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  1. its horrible...sl hide more and more his graphics and we see more and more black screens , makes me start hating this viewer. all IM in 1 box might be ok and usefull but add main chat in same box??? im hosting events and need to keep an eye on mainchat and the screen and answer IM, i cantg multitask this way, unless i cover my screen witgh 2 black boxes to rfead mainchat and my Im.s 1 box with Ims would do as long we would be able to type in normal chat , we be forced to chat in a black box and we cant evedn use hotkeys for gestures, than we must close the horrible blac k box again, or use the menu to use gestures...its 1 big disaster and for shure not makes sl nicer to use............is this a way to force all tgo use voice chat? bad idea to ............so please give us a option to use it or not use it, and not with make a vbox floating because tghats not the option we want, that stil makes youre screen cov er with to many black.............this might be tghe end of sl viewer for me to , ....... why oh why mess with such a great game to make horrible viewer use
  2. 16 wrote: there hasn't been any studies on this. There has just been lots of opinions expressed in forums and blog posts that correlation equal causation if talk to a SL baron who specialize in shop rentals. Then causation equal marketplace if talk to a SL baron who specialize in home rentals. Then causation equal linden homes if talk to a SL baron who specialize in roleplays. Then causation equal tiers to dam high if talk to a SL baron who also a baron on IMVU and a whole bunch of other worlds/games as well then causation equal realtor economy Maby better call it experiences with sim owners and store renters....... I do read between all lines from all people that do disagree or bounce back on the subject , don't get the topic starters wrong, they not want stop marketplace, they only want try to get a option to keep parts in SL. Shure more Sims will fall down, but they want try to find a solution before it totally falls down. I have the idea that its same as always, we have marketplace users that not pay 1 linden , and they will fight hard to keep them sales and the stores for free, but please people realise yourself that there always be need a IN world Game to sell any item. And a quote to Dillan, where she ask Why would LL help you.................whel why wouldn't they? We play the game proberly more as them , we see what happens to, and arnt we suppose to be open for all suggestions and ideas? I know its always do's and don's and yes and no, like greenie sayed before, its like politic,
  3. I read this topic with mixed feelings, how come people always go in straight defend or attack and not see the middle way. The way I read it is not a attack to marketplace or his users, but a defend to keep in world game alive, wish if IM right, a income for LL to. The people I see here are trying to keep the balance between both , what's the use of a marketplace when there is no in world game anymore??? And that's a matter for lindenlab to, I don't think they want see people move over to other worlds since sim be there lots cheaper, but they still miss out the people that hang around there, but they can move over fast and easy . Yes lindenlab takes commission of marketplace sales but what's the different in commission with a 10 linden dollar item or a 1000 linden dollar item, a big different. So if they go raise the % of that than only the big sellers pay for it and not the smalls I saw a note before , all fair for all that want try to sell on marketplace , but like someone sayed before to, it wouldn't be more as normal to do some input , so that's a list with people that only want make money but not want invest in the game, yes ok i invest i spend few linden dollars to buy a full perm mesh dress with shoes but thats all. Im a carpenter but I not go buy a hammer, IM not crazy duh why do I need a hammer? But I need server space to bring my items on marketplace, I need a sand box to build or to rezz them, and that I all get for free, yes for free, so if i make some money hooray, than it wouldn't be more as normal i pay some rent to and if its not in world, ( because marketplace is great to shop ) than pay rent on a server bit to cover my 10 linden dollar boxes , and if my business seems successful i rent a bigger place and a bigger , or i give up and go play in world ( if there still are nice places to hangout)
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