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oberon Zuta

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Everything posted by oberon Zuta

  1. Dear Whirly Fizzle i did exactly what you told me - and now all problems are solved. I thank you very very much for your help! You saved my month! Oberon
  2. Hi i do SL on a imac, few years old, but on actual operating system. Before i was working on another imac. But on both imacs, even with different operationg systems, i can't do pics in ultra graphics without to have some weired random artefacts. Maybe is a sign of artifical stupidity or artifical demenz ... but maybe someone know this problem? I would apreciate any help. Oberon ps imac 20 GB ram radeon HD6770M 512MB, firestorm 5, osx 10.13 (but it was on any configurations the same except a little time between there was all ok)
  3. hello community an older ACER laptop was lying around so i installed ubuntu 14.04 and wanted to run friestorm viewer on it. I did install the 32 bit firestorm 'Phoenix_FirestormOS-Release_i686_4.7.3.47323'. But it wont run ... make some errors if i start from terminal in the unpacked firestorm directory with './firestorm'. It crates a lot of lines but finally comes that: ---- Context: creating window 1024x738x32 libGL error: unable to load driver: r600_dri.so libGL error: driver pointer missing libGL error: failed to load driver: r600 libGL error: unable to load driver: swrast_dri.so libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast The program 'do-not-directly-run-firestorm-bin' received an X Window System error. ----- i duckduckgoed a bit around and i guess is a driver problem with the graphic driver lib because maybe i need opensource driver ... i m very thankfull for any help - it will be cool to run sl on linux heheheh. oberon
  4. https://ello.co/wtf/post/manifesto please can someone invite me :)
  5. hi ladies i m thinking about to upgrade my flash player on os x maveriks 10.9.2 to the actual 12.0 version, becase safari is insisting to update. I heared that since version 11.7 flash don't work no more properly on macintosh with SLveiwer plugin. Does anybody know what's new about that topic? I'm happy for any help oberon
  6. Hello Community with the configuration in the subject i can't use voice chat. Before i updated the OS X from 10.6.8 i could use it. Do have someone any idea what settings i need to get it work again? i will be happy for any kind of help Oberon
  7. Thank you Nalates now i checked again my Open GL Version on my mac with GL Viewer the free App from the Apstore. With that tool i can test on different specs. i hv combatibillity Modus then it says i hv Open GL 2.1- with Core Modus i hv Open GL 3.3 - and with Apple Software renderer it goes just Open GL 4.4. I guess the SL Viewer search the compatibillity Version ... 2.1 - or ... Maybe another max^c user can watch with openeGL version he/she have in the help menu of sl or another viewer? Thank you for any help please oberon
  8. Hello community in the systeminfo's of my imac is a ATI Radeon HD 4850 and installed OPEN GL 3.3 with osx 10.9 maverik. My newest sl - viewershows in info follwing specs: (Second Life 3.6.12 (284506) Dec 3 2013 21:37:58) Grafikkarten: ATI Radeon HD 4850 OpenGL Engine OpenGL Version: 2.1 ATI-8.18.28 Do exist a SL-Viewer version for os x wich support OPEN GL 3.3? thank you very much for any informations oberon
  9. habe es im englischen Forum gefunden : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land/How-do-I-add-someone-to-my-linden-home/qaq-p/2396945
  10. Hallo ich habe ein Linden Home, eines das man bekommt, wenn man einen Premium Account hat. Es ist eines mit 512 SQM. Wie kann ich einem anderen Avatar Rechte geben damit er Boxen auf den Boden legen und auspacken kann oder, wie im Bestaetigungs-E-Mail von SL versprochen, Avatare neben dem Besitzer, auch Moebel hinstellen koennen? Weiss das jemand? Fuer jede Hilfe bin ich stets dankbar. Oberon
  11. hi ohjiro! cool what you do - but i am mac user If i do photographs i dont take it with a screenrecorder and per exactly definition is machinima not screen recording but drawn the rezzed szenery down to the Harddisk .. isn't it? Or even playback in SL. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machinima Why we dont have such a tool in sl? Would it not be a better service to develope a native machinima tool Only some thoughts breezing throu my brain ...
  12. thank you, nice examples - but is what i expected. With windlight settings u cannot convert colors of a object in black white. But i guess there are other apps for converting photos to Black and White or you can convert it here for free: http://www.photoshop.com/tools
  13. Kylie Jaxxon wrote: The Firestorm viewer has about 12 or so, black & white windlight options...I use them a lot I'm not aware of anything else without using PS or other progams after the fact. please, can u give a sample of a unmodyfied pic with this windlight settings?
  14. Hi Maddy i watched the video with the fox one more time and recognized that the first szene is not in the mouslook because there is only a mousepointer not the crosshair sign. technic - Second Life 3.6.1, OpenGL Version: 2.1 ATI-1.6.36, OS X 10.6.8
  15. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Oooh, oooh, oooh... I figured it out! That video was done in "Mouselook" mode. Enable DOF, then go into mouselook and cam around. The camera will focus on the center of the frame. If you hold down the "option"(Mac) or "alt"(PC?) key, the camera will no longer pan as you mouse around, but the camera will focus on whatever the cursor is over. If you let go of the "alt" key, you can then take a snapshot! hmmm maddy - sorry - yes thats great - but in mouslook i can't work - is not possible with the camera to pan around the object - only to pan around me. But in the videodescripten i read: 'It still needs a few bugs worked out (focus point tracking only works in flycam mode) but the effect looks great.' Fly Cam is the contrary of mouselook - isn't it?
  16. Hello Community in this video in the first scene happens exactly what i search for! The sharpnes layer (focus point) changes without moving the camera from background to foreground. Is this called 'focus point tracking'?
  17. Madelaine McMasters wrote: That requires more thinking than I'm able to afford at the moment! Hi Maddy - i do understand this - is not that i beg for a solution or that i'm totally dim in scripting, but before i try to do a thing like this - i may ask wheter it exists already ... Thank u very much for your help!
  18. Hi Madeline yes - u are right - my english is poor - lets talk the images! example If i have this frame with this little light spot on the nose and probably i decide to set the layer of sharpnes on the other eye without moving the camera not a half millimeter - how to do? Exist a HUD for that somewhere? Thank you for any ideas - Oberon
  19. Madelaine McMasters wrote: I think a HUD could be scripted using llSetCameraParams that takes the camera's current position and the current focus target position and from those two sets of coordinates, computes a distance. Then, by pushing "In" and "Out" buttons on the HUD, new focus target coordinates could be computed that place the focus target closer or farther from the camera, on the camera's current line-of-sight. When driving the camera manually, you can only set focus on actual things, because you must have a target for the alt-click. A script would not have this constraint. It could compute any coordinate desired, including those corresponding to blank space. The logic of the script should be reasonably easy, the computation of the focus target coordinates will require some trigonometry. Hi Maddy again - i am impressed about ur perfect understanding of my desire. Thank you very much for translating it to native english here an example I wish to change the layer of sharpnes to the other eye without moving the camera not a half millimeter. oberon
  20. Madelaine McMasters wrote: I think I have a little script that puts up a two button HUD that remembers a camera position when one button is clicked, and can return to that camera position when the other button is clicked. That could probably be altered to move the camera focus back and forth. Unfortunately, the way camera focus is determined in SL is not as a distance from the camera, but as an absolute coordinate position on the sim. You'd have to work out the camera's position, then compute the coordinates of a point ahead of the camera by the focal distance you want. I've no idea how smoothly this would work, but it's worth a try. Hi Maddy i guess thats exactly what i search for!
  21. Hello i found that CamaraParams and i ask - wheter it is possible to set the focus layer, the layer in wich the camera delivers a sharp image if depth of field is activated, to drive 'manually' by a little slider or wheel or something else in a HUD? And maybe to change the depth of field by the aperture also with a 'HUD'? Thank you for any idea - and i am not that nerd in scripting ... :)
  22. Jackson Redstar wrote: alt+ click on the subject you want focused. then use the ctrl+alt+arrow keys to pan/rotate, and shift+ctrl+alt+arrow keys to shift Hello Jackson yes - thats true but if i have a closeup the shift for one keystroke is around 1/3 of the face in 1000mm focal lenght ... I will place this problem in the scripting section too of this forum because i found this: LlSetCameraParams See i survived the change from analog Photography to digital Photography i m sure i will survive the revoution to inworld Photography too
  23. Madelaine McMasters wrote: I don't know of a way to manually set the focal distance, other than alt-click. I don't think this would be needed except for either machinima, or for personal enjoyment when camming around SL. For a static image, you can always move the camera after focusing it. Hi Madelaine - thank you for your input - but see - if u work with the maximum focal length the littlest move with the hud is like a worldtravel ... and if u set u r cam properly and u r frame set well - maybe u think .. hmmm lets drive with the focus layer a bit. I dont talk about scheimpflug - only the focus distance. The most shot i did are coincidently. I try as much as i have the focus on a good part, then i make the shoot. But in our world is all calculated - and i guess even the focus distance. I miss a little wheel for dirving with the focus forward and back - i talk only about static pics - photography - not machimia. thanks - oberon
  24. Frawmusl wrote: On the SL Viewer there is not much you can do to get a smoother camera except practice(or at least as far as I have seen on the options). Now if you look into other viewers such as Firestorm ( think) and Nirans(Machinima based) it becomes alot easer to get that nice smooth camera that you'd like when taking photos. I recommend Nirans, Its high quality and very very smooth. Lots of buttons you can push to make it even smoother hello frawmusl thank you for your answer unfortunately i m working with a mac - i have a windows layer and i m watching for a ubuntu - but i dont like to change always - I installed the exodus viewer - have also interesting options - but what the community think about tha: i guess that the colors are most beautyful in the SL viewer. oberon
  25. Hello and hi If i check depht of field then is important to bring the most important part of the image in the focus layer. It works automatically if i do alt+click on the subject i like to have sharp. But in same time if i cick on that subject it centers itself on the screen - if i drive around the focus keep itself even if is out of center. But if i like to refocus - afain is centered. I wist to drive softly the focus layer farward and backwards - does anybody have an idea how to make this? Thank u very much for each little help :/
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