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  1. hello is there any riggers or builders that could make this Fat chocobo for me as an aviatar, several makers have tried it but failed due to ho complex the model is, i do not want to pay a massive ammount of L$ for it anything above 10K won't work for me though, and i have attached a link of the 3D model, and two videos of it https://www.deviantart.com/oo-fil-oo/art/FF7-REM-FAT-CHOCOBO-ORIGINAL-INGAME-BONES-840211372
  2. has anyone gotten this error where you get a popup message saying Fatal error: crash and loop?, if so can anyone showq me how to fix the issue so that it doesn't happen again, it is very annoying and happens to every viewer i try, including firestorm, i have even attached a screenshot of the popup shows, i have tried to fix it but it results in my viewer crashing,, is this a common problem or a unique one?
  3. i would love to be a wedding horse something like this, what do you think @Patch Linden
  4. I have a major issue in second life about the griefers in second life, cause alot of residents have agreed with me that second life should be entirely griefer free and alot of these griefers use illegal huds to track my avatars' UUID and my avatar name is Ninetales66 resident, basically every day about 40 griefers attack me and others residents because the greifers end up in getting me banned from alot of sims about 85 in total and they have been after me for 5 years all because I am autistic in rl, and I would like to talk to the vice president of linden lab about it, cause this is a serious issue and it needs to be stopped csuse ARs won't work on these griefers
  5. I have a major issue in second life about the griefers in second life, cause alot of residents have agreed with me that second life should be entirely griefer free and alot of these griefers use illegal huds to track my avatars' UUID and my avatar name is Ninetales66 resident, basically every day about 40 griefers attack me and others residents because the greifers end up in getting me banned from alot of sims about 85 in total and they have been after me for 5 years all because I am autistic in rl, and I would like to talk to the vice president of linden lab about it, cause this is a serious issue and it needs to be stopped csuse ARs won't work on these griefers
  6. i want to create a fox avi identical to my partner Aurora Spencer's fursuit http://i.imgur.com/fmZtH http://i.imgur.com/SuMkHUi.png i would someone be able to teach me how to make it?
  7. would i be able to work for linden lab from australia, because none of the linden lab jobs don't interest me, and i was told by someone that second life now bwelongs to the griefers and they run havoc in second life and nothing has been done, can you help me
  8. i am a huge giant meeroo within second life, no one can harm, and if they do, i'd like to see them tryhttp://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/232/d/a/my_little_pony_vs_giant_meeroo_by_ninetales666-d5br0ck.png
  9. i would like to contact philip rosedale on his personal email about a way on hoow to get paid everytime someone makes a phone call, turns on a light,, cooks their dinner, surfs the internet, and he will continued to get paid even when he is asleep, and his cell phone becomes a personal cash resgister, would he be interested in it and working with me? and phone he will save alot of money on his servies
  10. i'm wanting to contact philip directly
  11. does anyone know philip rosedale's current email address, cause he is my idol and i'd like to talk to him about something
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