToppleRight= <0.117, -0.013, 0.307>; rotation rToppleRight= <-0.576, -0.576, -0.411, 0.411>; default { state_entry(){ //this script goes inside the child prim of a two link box set. //first make demo shape.. llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(2,[ PRIM_SIZE, <0.199,0.054,0.235> , PRIM_TYPE, PRIM_TYPE_BOX, PRIM_HOLE_DEFAULT, <0.0,1.0,0.0>, 0.0, ZERO_VECTOR, <0.20,1.0,0.0>, ZERO_VECTOR , PRIM_POS_LOCAL, <-0.13200, 0.14900, 0.27700> , PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, <0.50000, 0.50000, 0.50000, 0.50000> , PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, <1.0,0.0,0.502>, 1.0]); llOwnerSay("Touch to see the arrow prim 'go forward to stand on tip, then topple to the right'.\nBut then i want to use Edit to reposition the child prim, and touch again to see the prim do the same thing relative from its new start position. Is this possible? \n(ie: i want to apply the new start posrot to the old standard action data. I have done it with position, but the rotational offset is not applied in this example(!)"); } touch_start(integer total_number){ //now demo the arrow 'go forward to stand on tip, then topple to the right' vector pnew= llGetLocalPos(); rotation rnew= llGetLocalRot(); vector pOffset= pNormalStartPlace-pnew; llOwnerSay("pOffset= "+(string)pOffset); llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(2 ,[PRIM_POS_LOCAL, pGoForwardStandOnTip- pOffset, PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, rGoForwardStandOnTip]); llSleep(0.5); llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(2 ,[PRIM_POS_LOCAL, pToppleRight- pOffset, PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, rToppleRight]); llSleep(0.5); llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(2 ,[PRIM_POS_LOCAL, pNormalStartPlace- pOffset, PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, rNormalStartPlace]); } } In this quandry i have two linked prims.. ..and want a simple child prim action to occur relative to whatever its newly edited pos rot happens to be :) I have the 'offset pos' part in the script but i know the 'offset rot' part will apply to both new positioning and new rotation somehow. FYI the main prim in this demo is equivalent to/ represents an avatar, and the linked prim represents a worn object. I want the set of moves built into the object to be translatable wrt the attachment current pos and rot. To use the script .. join two prims and drop the script attached into the Child prim) 
  8. thank you both for your input .. i have used lists for a few years and i always wondered .. this time i thought i would ask to be sure .. thanks again^^
  9. here is my failed example.. im guessing its not possible but will be delighted to be shown the way! thanks for info^^ default { state_entry(){ list listnumber1= [1,2,3]; list listnumber2= [4,5,6]; // string which= "2"; llOwnerSay( llDumpList2String( (list) ("listnumber"+which) , ", ") ); // string which= "2"; llOwnerSay( llDumpList2String( (list) "listnumber"+which , ", ") ); string which= "listnumber2"; llOwnerSay( llDumpList2String( (list)which , ", ") ); } }
  10. agog .. !!!! that is some beautiful letters and numbers!!! thank you Rolig!
  11. Calling local Geniuses! i cannot make a link 'nod' 15 degrees in its own current local frame of reference i want to do it by adding a rotation to a current rotation. I think i need to start by conversion to Euler .. but my example script adds the 15deg relative to the object rot, not the link rot. Any clever ideas on offer!?  default { state_entry(){ //join two prims, set the top one to some random angle } touch_start(integer total_number){ //get the current local rotation of a prim in degrees rotation origQuat = llList2Rot( llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(2, [PRIM_ROT_LOCAL]), 0); vector eulerAngle = llRot2Euler(origQuat); eulerAngle = eulerAngle * RAD_TO_DEG; //llOwnerSay((string)eulerAngle + " degrees"); //now add 15 degrees ON ITS OWN LOCAL Y AXIS, and convert back to quats vector nodAngle= eulerAngle + <0, 15, 0>; nodAngle *= DEG_TO_RAD; rotation nodQuat = llEuler2Rot(nodAngle); //now make make the link nod the 15deg forward and then return to the original rotation: llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(2, [PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, nodQuat]); llSleep(1); llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(2, [PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, origQuat]); //but it has added the 15 degrees to the object local, not the link local! } }
  12. Apart from a few anomalies, it works perfectly i reckon. Im sooo glad to see the back of that old search, .. i cant believe a few folks here are complaining! Its at least a billion times better than the old system! thank you Lab peeps!
  13. a few have said this sort of thing.. but the 'new search' link is a bit 'hidden' in the line! at least to me "Try Marketplace with our new search engine!" looks on the page like a single line of dead text as if the 'new search' is already implemented on the current Marketplace page, when really it is "Try Marketplace with our new search engine!" ie ..its not so clearly done.
  14. thanks for the advice.. ill go throught that list in the next day or two (I have no on board security checking programs running .. only what is built in with Vista)
  15. and now another site too. From what ive read about this DEP thing.. if i get the error , then surely everyone should be getting it? (which obviously isnt the case) Im on a vista machine btw that generally runs SL quite well.
  16. there are two popular sims (Tecs and some other) where i can only exist for between 1 and 5 mins before the viewer crashes stating that its due to 'Data Execution Prevention'. Is that something i can stop? .. i thought the latest update might have solved it .. but no bananas. Any useful info appreciated! :)
  17. I tried the 2010 one in that wayback link .. but got the same issue (!)... BUT the 2008 one works the way its supposed to for me ..Thanks so much for the link!
  18. Ive used it on and off for years.. we knew it was never quite finished but worked so well anyway. Now it says its back in development, but the latest version has been broken for at least a month. If i move the avatar model forward on the new top slider, and then back a few frames later it is interpolated wrongly (the data goes to the x movement axis instead). Is this the end of a great little program? Is the original still available somewhere? Would someone make an old copy available?
  19. i managed to get the old puter working well thanks all! Re Linux .. i looked it up.. from what i could make out it is a 'windows' replacement? ... ie instead of paying $180 for the Windows program, you would just run Linux instead? Re the old computer.. it was a graphics driver problem.. i replaced it.. and it works well again!
  20. Thanks for the advice! .. heres what happened: To at least fix my old desktop (replace graphics card), I went to the shop where the guy from my photo could just make out that my power supply could only handle a GE730 ... but he assured me it would still be more powerful than whatever 7 yr old thing was in there. It was only $100 and so i bought it.... as i need a replacement graphics card just to establish if the other one was indeed physically kaput! ... so i got home... put it in ... i was so excited ... ... turned on the machine and immediately saw that the 4bit display was now fixed... !!! ... so i altered the display setting to the max and voila! ... looks great as per normal! ... plus having done a factory reset.. theres so much space! .. i feel like i have a 'new computer' as it is!. OK.. so I dl the SL viewer.. and inworld i saw improved performance too! .. easy 30fps instead of 20! )) Also im totally convinced that i will build/assemble my own stuff from here on.. it was such fun and the guy in the shop was really helpful^^.. Thanks to you all too!
  21. dd.. youve inspired me to learn how to assemble my own computer .. i will start by buying a new graphics card for this one.. atm i think it may be the problem.. the current graphics card is simply dead. so ill grab a new good one.. see if i can put it in... and thus will begin my computer building career ))^^
  22. its a vista os .. thanks for the advice though.. i will think about 'building' my own computer this time.. it does sound like fun.. and i know it will be 'easy when you know how' .. so i will ask a lot of questions at the store. Ill definately ask about Linux^^ to fix this old one... thanks all^^
  23. 7 years ago i bought: -------------------- This was a 'gaming' setup in its day but its not so stable anymore: Dell Inspiron 530 (32-bit Operating System / X86-based PC) Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66GHz, 2664 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s) 3.00 GB RAM Nvidia GeForce 8600 GT 24" monitor (was cheap but worked great!) Normal for me: I use a router and sit near to it. The SL viewer has me automatically set to a quality & speed setting of 'mid'. On an empty inworld work platform i generally get about 22fps. -------------------- So now its no longer stable and underpowered i suppose.... BUT (!): Only 1 month ago i was still using it in SL trouble free .. which proves it must still be reasonable surely? AND SO .. what if i did a Factory Refresh on it? SO THAT: all the junk from all those years was cleared away .. it would surely be so clean it would continue use as a dedicated SL backup computer! BUT (!) ..i tried this already with an equally powered laptop of the same age and found a problem: It seems.. after a factory refresh it begins its updating... which i think causes trouble.. its confusing for the poor machine to have so many and all once? .... SO MY QUESTION .. can you recommend a better way to get it done? Thanks for your help!!
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