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Chaos Vortex

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  1. A few moments later I am not sorry, but what? I am a little confused. This comes off as a little too vain, almost revenge like. Now I am sure that is not he cases here, but if you block someone then you should not worry about them seeing you, unless there is way more to this whole thing that you are not telling us. That is exactly what you are trying to ask for. This has me concerned and want to know the story not being told.
  2. You sound exactly like the two cases of manipulative, sociopathic, psychotic types that Lindel Labs seems to love bending over and pandering to. 1) Had a certain male that wanted to do the pixel sex thing. When I said no, he went forth and tried to obtain my real-life name, address, phone number by paying someone to do it. When that obviously failed, the certain male came crying to me about how I owned him $500usd for the failed attempt while he ran around second life telling everyone how "mean" I was. Even went as far as to report me to Liden Labs because that incident and all his IM's are now posted on a blog. Not sorry to say when you are the aggressor you do not get to be victim. 2) More recently had two furies come up with some vicious and slanderous stuff, even going as far as to threaten my wife's, my son's and my life all because I would not pixel sleep with one of them. So yeah, when you say stuff like this, I feel not for you but those you claim are your aggressors.
  3. I wish that was true mon amiee. I have reported more then one in my time and the sad part is they are still where they are when reported. That was why I commented how I did.
  4. So let me get this right, you are removing Gacha's because it is quote simulated unquote gambling, but then on the other hand you are turning a blind eye to actual casino sims that are on G Rated sims? What is next? Clubs cannot have events? SL DJ's cannot put out a tip cup? I mean at the end of the day, people are giving you real world money for lindens so either way you get your cut.
  5. I am sitting here laughing at the three posts saying this was dramatic and what not....... What you call "Drama" was hoping to let others know about a con shark........but meh whatever LOL
  6. Before i get right into it, i am wondering if it would be against the TOS to mention the Rental Vendors business name? I know that pretty much his name is not allowed
  7. Greetings and Salutations. I am sure this question has been asked more times then not, and after goggling and searching I am still scratching my head at a view things... First I want to say that I have tried just about all viewers out there, firestorm the only one that brings everything to just barely a cruel standstill. I thought the problem was in my internet package, so I increased it to where I am getting up 36.97mbps and 4.2mbps down {according to the test which I used a node cross country to me} and still pretty much the same thing. I went looking on how to activate the multi threading as I do have a dual core {more on this soon}, but could not find the option in the newer official SL viewers. Now I am not asking for the utter and complete ~WOW~ experience, but it would be nice to have something that makes the viewers a lot more bearable when I move through different Sims {would love to spend more time in one particular Dragon Avi Sim}. I have broken it down to one of a few things, and before i go dishing out more money {or limiting myself to only one Simi} thought i would ask for some help.... So far the specs i have are: My Video driver: Mobile Intel four express chipset family, The processor is: Intel core Duo CPU P8600 2.4Ghz, with 4 gig ram on a dell inspiron 1545.I know someone i was speaking to in passing said it had to do with memory, so do i need to increase my ram, or am i pretty much out of luck and need to look into getting a older second hand desktop with a AMD processor in it?
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