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Stakie Junibalya

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Everything posted by Stakie Junibalya

  1. I can't seem to find a nice one that isn't flat looking. Realistic-ish is what I am going for. Nice textures, well made. Must have privacy settings. (Locable doors/blinds/etc) Would love if it's super low prim. (But so long as it's not crazy high I am happy.) Bigger is better! So, if you have.. or just know of some, please send me in the right direction! I have looked at teh market and have not found what I am looking for quite yet. Even sim hopped, but nothing!
  2. I've been on here and TPing inworld for about an hour. I currently rent 1/16th a sim for 1200. I am looking for a similar cost and size. If not, may be looking to upgrade to larger. Slightly to double, depending. Please feel free to IM me! I am almost always on. Would like to find a new place before friday! Looking for land again! Around 300 prims and nothing really bigger then 1024. I pay 300 for 234 prims, looking to find extremely good pricing like that if I can. MUST be light commercial/commercial. Would love beach theme. MUST allow me to have breedable. (NO not like 100+, like.. 12ish.)
  3. Oh, it's not that I don't know how. I have, I even msged a few people in the meeroo group. I just have horrible luck and no one ever answers. >.<
  4. I am not very good at finding things on SL honestly, so tracking down groups may be a little harder for me. Though, I would like to. Thank you for the info on those forums. I have already learned about traits now! WOOO!
  5. Hello and thank you in advance if you have come to help me out. I found the little critters and now I am mighty interested. However, I have never had a breedable pet. I have read everything I could on them through their website, and have looked through past threads here. I am not misunderstanding lore or how they work, but more of the gentic side of things. I couldn't find a list of values or what traits mean or any sort of thing like that. Any help would be much appreciated.
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