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Fay Starlight

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Everything posted by Fay Starlight

  1. Ok! I was wondering if it was a error or something---
  2. I am trying to figure out how they are split on the landpage--I got two yesterday--I clicked for both being attached to the pier--one was, and the other was ALL water. I let them both go, they were Alagoon, but very close to one another---just one was def all water, but came with the pier button?
  3. I found several stilts I like! Hopefully today will go better!
  4. I guess they are working on it. I will try again tomorrow hopefully the stilts will work out better
  5. I got a trad today on probably the oldest part of Bellis, and I clicked the mailbox and the house poofed and won't come back, even after they reset the region.
  6. I have one on Alagoon I guess I will let loose its all over water--I wanted a boardwalk, and it said it was
  7. Having issues, I clicked a stilt on boardwalk got one all water...clicked a stilt on boardwalk, got a vickie!
  8. Saw they released little cottages--I like then=look Tudor style I guess Close to what I guessed, I was saying craftsman and or Tudor, Cobb. I think they can be made to look like little English Garden houses, and or you could do a fairytale like cottage with them. Would be super cute for Christmas!
  9. I felt overwhelmed with the amount of houses and constantly rolling more and all that, lots of money and time. I came back, ran into friends and I am gonna try for a Stilt house yay! I did dump ALL my houses that day I left, and I cleared almost all my groups and tried to just downgrade it all, all my alts I deleted. I cleared my friends out in an effort to not get offlines and feel compelled to come back and all that. If anyone that reads this and I was a friend and I am not now, it was not personal---I was trying to break off, I am hoping I grew a little self control on alts now!
  10. I am out of the loop and depending on you Daniel to help guide me out of the wilderness. LOL!
  11. thanks! I tried to kick this habit I really did...hahaha, I would have thought stilts would LONG GONE!
  12. Did I miss anything? I am completely homeless! LOL!!!! I heard stilts today, roflmao, I have not logged in two month almost!
  13. Releasing two victorians at 6am SLT http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Knightley/148/25/24 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Haricot/190/25/57 Including pic of Haricot! it's so cute, because has a long drive lined with flowers as is the walkup!!
  14. yes, and I just got the exact house I really liked there! But I might not keep it, but will come back and post it later!
  15. There is a nice chance a log cabin sim will release today, tomorrow---a brand new one!
  16. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Innside/218/71/81 Nice trad on Innside will be going back out 08:30am SLT! EDIT: OK THIS ONE HAD TO BE RETURNED EARLY, THERE WAS RL BUSINESS TO ATTEND, I WAS POSTING THIS FOR A FRIEND IN ANOTHER COUNTRY!!!
  17. I am gonna toss back a really pretty interior Vic on Rousseau Park--it is on a hill overlooking willows and a fountain with a western face, very pretty spot! . Took a pic---blue Verne on @12 o'clock witht he curved fence. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rousseau Park/188/128/0 Also going back in will be two cute vics, one on Barker and one on Stansgate!
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