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Lunar Core

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Everything posted by Lunar Core

  1. By your logic, they should simply shut Second Life itself down. Why? The entire thing is a "compromised system" - wake up, grow up and take some responsibility for your own actions.
  2. Freya Mokusei wrote: Hahaha. These aren't isolated cases, the issues are systemic, large scale and invariably affect peoples' view of the service as a whole. They seem to be affecting hundreds or perhaps even thousands of users at a time - not exactly the same as 'wandering around, occaisional IM I don't like' - reducing the issue here is silly, and it makes you look silly. That you equate exploring and wandering SL with 'entering data in webforms, giving out information' is surprising. Turning everyone into a hermit isn't going to resolve that issue, even if that's how you choose to spend your SL. LL creates and furnishes the destination guide, and it actively encourages shopping via Marketplace - if either of these activities lead to the mass exploitation of user's money or personal information (as we've seen with badguys setting up multiple phishing and theft projects within the last 18 months in SL) then LL should definitely start changing things. People come to the forums, see the Mumbai spam. (as one of the multiple examples of systematic spam) People spend on Marketplace, recieve plywood cube. LL has a requirement to resolve both issues so that users aren't exploited and decieved. I'm not sure why you would disagree with this, but I highly encourage you to explain your reasoning. LL caused this issue whether you can see that or not - these systems' exploitation on a large scale was only a matter of time and environment. User data and security is more important than fancy functions and half-thought-out applications. The theatrics will continue until morale improves. More thatrical nonsense and a blatant failure to comprehend what I wrote as well. Sorry, outside of the forum, thousands of users are not being affected. Not a single poster here can prove otherwise as not a single poster here can speak for thousands of users. You may only speak for yourself, so enough with that load of bull. Outside of this forum, you cannot present any evidence that these cases are not isolated incidents being overblown by pathological whiners, yourself ncluded. Marketplace Fraud? Hmm, just like in real life, Linden Lab is under no obligation to do a single thing until it is reported to them. They have rules and other, rather flimsy (just like in real life) safeguards put into place that can be abused and circumvented. welcome to life, report the fraud and move on. The Destination Guide? Anyone that uses that piece of paid for, overblown and fluffed up trash to decide where to visit deserves the crap they get. Use some common sense, a few search terms and think for yourself instead of listeing to a glorified Classifieds page. Newsflash for you, Phishing attempts are only as good as the fools that fall for them. Linden Lab has some responsibility here, no one has denied this. Their responsibility ends at a certain point and your responsibility begins. Quit expecting them to do vverything for you, they do not need to hold your hand. Could they do a bit more against the forum spam? Possibly. Expecting them to decide who can and cannot IM you however is going to far. You are aware that Linden Lab does not have the only sign up portal for Second Life, right? They have not closed down the third party portals they allowed others to create. Try going after them instead of Linden Lab first, hmm? Those theatrics and exxagerations of yours make you look silly and foolish.
  3. Freya Mokusei wrote: This might be the funniest thread I've ever seen on spam. It's great that people seem to now completely absolve LL of any responsibility, maybe eventually they won't need to deal with ARs at all. By then I imagine there'll be maybe thirty or fifty companies doing this, rather than half a dozen. But that's okay I guess, we'll all have bunkered down on private sims, fleeing from green dots on the mini-map Aliens/Screamers-style (in case they get within 96m, those pesky sensors!). Unsolicited IMing will be cause for immediate muting, and we'll all run third party CAPTCHA and Turing Tests in our IM windows (Hey TPV devs!). This kinda gives me an idea for an apocalypse film... These kind of operations work on the same principle as the dudes from Mumbai - they're praying on an out of date (as in, no capacity to control or detect distributed attack operations) platform that has a reasonably large userbase. We're easy pickin's - we have assets that we want to maintain access to (or services we're terrified of losing), we have disposable income, and a majority of us are from places where our identity information is valuable. They can operate with impunity, since users will continue to do what Lunar calls having a lack of 'common sense' - teleporting around, maybe accidentally turning up at a Safe Hub or - gasp - even daring to visit popular sims, including fairs and events that LL endorses. It will only get worse without structural changes. I am glad PMs were removed, it's a tiny step in the right direction (though presently, it's lip service). Spam's already gotten steadily worse over the past year (not for me, but from observation of the forums/other places), with substantially more outside threats squeezing and exploiting SL users. Historically most of the spam was self-generated, mostly SL users advertising their work through dumb marketing - this hasn't been the case for most of the high profile attacks for a long time. You're kidding yourselves (maybe you're even trying to kid us) if you think you're going to be safe forever in furry clubs and private sandboxes. Oh look, another whiner. No one has absolved Linden Lab of anything here. You however seem to think they need to take care of each and every single little nuisiance that comes you way - grow up and take a bit of responsibility for your actions. You are quite delusional if you think that contrlling who can and cannot IM you is any of Linden Lab's concern beyond acting on any abuse report you may or may not send in. No other messaging service will proactively block an instant message for you nor will they act on spam IMs until you - the user- notify them. Second Life is not special, Linden Lab should not be held to any higher "standard (not that such realy exists mind you). A user that decides to hop around without a thought in the world will get an IM from someone they may or may not wish to converse with. They may get a bit of spam - just as if they had been hopping from web site to web site and/or plugging their information into web forms or up for public viewing. The only way to stop such a thing is to cancel your web service and live as a hermit. Linden Lab has used the nuclear option twice now in response to you whiners. There is no reason to push them to do so a third time. Now enough with your theatrics.
  4. Reynolds called, they want to know if you'd like to purchase some stock in their company.
  5. Anya Ristow wrote: Lunar Core wrote: Every time they have taken action to fight off a nuisance, they have opted for the nuclear option. They can't do that this time. What's at stake this time is IM-to-email. Phil can't just suggest that people turn it off, and LL can't simply disable it. It's too important to SL. Mmook hasn't even had to resort to obfuscation, yet. They will. And they'll have company soon. You'll be adjusting your email filters forever. And so will every other person who wants to leave IM-to-email active. I won't be doing a thing, nor will any of my friends. So you are aware, the e-mail systems I have used tend to flag normal messages from SL as spam from time to time, based on nothing more than a word or frequency filter. It is the very rare spam message from more normal web sources that gets through. That only happens once in a blue moon. And sorry, if you honestly think that Linden Lab won't go nuclear a second time, you're not being realistic whatsoever. They have done so with some 'essential' functions in the past. Have fun adjusting your spam filters.
  6. Anya Ristow wrote: It's also possible that one of those name-to-key datanases, or the alt-detection database that was all the rage a while ago, is available through back channels. It's possible that mmook was handed, or just asked for, or stole, their list. Of course those databases were aquired using bots. If you doubt it can be done, witness the completeness of the name-to-key databases, back when people actually went places in SL. Judging which alts have been spammed, though, I'm guessing the name-to-key databases aren't the source. Most likely, they're getting their list using bots. I'm getting spam to accounts that have been in-world in the time mmook has been operating. I have yet to get any sort of spam from them, ditto many of my friends, one of which is in SL regularly, DJs every Tuesday (at a fur club mind you) and has been known to explore on occasion. No spam there either. Either their bots are not too bright or there is something those who have been getting spammed are doing wrong.
  7. How they're getting their list is irrelevant. How the users handle this, is quite relevant. Linden Lab does not need to take any further action. Every time they have taken action to fight off a nuisance, they have opted for the nuclear option. Enough is enough.
  8. Your assumption is that these users will do things the way you did them. Spammers of this sort do not. Your experience is thus void for use as anything but an anecdote. All of that said, Linden Lab went nuclear concerning message caps and now you want them to do something further? No thank you. From here on out, anyone else wishing to have further "protection" from spam should do it themselves.
  9. Nice try there. Try again - and perhaps choose where you go a bit more carefully next time. Public sandboxes? Don't go to them. Brand spanking new club? Stick to the ones you've been to before, where you are known. New outlet mall opened up? Shop at a main store or the marketplace. Use common sense and your chances of being hit by spam are reduced. As I have already said - stop your whining and take a bit of personal responsibility.
  10. Actually, that is an example of thinking that is overkill. There are message boards, MMOs ISPs and other systems out there whose sign up process is SIMPLER than the one Linden Lab employs and they have handled spammers far, far beter. Their user base does not complain nearly as much when someone slips through the cracks either. In short, stop whining.
  11. Anya Ristow wrote: Griffin Ceawlin wrote: You could set your e mail filters to dump anything with 'mmook' in it. One-step thinking. Wrong. Set the spam filter and guess what? You won't get e-mail spam from them until they change up their tactics. Instead of harping at everyone else (including Linden Lab) to do something for you, do it yourself. Guess what? no one I know has been hit by these spammers. Gee, must be because they're lucky ... or maybe because they don't do anything that would cause them to be targets.
  12. Gistya Eusebio wrote: In this post I will describe how a sim owner can protect themselves against all their stuff getting returned, how to properly interact with builders that are working on your sim, how to empower sim managers without endangering yourself, etc. I'm a roleplay sim owner. I had my sim built by someone in exchange for me renting them land. Then later they returned the build and screwed me over. Later I had another build done and bought it via parcel transfer to protect myself, however parts of it did not transfer over due some no-transfer contents. Other parts of the build came over as no-copy, so I can't even back-up the build to my inventory. It all made me wonder, how could I have done things differently from the beginning? • Use real-life contact information and use a real-life contract when dealing with a builder. This protects both of you from a case where one person does not follow through with payment or provision of service. A good chunk of the builders you will run across will not go for such a set up and will likely (and rightly so) tell you off for suggesting such a thing. • Pay your builder. That way they have a real incentive. Don't pay them prior to the build being done. (See below.) This is simply common sense. • Consider using a real-life escrow service with technical verification to provide payment. You put money into escrow for the builder. The builder then does the build without payment. Then the escrow service verifies that the build has been done according to the agreed-upon specifications. Lastly the escrow service pays the builder once they have transferred the build into your name. I'm sorry - what are you smoking? No real life escrow service is going to touch Second Life with a three mile pole. • At the very least, use a parcel transfer with objects to pay the builder. Put the parcel in their name then have them sell you the parcel with objects included in the sale. That way they don't get paid until the build is fully in your name. A convoluted method that is frankly not required if you use common sense. • Own your build. When you hire a builder, specify to them that you need to be the owner of all the prims at the end of the day. If they are not OK with that, then you need to realize that they can simply remove the build at any time, and there is nothing you can do about it if they choose to screw you over (short of suing them). You are hiring a builder within Second Life to construct a virtual building for you. They own the IP rights to the design unless you have explicitly bought those rights from the builder. A law suit is not an option and quite frankly any judge worth their salt would laugh such a case out of court. • Own a copiable version of your build. Hire the builder on the condition that they build everything in such a way that it will be at least copy-mod to the next owner. That way if you want to make adjustments to the build or take a back-up copy to your inventory, you can do so. Most builders will make a copiable/modifiable build for you. • Don't give anyone return rights to group objects or mod-rights to your objects (i.e. your build) unless you absolutely trust that person. If they have mod-rights they can royally screw you over. Return rights can also screw you because there is no way to easily re-rez something in the exact same place it was. By "absolutely trust" I mean, this person needs to be someone that you know in real life and ideally you have a contract with them in which they agree not to return any of your build. Lets see here: Using a third party viewer, you can re-rez an object or coalesced object back out to its exact position. Using the criteria that one must know those to whom edit or return rights have been given in real life is utterly absurd and paranoid. • Ideally, use a script to enable sim managers to only return objects that are not owned by you. With the latest scripting methods, you can actually have a scripted object set up that your sim managers to return objects set to group except it won't allow them to return any prims that belong to you, the sim owner. That way you can give a sim manager return rights so they can deal with renters, etc., without having to worry about them returning your whole build. Sim/Estate level managers should not be hampered by a script system. If you do not trust a user with that sort of responsibility, do not make them a sim/estate manager. • Don't let anyone build major areas of your sim without a structured agreement around it (as described above) so that you can be protected from a situation where they decide to remove the build without warning and you are left with major parts of your sim missing or gone. This falls under common sense. I really hope that you don't suffer what I've had to go through. Protect yourself. I wish someone would have told me all this when I first got into being a sim owner so that I wouldn't be stuck with a largely no-copy build that I can't back up. LindenLabs gives you no way to back-up your sim; the only thing you can do is basically back up your terrain file to your local hard drive, and save any copiable objects to your inventory.
  13. "Low end" PC? One of my friends has managed to build a decent gaming rig while only spending $357. Core2 Quad CPU at 3gHz per core. 4GB ram nVidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti with 1GB DDR5 ram. The above are the parts he replaced in his old PC. He spent 210 on a refurbished PC through eBay (it had the Quad core CPU) 111 on the GPU and 36 on the ram. As long as the motherboard and other parts of your existing PC still work or are compatible with the newer parts, there is no need to spend a small fortune to build a whole new rig. Furthermore, if your present rig is running Windows Vista or XP/XP Professional Service Pack 3, that is one less expense for you as the keys for those Operating Systems can be used on up to three active PCs and can be reentered on the same PC in the event of a hard drive reformat (heaven forbid) or a significant enough hardware change - unlike Windows 7 and 8 which are essentially nothing more than an Operating System rental.
  14. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Lunar Core wrote: And others realize that you are nothing more than a single user, assuming that your experience is the norm. Newsflash Catnap, you're nothing more than a single user who likes to pretend that her experience is the norm. It is not. I can flip that back at you - and given how much mesh clothing is out there, and how often one sees it on the grid, I think I'd win this one. With a mesh inventory in the thousands what I can tell better than you folks is what is normal for mesh items. 1. The height squish issue is a pure fiction. I have a 5'3" avatar and if it was true I'd not be able to wear any of my stuff. I have never encountered this problem. 2. The butt isssue is pretty rare. I've seen it on a small few items that built beyond what the shape was too. In a mult-thousand inventory, its less than a handful of the things I have. 3. I travel the grid a lot, and I visit a LOT of mesh shops. I see people in them from my height on up to the 7-8' giants, and I myself have a few giant shapes in my furry collection. The standard sizes are much more stretched tall than my shape - I have only very rarely seem someone not fitting into their mesh. And I've never seen it as a complaint in chat from those in these stores - where I have heard a number of other things voiced about style choices or getting conflicting props to work together. 4. If mesh couldn't handle different heights and shapes - it would not be doing so well. 5. Its always the same few people in the forums voicing the same complaints, and most of them claim to own very little mesh... Ie: they lack experience or perspective. 6. Flip through the popular fashion blogs and flickr groups these days. Mesh - seen pretty often, appears on a very wide array of different shapes of avatar. Again, if it couldn't handle this, the "fashionistas" - who are a lot more like some of you than they are like me - would not be using it so much in their artwork, and would not be blogging about its latest styles so often. Your entire response is filled with nothing more than egotistical nonsense, speculation based on your personal experience and exxageration. Your experience is your own, you do not and cannot speak for the experience of anyone else. Deal with it.
  15. And others realize that you are nothing more than a single user, assuming that your experience is the norm. Newsflash Catnap, you're nothing more than a single user who likes to pretend that her experience is the norm. It is not.
  16. Paratrex wrote: And here is your next reading assignment Lunar. http://www.docstoc.com/docs/165510466/Navigator%20Report%20Update%20Final%2012-13-13 Ah yes, your next "smoking gun" is a report by one of the most polarized politicians currently serving a term. Sorry, I do not need to read any further than the report's author to know it is a biased, partisan report with very little substance. Now then, either use that lovely ignore function (without being a drama monger and announcing you've used it, without actually using it) or see if you can find a viable, non-partisan and unbiased source for any of your information - while being able to actually comprehend what you're linking to. Failure to do so will just mean that you're no better than the partisan nuts on both sides of the political spectrum.
  17. Dearie - I'm apolitical, unlike you. Your lovely little source direct from the government proved that your 13.2 is fluffed. Read their note below U-6, then sit back and take the time to actually comprehend what it is saying. I'll bet (and win that bet) that you're one of the polarized, partisan politic tactic followers that cannot comprehend what reality truly entails. Anyone who brings a political party into their posts as much as you do has no business whatsoever claiming anyone else lives under a rock, dearie. Now then - I suggest you quit while you're ahead and actually USE the forum ignore function instead of claiming you have (and further proving your intent by having lied about it).
  18. No dear, I exist in reality, where being recorded and put up on YouTube to be ridiculed and laughed at is an every day occurrence for all MMOs/VWs. A pity you cannot tell the difference.
  19. Kid, I live in the US. Your figure of 13.2 percent unemployment is nothing more than a fluffed up figure. Your lovely little web page concerning terminated health care plans is not the focus of this conversation and is quite irrelevant. I have no sympathy for those whose "coverage" amounted to nothing more than catastrophic coverage. Your opinion of the current President's political leanings is just that - your opinion. Zero Hedge - the site I stated had a "manifesto" which reads as conspiracy theorist level nutty - must resort to the use of emotionally charged buzz words to draw in readers. Then we have you: Incapable of actually following even a basic conversation.
  20. And here we see a feeble attempt to justify being called out as well as an even feebler attempt to cite YouTube as a valid source. No dear, being recorded and put up on YouTube is not being trolled.
  21. According to that site's "manifesto" they are nothing more than the latest in a line of rather wacky conspiracy theorist types. Nice try. Now see if you can find a place that doesn't use such charged language and buzz words.
  22. And here we have the exact proof that the ignore feature was not used, as well as a showcase for the user's inability to comprehend the difference between actually being part of the labor force and being "marginally attached". Further we see his inability to comprehend the fact that "economic reasons" are not a valid excuse for being unable to find a part time job. Note the use of foul language and the fact that "economic reasons" were never used as criteria for full time job unemployment.
  23. Oh no! I've been ignored by a drama mongering troll! Oh wait, said drama mongering troll has used the time honored tactic of actually saying they have used the ignore feature in a forum post and therefore has not, in fact, used the ignore feature whatsoever. Instead, said drama mongering troll cannot take the fact that he is being made to do his own legwork or that someone is capable of dishing out far more than he is capable of receiving. Carry on then troll.
  24. From that very page "NOTE: Persons marginally attached to the labor force are those who currently are neither working nor looking for work but indicate that they want and are available for a job and have looked for work sometime in the past 12 months. Discouraged workers, a subset of the marginally attached, have given a job-market related reason for not currently looking for work. Persons employed part time for economic reasons are those who want and are available for full-time work but have had to settle for a part-time schedule. Updated population controls are introduced annually with the release of January data. " This disqualifies your "true" data as anything but. U-6 rates include datapoints which are utterly irrelevant, if you'd like to cite a rate beyond U-3 as being the "true" unemployment rate then U-4 is the rate you are looking for. Part-time unemployment due to "economic reasons" as well as the "marginally attached" are nothing more than fluff numbers. Your belief otherwise is very telling.
  25. Drake, the point was to make him do his own legwork and actually keep up with his own drivel.
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